CLEVELAND, OH – When Cuyahoga County Board of Health Commissioner Terry Allan held a news conference on March 11, 2020 and announced he was letting nine out of 13 known CoVid 19 infected Ohioans “self-quarantine,” Governor Richard Michael DeWine should have had him arrested for disobeying sections 3707.04 through 3707.40 of the Revised Code of Ohio. It’s where 29 general laws establish the instructions every Board of Health in the state’s 88 counties have duties to obey and enforce.
Since Article III, Section 6 of the Constitution of Ohio instructed DeWine to enforce all laws, Chapter 18 and Section 4 of the United States Code told him to report all “felonies” to the appropriate authority under the federal “Misprision of felony” law. Allan was disobeying Section 3707.08’s instructions to “isolate the infected and placard” their homes with the name of the disease posted on it. Allan’s criminal misconduct would turn felonious when the disease spreaders were not contained; and the virus they were carrying turned into an agent of mass murder.
R.C. 3707.09 instructed the Board of Health to make sure Allan employed “quarantine guards” to keep the 9 out of 13 known CoVid 19 infected persons in their homes; and to protect them. There were no social distancing, mask wearing and sheltering instructions in place for “uninfected” Ohioans written into any of the state’s pandemic mitigating laws.
R.C. 3707.10 instructed the Board of Health to make sure Allan “disinfected” the homes of the known 9 of 13 CoVid 19-infected Ohioans at the county’s expense.
R.C. 3707.14 instructed the county board of health to maintain the 9 of 13 known CoVid 19-infected persons in their homes and to provide them with medical care and the necessities of life. That included hired nurses, mortgage, utility and insurance payments. This eliminated the need for mass unemployment and business assistance money.

R.C. 3707.16 told the 9 of 13 known CoVid 19-infected persons not to attend any public gatherings; and instructed the Board of Health to make sure Allan gave them written permission if they even thought about leaving for any reason as an instruction in R.C. 3707.08 that backs up R.C. 3707.16. The two words “self-quarantine” were not written into any law.
There’s more. R.C. 3707.20 told the Board of Health to keep infected people out of hospitals, jails, workhouse, infirmaries, schools any other institution around already sick people. That meant no sick hospital workers around uninfected patients. It meant infected institutionalized people were required to be removed from the institutions.
R.C. 3707.21 instructed the Board of Health and Allan to find “temporary buildings” to separate the institutionalized sick from the institutionalized healthy. This would have been an appropriate use for the Huron Hospital building Cleveland Clinic demolished in East Cleveland. The demolished St. Mary’s. The demolished Forest City Hospitals. The demolished Mt. Sinai. The same for the city hospital in Lakewood that Cleveland Clinic wants to demolish. All the Hill-Burton Act of 1947 Congress funded for permanent “free” hospitals have been destroyed.
Every other pandemic-mitigating law is equally as specific and narrowly-written as instructions to 88 county health boards and their commissioners; and the Ohio Director of Public Health. All they had to do was read them. They’re in English. It’s the same with journalists who only repeat what they’re “told” by a non-reading DeWine instead of reading the laws and asking his ignorant azz under what authority is he refusing to enforce them.
Below is the state’s first quarantine law. There’s no role for the governor to play written into the law’s plain English language other than for DeWine to ensure it and the others are obeyed “uniformly” across the state. Observe the section where the board of health’s members or executive officer is supposed to establish the facts. And here three key words separated within a parenthesis. “…and not otherwise.”

It means Dr. Amy Stearns-Acton’s duty was to report to Ohioans that 13 among us were known to be CoVid 19 infected instead of making up a lie DeWine ran with that the real number was 117,000 based on an “otherwise” guess. The lie DeWine ran with that made him a criminal was when he added that 100,000 were”infected and the number would “double every six days.” Again, Article III, Section 6 of the Constitution of Ohio gave the governor the “mandatory” duty to ensure that the following plain English language law that needs no interpretation was obeyed by Stearns-Acton as written.
