Carl Stokes

I filed for the 11th Congressional District seat because Biden-Harris must be held accountable

EJBNEWS.COM is my website and I am a Republican candidate for Congress in the 11th Congressional District.

CLEVELAND, OH – What residents of the 11th Congressional District are not getting from the current Democratic representative in Congress is a detailed and knowledgeable report about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  The details and nuances of the discussion from a geographic and historical perspective are complex. The 11th Congressional District needs Brewer in Congress.  What we don’t need is another year of war and inflation fear now that President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ covid fear-mongering and divisiveness is over in time for mid-term elections. I am seeking the 11th District Congressional seat as a member of the Republican…

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The 1989 White – Forbes race for Cleveland mayor showed the Caucasian political power structure that American Negro voters controlled the city

CLEVELAND, OH – For some odd reason political thinkers have attempted to compare Cleveland’s 2021 campaigns for mayor to the 1989 campaign that featured veteran Council President George Lawrence Forbes against his protege, State Senator Michael Reed White, in the general election.  That year two American Negroes prevailed in the mayoral primary election for the first time in the city’s history.  From my perspective it was a campaign which clearly affirmed that American Negroes living in Cleveland no longer had to call themselves “minorities” as the city’s largest ethnic demographic. The Forbes-White matchup was the first dramatic display of the…

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American Negro Cleveland voters disgraced the ancestors and the race with their 7% to 14% turnout in the 11th Congressional District

CLEVELAND, OH – Everything thoughtful American Negro citizens of Cleveland worked and fought for is gone.  The banks.  Savings and loans. Gas stations. Pharmacies.  Theatres.  Supermarkets.  Dry cleaners.  Physicians offices.  Dental offices.  Law offices.  Civic institutions.  Political institutions.  Gone.  That includes the consciousness that in all we do American Negroes should never disgrace our race. What we’re left with is degraded American Negroes who call themselves “Niggaz” and see ignorance, greed and depravity as their culture.  It’s not mine.  Some of us aggressively refuse being called the “N” word by anybody. Our ancestors wanted that word outlawed like they did…

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In 1978 Kucinich was exposed as a racist who secretly used police to investigate his enemies and Cleveland voters who signed recall petitions to remove him as mayor after only 8 months in office

If he had real job skills Dennis Kucinich might have been something other than a candidate and an occasional guest on Russia Today. He should have a federal pension. Maybe he wants to add a state pension as mayor so he can afford to buy back the rest of his PERS time.

CLEVELAND, OH – Anyone who’s read the Dennis Kucinich Wikipedia page is informed about his one, two-year term as mayor that the Cleveland mafia put a death contract on him because he wanted to save Cleveland’s Municipal Light and Power plant.  The Wiki-story never says if the mafia who wanted him dead were the Russians, Irish, Italians, Serbians or his fellow Croatians. The death contract was pulled after the city entered default.  Dennis – the Progressive boy mayor – saved Muny Light.  That’s been the truncated version of Kucinich’s story about his two years of heroics as Cleveland mayor and…

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Cleveland’s Caucasian mayoral hopefuls are having a hard time collecting the 3000 signatures needed to get on the ballot

CLEVELAND, OH – So far none of the Caucasians seeking the 3000 signatures needed to get on the ballot for mayor of Cleveland have delivered petitions to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections.  American Negroes Zack Reed, Justin Bibb and State Senator Sandra Williams have filed.  There have been no filings, yet, from Irish Catholic Cleveland council president Kevin Kelley or former United States Representative and Croatia Dennis Kucinich. Sources say former Cleveland Clerk of Court Benny Bonnano, an Italian American, has a team circulating petitions on the west side as a possible “sneak” entry into the race.  Voters will know…

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Jones moved from S. Euclid to Cleveland Heights to run for Cleveland mayor

Basheer Jones just relocated from 3936 Orchard Road in Cleveland Heights to his remodeled home in Cleveland to campaign for mayor. He was living in South Euclid when he campaigned for Ward 7 city council in 2017. He left South Euclid for Cleveland Heights all while stealing from Cleveland taxpayers on council. He stands in front of the Jaguar he bought with money stolen from Cleveland taxpayers. The car was parked in front of his Cleveland Heights home at 3936 Orchard Street.

CLEVELAND, OH – Basheer Jones did not live in Cleveland, Ohio’s Ward 7 when he campaigned for the council seat against Cleveland resident T.J.Dow and won by 13 votes in 2017. He lived in South Euclid at 1670 South Belvoir Road.  Instead of relocating to Cleveland where he committed election fraud to campaign for a seat to join the city’s council, he relocated to 3936 Orchard Road in Cleveland Heights in 2018 where he now parks the Jaguar the money he’s stealing from Cleveland taxpayers bought him. Jones’ 16 gutless Cleveland city council colleagues know he’s a non-Cleveland resident like…

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