CLEVELAND, OH – Vice President and Willie Brown’s cum queen Kamala Devi Harris comes across as silly. The “cum queen” description comes from Judge Joe Brown. Twice, recently, the Vice President of the United States of America laughed when confronted by reporters about serious matters of public concern involving the southern border crisis President Joseph Robinette Biden created and the same with his self-created Afghanistan debacle.
Harris can’t explain the laughter because it would make her appear more unlike Americans than she already does as a daughter of Indian and Jamaican illegal immigrants born in 1964 and labeled a “Caucasian” on her Alameda County, California birth certificate. Under the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act in effect at the time of her 1964 birth, no more than 100 Indians were allowed annual admittance into the United States of America. No were eligible for citizenship. It was a very specific restriction tthat caused Harris’ illegal alien mother to be scheduled for a deporting hearing for worker fraud.
Laughing is associated with Hinduism in India where they have laughing clubs that forces people to laugh daily. They even laugh for world peace and to end hunger. Mostly they laugh for no reason at all when they get together. They just force themselves to laugh.
There’s an Indian physician in Mumbai, Madan Kataria, who founded a Laughter Yoga University in the Communist-loving nation in the mid-1990’s. He’s built over 3000 laughing clubs around the nation and wants 1 million around the world. The concept is based on “purposeful” laughing to increase self-confidence, positive emotions and “empathy.” Harris has been accused by critics of using laughter to gain empathy for herself when faced with tough questions and situations.
According to Yoga University founder Dr. Kataria, who’s trying to bring his brand into the United States of America, laughing is heart healthy. Indians also drink cow piss and eat cow “dung” in a mixture with bean curd to create pangevya to boost their immune system and cure ailments. They’ve got the most CoVid deaths in the world. I remember the words below from friends who followed Kataria in the 1990’s.
“Laughter yoga releases endorphins from your brain cells which trigger nitric oxide production from the blood vessels’ inner lining. Nitric Oxide reduces inflammation which will help to prevent the clotting in the coronary arteries.”
By the time immigrants and aliens are allowed to seek national elected offices they should have assimilated into the American way of life. They’re supposed to act, think and culturally reflect American traditions and values. Our political leaders don’t fucking laugh during crises.
It’s why Harris got less than two percent of the vote during her presidential campaign. Only Asian Indians supported her. The majority are illegal like her and only they could relate to her inappropriate laughing. She must have told a mentally-afflicted Biden she was “Black” and with his dementia he believed her. They both laughed together.
Had he remembered his American history Biden would have known that neither she nor Barack Obama were American Negroes. It might explain why Obama signed a law icing American Negro from the United States Census in 2016. I thought it was Donald Trump do did that shit. It’s another story.
I pray the legal defenders of American values have done all their research into Harris’ citizenship and are ready to deny her the presidency once Congress acts on Biden’s mental incapacitation. Based on her poor performance only the Indians are going to be pissed as the rest of us in the 98 percent majority will be ready to see the woman most Americans view so derisively go.
The last three presidents, Biden, Trump and Obama are descendants of immigrants and illegal aliens. If a candidate can’t prove to me they’ve got roots to the fucking Mayflower or ancestors who lived in our nation before our Civil War, I’m passing. You can call it discrimination if you want.