3707.04 Quarantine regulations. In time of epidemic or threatened epidemic, or when a dangerous communicable disease is unusually prevalent, the board of health of a city or general health district, after a personal investigation by its members or executive officer to establish the facts in the case, and not otherwise, may impose a quarantine on vessels, railroads, or other public or private vehicles conveying persons, baggage, or freight, or used for such purpose. The board may make and enforce such rules and regulations as are wise and necessary for the protection of the health of the people of the community or state, but the running of any train or car on any steam or electric railroad, or of steamboats, vessels, or other public conveyances shall not be prohibited.
A true copy of such quarantine rules and regulations shall be immediately furnished by such board to the department of health, and thereafter no change shall be made except by the order of the department or the board to meet a new and sudden emergency. Effective Date: 10-01-1953
Had DeWine immediately stepped in when Allan criminally violated R.C. 3707.08 and the other general laws he suspended by not enforcing them, the same with the other four of 13 known patients, the mass murder that later occurred across the state would have been prevented. Notice how with each category of law DeWine allowed Allan and the Cuyahoga County Board of Health to violate at the onset of the contagious infection there are deaths readers can easily see could have been prevented.
3707.08 Isolation of persons exposed to communicable disease – placarding of premises. When a person known to have been exposed to a communicable disease declared quarantinable by the board of health of a city or general health district or the department of health is reported within its jurisdiction, the board shall at once restrict such person to his place of residence or other suitable place, prohibit entrance to or exit from such place without the board’s written permission in such manner as to prevent effective contact with individuals not so exposed, and enforce such restrictive measures as are prescribed by the department.
When a person has, or is suspected of having, a communicable disease for which isolation is required by the board or the department, the board shall at once cause such person to be separated from susceptible persons in such places and under such circumstances as will prevent the conveyance of the infectious agents to susceptible persons, prohibit entrance to or exit from such places without the board’s written permission, and enforce such restrictive measures as are prescribed by the department.
When persons have, or are exposed to, a communicable disease for which placarding of premises is required by the board or the department the board shall at once place in a conspicuous position on the premises where such a person is isolated or quarantined a placard having printed on it, in large letters, the name of the disease. No person shall remove, mar, deface, or destroy such placard, which shall remain in place until after the persons restricted have been released from isolation or quarantine.
Physicians attending a person affected with a communicable disease shall use such precautionary measures to prevent its spread as are required by the board or the department.
No person isolated or quarantined by a board shall leave the premises to which he has been restricted without the written permission of such board until released from isolation or quarantine by it in accordance with the rules and regulations of the department. Effective Date: 10-01-1953.
DeWine’s latest “curfew order” shows, again, he’s operating far outside any of the 29 pandemic mitigating laws enacted by the general assembly as he plunges the state into a further depression; and as he pits armed and angry Ohioans against each other while trying to enforce his unconstitutionally-unlawful “orders.” He’s far-exceeded the authority of the Office of Governor pursuant to Article III, Section 6 of Ohio’s constitution by ensuring all laws are enforced.

What every Ohio is witnessing every time DeWine opens his mouth with a new “order” that is not a “law” is an “elected official” with “law enforcement” duties disobeying the laws he had a duty to enforce. It means from a “liability” perspective that DeWine’s acts are not “authorized by law.”
Officially, DeWine is engaged in Misconduct in Office in violation of R.C. 3.07. That unsuspended general law, as well as R.C. 3.08, sets forth the process for promptly removing DeWine from the governor’s office as soon as 664,347 qualified Ohio electors, representing 15 percent of the number of voters casting votes in the last election for governor, collect signatures on a complaint petition that gets delivered to the court of common pleas where he resides in Franklin county.
3.07 Misconduct in office – forfeiture. Any person holding office in this state, or in any municipal corporation, county, or subdivision thereof, coming within the official classification in Section 38 of Article II, Ohio Constitution, who willfully and flagrantly exercises authority or power not authorized by law, refuses or willfully neglects to enforce the law or to perform any official duty imposed upon him by law, or is guilty of gross neglect of duty, gross immorality, drunkenness, misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance is guilty of misconduct in office. Upon complaint and hearing in the manner provided for in sections 3.07 to 3.10, inclusive, of the Revised Code, such person shall have judgment of forfeiture of said office with all its emoluments entered thereon against him, creating thereby in said office a vacancy to be filled as prescribed by law. The proceedings provided for in such sections are in addition to impeachment and other methods of removal authorized by law, and such sections do not divest the governor or any other authority of the jurisdiction given in removal proceedings. Effective Date: 10-01-1953 .
