CLEVELAND, OH – The feature image is of the address Mayor Brandon Lee King, his mother, three brothers, his wife and a brother’s girlfriend all claim is their residence for the purpose of voting in East Cleveland elections. King’s new wife, Cleveland Clinic Nurse Practitioner Stephanie McCarroll, just changed her voter registration from a house on Antisdale in South Euclid to vote from the King family junkyard she doesn’t reside at on 1735 Elsinore Street in East Cleveland. The couple married last February 22, 2022.
Living in the city you’re voting in and seeking to hold elected office is a requirement of state law. Section 3.15(A)(4) and 3.15(B) of the Ohio Revised Code (R.C.) mandates that elected officials in all political subdivisions must be residents of the subdivision where they’re holding office during their entire term. There’s no authority for them to temporarily reside anywhere else with the intent of returning. They can’t leave if they want to hold elected office in a political subdivision.

The instructions to King, pursuant to R.C. 3.15(B), were to forfeit the office when he ceased being an East Cleveland resident. Since he did not live with his brother, Sheldon, at 1735 Elsinore when he campaigned for council, King had no legal authority to seek elected office in East Cleveland.
(A) “Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, at all times during one’s term of office:”
(3) “Each person holding an elective office of a political subdivision shall be a resident of that political subdivision.”
(4) “Each member of a municipal legislative authority who represents a ward shall be a resident of the ward the member represents, and each member of a board of education of a city school district who represents a subdistrict shall be a resident of the subdistrict the member represents.”
(B) “Any person who fails to meet any of the requirements of division (A) of this section that apply to the person shall forfeit the office.”

Section (B) doesn’t give King a choice as to whether or not he should have remained in office. He doesn’t live in East Cleveland. He’s required to forfeit job. It’s that simple. No dignified mayor would lie about living with 6 adults like a loser in a dump with his wife; who no one sees entering and leaving.
1735 Elsinore was built in 1899 and features three apartments with five small bedrooms. Each 1300 square foot rowhouse apartment comes with one bathroom. The property was acquired by King’s West Indian parents, Cecil and Norma, on January 1, 1975. The Cuyahoga County Auditor’s online records show the West Indian aliens as acquiring the property for $0.
King and his brothers Cecil, Norman and Sheldon, all men in their 50’s with multiple property holdings and families, are claiming to reside in the one bathroom rowhouse with their 82-year-old mother, Norma. Sheldon’s girlfriend, Raven Lewis, is also claiming to be a residential household member on official records. Cecil owns a well-maintained residential property at 8115 Crudele in Garfield Heights. Norma and Norman have created Fish Inc. LLC to own their shared residence at 5156 Austen Lane in Richmond Heights.
When the King family patriarch, Cecil, Sr., died in 2012 his obituary identified 15 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Records show the King clan adding more children who neighbors should see visiting matriarch Norma King at the dump that’s supposed to be her residence for voting purposes on Elsinore Street.

King was not a resident of East Cleveland when he campaigned for city council in 2013; and when he appointed himself from the council vice presidency to the office of mayor after Gary Norton was recalled in 2016.
Instead of council voting to elect King its president, so he could ascend to the mayor’s office, he appointed himself its president after voters removed Norton. The son of West Indian aliens declared, erroneously, that he automatically assumed the council presidency from the vice presidency. Like every other ruling he’s used to hold office unlawfully, or to obstruct council from learning how he’s awarding no bid contracts to his friends, King can’t support his excuses with a specific law. He must not believe the FBI is investigating the $300 and $3000 checks he’s been delivering to residents without council approval from East Cleveland’s share of federal American Rescue Plan Act money.
WKYC would have shared a different view of King’s “mentoring” Cleveland Clinic employee wife if they’d known she was adding to her husband’s political base with an illegal vote from the King family dump. Check out the green sign in the front yard that reads, “Please don’t litter. A community of achievement. City of East Cleveland.” It exists as evidence of the reprobate thinking associated with occupants who’d admit to living in a dwelling surrounded by filth.

