Xi Jinping

Cuyahoga County Exec Chris Ronayne has no business using local funds to support Bennie Netanyahu’s war on Palestinians

CLEVELAND, OH – If Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne doesn’t end the contract with the American Financial and Development Corporation for Israel (AFDCI) to buy $10 million in Israel Bonds, he’ll continue to do business with an unregistered entity and agent of a foreign government that will be using local tax dollars to fund the Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) war, extermination and displacement of Palestinians. More specifically, investing tax dollars in Israel bonds is a bad deal.  On April 18, 2024, Standard & Poor downgraded Israel’s credit rating from AA- to A+, and declared its long term financial outlook to…

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The Netflix MtF tranny trying to dump on Dave Chappelle’s free speech rights is playing a very weak hand with her overly-tolerant and patient employer

CLEVELAND, OH – A transgendered friend of comedian Dave Chappelle committed suicide in 2019 six days after she was viciously attacked on social media by by militant members of the GLTBQ community for defending him against them on October 11, 2019 as a fellow comic.  Chappelle had given Daphne Dorman the opportunity to open a “Sticks and Stones” show in San Francisco; so she knew him in a different way than his critics.  Nothing sexual.  Respect. Chappelle discussed Dorman in his “Closer” comedy show appearing on Netflix.  He was angry about a death he attributed to the hateful treatment she…

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