Russia Today

So how does Biden know when Putin’s invading Ukraine and how he plans to do it? He doesn’t.

CLEVELAND, OH – Globally the world is supposed to believe that the only politician with knowledge of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plans and strategies for invading Ukraine is President Joseph Robinette Biden.  That’s according to the headlines news search engines are selecting for Americans to read.  Biden in a speech prepared by the Asian Indian alien putting words in his mouth, Vinay Reddy, told Americans on February 18, 2022 why he’s sharing Russia’s war plans. “We’re calling out Russia’s plans loudly and repeatedly, not because we want a conflict, but because we are doing everything in our power to remove…

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In 1978 Kucinich was exposed as a racist who secretly used police to investigate his enemies and Cleveland voters who signed recall petitions to remove him as mayor after only 8 months in office

If he had real job skills Dennis Kucinich might have been something other than a candidate and an occasional guest on Russia Today. He should have a federal pension. Maybe he wants to add a state pension as mayor so he can afford to buy back the rest of his PERS time.

CLEVELAND, OH – Anyone who’s read the Dennis Kucinich Wikipedia page is informed about his one, two-year term as mayor that the Cleveland mafia put a death contract on him because he wanted to save Cleveland’s Municipal Light and Power plant.  The Wiki-story never says if the mafia who wanted him dead were the Russians, Irish, Italians, Serbians or his fellow Croatians. The death contract was pulled after the city entered default.  Dennis – the Progressive boy mayor – saved Muny Light.  That’s been the truncated version of Kucinich’s story about his two years of heroics as Cleveland mayor and…

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