3.08 Removal of public officers. Proceedings for the removal of public officers on any of the grounds enumerated in section 3.07 of the Revised Code shall be commenced by the filing of a written or printed complaint specifically setting forth the charge and signed by qualified electors of the state or political subdivision whose officer it is sought to remove, not less in number than fifteen per cent of the total vote cast for governor at the most recent election for the office of governor in the state or political subdivision whose officer it is sought to remove, or, if the officer sought to be removed is the sheriff or prosecuting attorney of a county or the mayor of a municipal corporation, the governor may sign and file such written or printed complaint without the signatures of qualified electors. Such complaint shall be filed with the court of common pleas of the county where the officer against whom the complaint is filed resides, except that when the officer against whom the complaint is filed is a judge of the court of common pleas, such complaint shall be filed in the court of appeals of the district where such judge resides, and all complaints against state officers shall be filed with the court of appeals of the district where the officer against whom the complaint is filed resides. The judge or clerk of the court shall cause a copy of such complaint to be served upon the officer, against whom the complaint has been filed, at least ten days before the hearing upon such complaint. Such hearing shall be had within thirty days from the date of the filing of the complaint by said electors, or by the governor. The court may suspend the officer pending the hearing.
The removal proceedings filed in the court of common pleas shall be tried by a judge unless a jury trial is demanded in writing by the officer against whom the complaint has been filed. If a jury is demanded, it shall be composed of twelve persons who satisfy the qualifications of a juror specified in section 2313.17 of the Revised Code. If nine or more persons of that jury find one or more of the charges in the complaint are true, such jury shall return a finding for the removal of the officer, which finding shall be filed with the clerk of the court and be made a matter of public record. If less than nine persons of that jury find that the charges on the complaint are true, the jury shall return a finding that the complaint be dismissed. The proceedings had by a judge upon such removal shall be matters of public record and a full detailed statement of the reasons for such removal shall be filed with the clerk of the court and shall be made a matter of public record. Amended by 129th General AssemblyFile No.81, HB 268, §1, eff. 5/22/2012. Effective Date: 08-22-1995 .
DeWine is actively trampling on the U.S. Constitution and Ohio Constitution as he operates under no “legal” authority to mitigate a pandemic that has 29 “codified” instructions left by smarter politicians than this curve-graded dumb azz.
He’s the reason 32,000 Ohio law enforcement officers are operating with expired Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy credentials Attorney David Yost is now trying to clean up in secret. All the arrests are not lawful. All the police killings are murder. Every cop in the state is a law enforcement officer impersonator. There is not a single mayor in the state whose police chief has shared the truth that DeWine let them sign documents that should have been signed by the mayors for training.

His decision to lie about 62 physicians he accused of being “drug dealers” with no evidence in 2011 resulted in the pain management clinics shutting down. Ohioans in pain took to the streets for illegal narcotics. 4000 to 5000 a year have been dying from street narcotic drug overdoses. More this year thanks to this evil Nazi lunatic dictator’s economy closing. The attention on the fewer deaths from CoVid 19 is his way of keeping us from looking at the other Ohioans whose bodies are piling up in morgues across the state’s 88 counties.
DeWine’s family’s immigration status should be investigated. So should those of his back home relatives in southern Ireland. During World War II the Irish Catholic’s “taoseach” sided with Adolf Hitler’s Nazi’s. Taoseach is Irish for Prime Minister. Eamon de Valera signed Ireland’s condolescences when Hitler committed suicide. They didn’t like the Irish Protestants and lot of Protestants are dying in Ohio under an Irish Catholic governor who functions like he’s running a Nazi death camp.
Citizens of Ohio are forming to remove DeWine from office pursuant to R.C. 3.07 and R.C. 3.08.