President Donald Trump

California lawyer and CNN host Van Jones’ anti-Trump broadcast could send him to prison for violating federal, felony, broadcast laws

CLEVELAND, OH – Anthony Kapel Jones or Van Jones as he is known by his CNN audience is a Princeton University educated licensed California attorney.   Twice his license has been suspended for non-payment of fees.  He did not mispresent a client or steal their money. Broadcaster licensees and broadcasters are operating in the United States of America under the false illusion that violating federal broadcast laws are “civil” offenses when they cross lines that violate them.  They’re not.  They’re federal felonies and anyone with knowledge of a felony offense has a duty to report it to a court or civil…

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Herdman took a city worker without Mayor Jackson’s knowledge and used him to entrap Christian American Negro contractors

CLEVELAND, OH – Sometime before the November general election in 2017, I met with Mayor Frank Jackson and asked if he knew U.S. Attorney Justin Herdman had been using a supervisor in the building department to entrap unsuspecting American Negro contractors.  My recollection is our meeting occurred right after the 2017 primary campaign for mayor I decided to challenge him in.  He described my residency take down of Jeffrey Johnson as “cold” as he ripped him as unworthy of holding public office.  I agreed. I had shared with Frank that at a campaign stop on Lorain Avenue how Ronald O’Leary…

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Montgomery’s dying on December 8, 2020 for killing Bobbie Jo and cutting out her baby

CLEVELAND, OH – It costs about $96 a day to maintain a federal prisoner.  The 2020 U.S. budget will not include the $36,000 a year it’s been costing to keep Lisa Montgomery locked up and away from the rest of society at the U.S. Pennitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana.  She’ll be executed by lethal injection on December 8, 2020. Those federal tax dollars will be used to house another prisoner. Headlines are describing Montgomery as the first woman to be executed on death row since 1953.  It’s a “click bait” angle that’s not really a headline which sets the right…

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Gillum’s closeted homosexual lifestyle made him a national security blackmail risk had he won for Florida governor

CLEVELAND, OH – In 1954 President Dwight D. Eisenhower removed approximately 854 federal employees from working anywhere near the nation’s national security secrets.  Eisenhower did this under “the provisions of Executive Order 10450 of Apr. 27, 1953, appear at 18 FR 2489, 3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., p. 936, unless otherwise noted.” Exact language. This episode in history was dubbed by the media as “The Lavendar Affairs” because among the removed were a large number of homosexual men. The fact they were hired is evidence of the lack of discimination that existed at the time.  In a modern Christian nation sexuality…

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O’Malley is maliciously withholding exculpatory evidence of uncertified cops from criminal defendants

Michael O'Malley got mad at me when I called him the "stupidest son of a bitch" on the planet in front of Scene reporter Erick Trickey for his "Hit man for hire" piece about me in 2002. I wasn't disrespecting his mother. His curve-graded, racist ignorance disrespects all mothers whose love guided them to an education and public service. No "Christian" does this evil shit and loves the Lord. O'Malley is rightfully facing a complaint that he be removed from office. He has received evidence from Ohio's attorney general, as did his predecessors Tim McGinty and Bill Mason, that police whose charges he's presenting are impersonating law enforcement officers. When the prosecuting attorney of a county is engaged in a conspiracy under the color of law to violate the rights of every arrested citizen, he has to go. This is a Democratic run county and the criminals are the ones not obeying the Constitution of the United States of America, disregarding the Constitution of Ohio, and willfully failing to obey and enforce all the laws of the state and the United States. O'Malley and his co-conspirers operate like the Communist the U.S. Congress identified in the 1954 Communist Control Act every loyal American should read. If your elected officials can't explain how they're going to obey and enforce our Constitution when they're asking for our votes we should not be electing them. They're Communists and will refuse to obey and enforce it as they use public offices to violate all our rights.

CLEVELAND, OH – Michael O’Malley in his official capacity as Cuyahoga County’s prosecuting attorney has been copied, like his predecessors Timothy McGinty and William D. Mason, on “cease” letters the current and former Ohio Attorney Generals have forwarded to the office alerting them of felony crimes cops are committing by making arrests with expired Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA) credentials. What he hasn’t done is deliver the “cease” letters to criminal defendants as “exculpatory evidence.”  Instead, O’Malley and the county’s judges are criminally-involved in a real time conspiracy to deprive thousands of American citizens in Cuyahoga County of their…

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Trevor Noah confessed to being an illegal alien to U.S. Senator Graham in 2016


CLEVELAND, OH – Viacom and Comedy Central should face criminal prosecution for enabling and conspiring with illegal alien and South African Trevor Noah to work in the United States of America with absolutely no green card that authorizes him to be in this nation earning millions annually in stolen wages.  From his own Wikipedia page, and in his most favorable light, we learn this anti-American un-funny man – who sounds like a British sissy – has got absolutely nothing we desperately need to uplift our nation. We learn he’s a “coloured” being half-black and half-white.  He reveals his mother, a…

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