Michael Polensek

Mayor-elect Justin Bibb doesn’t have to wait until January 1st to replace Mayor Frank Jackson after the board certifies the election and he’s fully complied with Section 3517.10 of the Ohio Revised Code

CLEVELAND, OH – There’s statutory language in Cleveland’s charter that’s similar to language found in the East Cleveland charter as it pertains to the “term and qualifications” of winning candidates for mayor.  It explains why after defeating Ralph Perk, Sr. for mayor of Cleveland on November 8, 1977, Dennis Kucinich was administered his first oath of office to “succeed” him on November 14, 1977. Cleveland voters exercised the power of local self-government in 1980 with modifications to Chapter 11, Section 68 of the Charter that expanded the term of the mayor’s office from two to four years.  Changes were made…

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Blaine Griffin’s election as Cleveland council president puts Justin Bibb with a potential competitor who didn’t endorse him; and who won’t be his rubber stamp

In 2013 Blaine Griffin was serving as the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party's vice chairman when elections board officials learned Jane Platten and Brent Lawler had allowed over 67 candidates to enter offices in violation of Section 3517.11(D) of the Ohio Revised Code. As Council President-elect Griffin predicted, ex-Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty took no actions to enforce Title 35 as written since he would have been required to prosecute officials like Ed Fitzgerald, Frank Jackson and Judges like Deena Calabrese or even Joan Synenberg. Griffin has since learned that council can enforce the election law provisions in Cleveland's charter.

CLEVELAND, OH – The official vote for President of Cleveland city council doesn’t come until January 3, 2022.  Chapter 5 and Section 30 of Cleveland’s Charter sets the first regular meeting in January after a municipal election as its date of occurrence. In Cleveland incumbent returning council members “caucus” with newly-elected legislators after a municipal election before the first regular meeting in January to decide who among them should preside over the legislative body as president.  On November 5, 2021 the non-binding vote for Blaine Griffin was unanimous. The vote trashed a former unspoken “rule” that if an American Negro…

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In 1978 Kucinich was exposed as a racist who secretly used police to investigate his enemies and Cleveland voters who signed recall petitions to remove him as mayor after only 8 months in office

If he had real job skills Dennis Kucinich might have been something other than a candidate and an occasional guest on Russia Today. He should have a federal pension. Maybe he wants to add a state pension as mayor so he can afford to buy back the rest of his PERS time.

CLEVELAND, OH – Anyone who’s read the Dennis Kucinich Wikipedia page is informed about his one, two-year term as mayor that the Cleveland mafia put a death contract on him because he wanted to save Cleveland’s Municipal Light and Power plant.  The Wiki-story never says if the mafia who wanted him dead were the Russians, Irish, Italians, Serbians or his fellow Croatians. The death contract was pulled after the city entered default.  Dennis – the Progressive boy mayor – saved Muny Light.  That’s been the truncated version of Kucinich’s story about his two years of heroics as Cleveland mayor and…

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Dumb azzed petition scheming idiots should have withdrawn petitions before January 7th

The only official Bill Ritter can ask to withdraw the petitions to shrink council is the Secretary of State.

CLEVELAND, OH – The “authorized by law” procedure to withdraw the council reduction petition the committee that Westlake resident Tony George financed, and Garfield Heights resident Aaron Phillips met with Bill Ritter to end, is identified in section 3519.08(A) of Ohio’s Revised Code.  It’s in plain English and reads as follow under the heading, “Withdrawal of petition – ballot procedure.” “Notwithstanding division (I)(2) of section 3501.38 of the Revised Code, at any time prior to the seventieth day before the day of an election at which an initiative or referendum is scheduled to appear on the ballot, a majority of the…

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