CLEVELAND, OH – Instead of confirming his United States (U.S.) citizenship when asked to deliver his father and mother’s immigration records, and his own H4 visa from his childhood that proves to Ohio voters they entered our nation legally, Bernardo Moreno Mejia of Medillin, Colombia, aka Bernie F. Moreno, chose to publicly insult this writer for raising the question. During his February 10, 2024 town hall, Moreno said men who wear panties are mentally ill as his affirmation of U.S. citizenship.
It was a slanderous and ignorant answer that made no sense given the fact Moreno has a son who wears panties, dresses in women’s clothing and is an accomplished pole dancing performance artist. Moreno was asked to prove he and his parents were legal Colombian aliens. Perhaps he didn’t understand the question.

Ohio voters voted in 2022 to enshrine citizenship in the state’s Constitution as a requirement of voting. To avoid another George Santos, the Brazilian alien liar New York Republicans elected to Congress, I raised the citizenship question to Cuyahoga County Republicans about Moreno’s family background. The goal was to avoid learning Moreno lacked the immigration records that made his presence legal if he was elected to face Democratic U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown.
Moreno was born in Colombia and wants Ohio Republicans to do no more than accept his “verbal” claim that his Colombian parents arrived and remained in the U.S. lawfully with their seven children in 1971. The story about his surgeon father being offered a surgical assistant’s job, “after” he arrived here without a U.S. medical license, confirms his Fort Lauderdale, Florida employer didn’t first get permission from Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) to hire him as an H1 visa’d worker.
Moreno’s father needed approval to work “before” he crossed U.S. borders. He needed an employer who had prior approval to hire an alien as a surgical assistant only if no American was qualified and wanted the job.
A picture Adam Andrew Moreno shared under his @avian_adam Instagram account featured him as a child wearing female clothing and a blonde wig on Halloween, declaring it the first time he dressed in drag. His younger brother, Kevin Thomas Moreno, is also dressed as a girl and wearing his mother’s shoes. Their sister, Emily, holds them both. The oldest Moreno child, Kathryn Moreno, is not in the picture and could be behind the camera. The picture could have been taken by Bernie or his children’s mother. The U.S. Senate candidate’s smiling sons appeared to have been between five and seven years old.
Adam Moreno didn’t lose the taste for women’s clothing he acquired under the grooming of his parents as a child in Boston. His artistic passion during his Brown University years was for “pole dancing” like a female exotic dancer. In an Instagram message he shared of his trying out a pole, Adam wrote “fuck that” to his own response that pole dancing was for girls.
Adam Moreno graduated from Brown University and studied veterinary medicine at Ohio State University. On his Brown University profile page, Adam Moreno is described as visiting Costa Rica and Panama to conduct ecological research. He’s also former president of the Brown University “Poler Bears.”
The Poler Bears under Adam Moreno’s leadership identified themselves as a gender neutral group of exotic performers. Flyers show their performance themes were Satanically inspired around the seven deadly sins. In an Instagram thread, Adam Moreno invited his followers to attend a performance to watch him do something “inappropriate.”
On Adam Moreno’s Instagram account were pictures and videos of an athletic and motivated young man enjoying his LGTBQ lifestyle with a partner in drag, high heels, wigs, cosmetics and extremely tight panties. They’re the kind of tight panties Moreno cowardly told his town hall audience would make someone mentally ill.
There were also pictures that contradicted Adam Moreno’s “girly” side. They portrayed a fearless, adventuresome tree and mountain climbing daredevil. His Instagram page features Adam Moreno hanging from tree branches and the sides of cliffs. The cliff hanging is not the kind of image a parent wants to see of a son they love knowing the risk to his life.
As an example, Adam Moreno appears to be the reason his father pole danced around the question of his car dealership’s support of the Ohio Fairness Act to protect homosexual, lesbian and transgendered Ohioans from facing discrimination. In 2021 Moreno pursued support from Conservative Republican organizations like the Center for Christian Values that were in opposition to the Ohio Fairness Act that his fellow U.S. Senate candidate, Matt Dolan, co-sponsored.
Moreno was seeking the endorsements of Christian-based Republican organizations whose membership did not philosophically conform with his personal family values. He couldn’t tell them he had added his business to the Ohio Business Competes roster of members who were formed to lobby in support of pro-LGTBQ rights in the Ohio Fairness Act.
What Tobias exposed was the same duck-the-question “tactic” Moreno’s using to deflect scrutiny of the legality of his parents immigration to the U.S. in 1971 and his own citizenship. Everything about Dr. Bernardo Moreno Mejia and Marta Mejia Pradilla’s published immigration story gives credence to concerns the Moreno’s are illegal aliens.
Unlike Ohio’s Conservative Republican base, Moreno is okay with the open borders that let his family in from Colombia to the U.S. in 1971. He wants a pathway to U.S. citizenship because of how his family arrived here. He supports an LGTBQ lifestyle because of his love for his son. Moreno has a right to his personal beliefs, just not while lying about them to Republicans who want him to promote the party’s agenda and not his own.
Ohioans should know if Moreno’s parents and their children were issued H1 and H4 visas; and that each remained in the U.S. lawfully by either becoming Lawful Permanent Residents or Naturalized by an oath of allegiance. Moreno’s insidious secrecy makes it more urgent for Ohio Republicans to demand the Colombian born alien deliver his and his parents immigration records to the electorate.