Scott Hruby

Federal prosecutors and the FBI must add O’Malley’s failure to enforce and prosecute federal and state “color of law” election law violations between the elections board and prosecutor’s office

CLEVELAND, OH – Justin Bibb’s September 14, 2021 pre-primary election campaign finance report was required pursuant to Section 3517.10 of the Ohio Revised Code to be delivered “not later than 4 p.m.” on the 12th day before the election.  September 2, 2021 was the due date and Bibb’s campaign treasurer, Scott Hruby, delivered it on October 8, 2021. Failing to file on time violates Section 3517.13 of the Ohio Revised Code.  The heading is “failure to file.”  Because they violated Section 3517.10 and 3517.13 of the Ohio Revised Code, Bibb and Hruby should have two separate 1st degree misdemeanor charges…

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Justin Bibb’s online campaign finance filings are incomplete, he’s missed deadlines and he’s currently ineligible to assume the office of mayor on January 3rd

CLEVELAND, OH – What’s not in the Cuyahoga County Board of Election’s online campaign finance report filings for Cleveland mayor-elect Justin Bibb are his post primary election, pre-general election and post general election records.  What is in the online records is a pre-primary election campaign finance report showing Bibb and his campaign treasurer, Scott Hruby, as “1st degree” misdemeanor campaign finance law violators. If the letter of the law is followed then Bibb has no legal authority to “enter the office” of mayor of Cleveland on January 3, 2022.  The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections engaged in “misconduct” by allowing…

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Mayor-elect Justin Bibb doesn’t have to wait until January 1st to replace Mayor Frank Jackson after the board certifies the election and he’s fully complied with Section 3517.10 of the Ohio Revised Code

CLEVELAND, OH – There’s statutory language in Cleveland’s charter that’s similar to language found in the East Cleveland charter as it pertains to the “term and qualifications” of winning candidates for mayor.  It explains why after defeating Ralph Perk, Sr. for mayor of Cleveland on November 8, 1977, Dennis Kucinich was administered his first oath of office to “succeed” him on November 14, 1977. Cleveland voters exercised the power of local self-government in 1980 with modifications to Chapter 11, Section 68 of the Charter that expanded the term of the mayor’s office from two to four years.  Changes were made…

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