From 2011 until November 2022, McCarroll voted in South Euclid elections. When she voted from 3837 Antisdale in November 2022, her vote was cast from a home she’d sold nine months earlier on February 27, 2022; 5 days after her marriage to King The address at the time she cast her vote was the residence of Bernard Fryshman and Rivka Gittel. In December 2022 she changed her voting address to 1735 Elsinore in East Cleveland; knowing she had never resided, and did not reside, in the city.
It’s unlikely she’s using the King family dump at 1735 Elsinore Street in her Cleveland Clinic personnel files. Ohio’s drivers license laws required McCarroll to inform the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles of her change of residential addresses within 10 days. It’s in Section 4507.09(C) of the Ohio Revised Code. King may have failed to discuss the law with his trusting new wife before asking her to risk her reputation and medical license to help him engage in election fraud.
“Each person licensed as a driver under this chapter shall notify the registrar of any change in the person’s address within ten days following that change. The notification shall be in writing on a form provided by the registrar and shall include the full name, date of birth, license number, county of residence, social security number, and new address of the person.”
King’s new wife, McCarroll-King, is a Cleveland Clinic nurse practitioner. Glassdoor lists salaries for employees in her categorty at $120,000 a year and up. She’d have to do a lot of lying to convince her Cleveland Clinic colleagues that she’s so in love with King, she’s willing to live with him, his mother, three brothers and his brother’s girlfriend like losers in a 5 bedroom, one bathroom, 1300 square foot rowhouse that’s surrounded by filth.

To even the most casual observer, the property King and his family vote from, and don’t reside in, is an unsafe and uninhabitable fire trap. I photographed the front of the property on March 17, 2023; and observed its entrances and exits were blocked with debris. I photographed the rear yard on March 20. It is as blocked with debris as the front. King’s brother Sheldon, who is supposed to be his residential room mate, is starting another junkyard at 12819 Speedway Overlook where he owns a single family home.
The condition of the mayor’s so-called “residential” address is an admission that he and his family, including a Cleveland Clinic nurse practitioner, are irresponsible losers living in a squalid fire trap. King’s claimed residential property is also a safety threat and health hazard to the neighbor next door; and the surrounding neighborhood. The debris is a nesting ground for vermin like rats, mice, roaches, termites, bedbugs, gophers, raccoons and more.

Pursuant to Section 1379.07(a)(b)(1) of East Cleveland’s codified ordinances, the King family lives in an “unsafe building.” The city’s ordinances require King to discharge the duties of “Securing unsafe buildings.” He’s criminally obstructed the enforcement of the law against himself and his family.
Section 113 of East Cleveland’s Charter gives the mayor the duty to enforce the city’s building and housing ordinances; and to assign inspectors to inspect and ticket the owners of unsafe properties like King’s “on paper” residence. Ord. No. 1379.07 reads as follows:

East Cleveland residents say the King family junkyard at 1735 Elsinore Street has become more of a neighborhood eyesore since its owner’s election as mayor. Prior to King joining council, the property was raided twice for drugs by East Cleveland police.
On paper it shows King’s brother, Sheldon, was arrested while the mayor and his mother and siblings used his residence as a voting address. If they all were living with Sheldon while he sold drugs, as it shows in their voting history, King has never shared his whereabouts when 1735 Elsinore was raided.

The conversation about where King lives, around East Cleveland city hall, is full of mysteries. Everyone’s heard stories but only his inner circle knows. Thieves of a feather flock together.
The most persistent story is that King’s driven to and from city hall in a police SUV by an East Cleveland cop who everyone thinks is next in the line-up of the 16 indicted cops King managed. Larry McDonald. The allegation is that McDonald keeps King from being followed in the $50,000 black Ford Expedition he bought himself with taxpayer funds. King’s been seen working out at Fitworks in Richmond Heights. Instead of reporting the mayor’s residency crimes against East Cleveland taxpayers, McDonald would keep his secret because King’s protected him.

McDonald’s name continues to surface as one of the violent cops King hired and promoted to terrorize the city’s residents, with the help of his unethical and now fired prosecutors, Willa Mae Hemmons and Heather McCollough. Council vacated their offices on January 26, 2023. King and Judge William Dawson are allowing them to impersonate prosecuting attorneys in violation of Section 2938.13 of the Ohio Revised Code.
King promoted McDonald after he was caught asking one of the indicted cops to give him his marijuana evidence for a “girlfriend.” McDonald shot 18-year-old Vincent Belmonte in the back of the head after turning off his bodycam when he engaged in a warrantless pursuit without probable cause. McDonald travels with non-resident King like his personal bodyguard.
He can’t fire the cop who keeps his residency secrets.