CLEVELAND, OH – A Russian billionaire client of former 11th Congressional District candidate Nina Turner’s Amare Public Affairs investors has expectedly found his home raided by law enforcement agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In January 2021, EJBNEWS reported how Mercury Public Affairs had “FBI, Manafort, Ukraine, Mueller and unregistered foreign agent problems.” The January 2021 EJBNEWS report drew the connection below to the relationship between RUSAL Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Oleg Deripaska and Turner’s Mercury Public Affairs partners.
“Turner, like the unregistered foreign agents the FBI is investigating, sought to portray that Americans, particularly Ohioans, were not interested in Russia’s interference in U.S. affairs. One of Mercury Public Affairs’ clients is Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska who Turner’s partners lobbied the Trump administration to ease sanctions.”
The reference to Turner’s Mercury Public Affairs partners and Deripaska above drew attention to her May 2017 appearance on MSNBC the same month ex-Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director and Attorney Robert Mueller to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. Turner with her statements, like U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, appear to have been seeking to draw public attention away from their own relationships.
Former U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton described Gabbard as a “Russian asset” in 2019. Gabbard sued Clinton for $50 million for defamation in January 2020 claiming the allegation was not true after she had described herself in those terms while criticizing a New York Post story. Gabbard dropped her claim against Clinton in May 2020 after the former U.S. Senator and attorney filed a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss “the Russian asset’s” complaint because it was not legally supported. Clinton blasted Gabbard for using the baseless and short-lived litigation as a publicity prop to raise money.
After Turner’s words Mueller’s special investigation would eventually uncover evidence that her Mercury Public Affairs investors were operating as unregistered agents of the Ukrainian and Turkish governments; and as an undisclosed “tool” of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Deripaska, the Republican National Convention in Cleveland and Turner’s Mercury Public Affairs investor would become featured prominently in Mueller’s 448 page report.
The relationship between Deripaska and Mercury Public Affairs begins on page 131 of the Mueller report. The official relationship between Mercury Public Affairs and Amare Public Affairs began on October 14, 2020 and a “fictitious name” filing with Ohio’s Secretary of State. Mercury Public Affairs LLC was the “registered agent” of Amare Public Affairs. Kathleen Jones signed for the Mercury Public Affairs LLC registration in Ohio as a Delaware corporation in 2016.
A fictitious name registration implies that Mercury or Highstakes is doing business as Amare Public Affairs. The fictitious name Amare Public Affairs is not a sole proprietorship, a company, a corporation or an LLC according to information on the Ohio Secretary of State’s website. Banks in Ohio are required to validate business filings with Secretaries of State and obtain EIN’s before opening an account. The Internal Revenue Service would require Mercury Public Affairs to file fictitious name petitions to obtain an EIN under the name of its Amare Public Affairs alter-ego if the two companies were separate. All the name changing doesn’t look good in the middle of a federal investigation.

What the relationship looks like is Amare Public Affairs appears to be a Mercury front company with a team that consists of Turner, Marvin Hayes, Turkish alien Ali Akin Kurnaz and a homosexual Colombian alien named Juan Penalosa. The assumption is they have signed a business operating agreement with Mercury Public Affairs to use the name Amare Public Affairs with Turner at the helm. [NOTE: Turner, Hayes and I served as special assistants to former Cleveland Mayor Michael R. White].
Kurnaz, the Turk alien, is one of the more curious members of the team. His Instagram page is written in Turk dili. Mercury Public Affairs is in “foreign agents registration act” troubles for its undisclosed contracts with the “genocidal” Turkish government. Filing after the fact is correct but doesn’t end the risk of criminal prosecution for not.
Mercury Public Affairs was supposed to completely end its agreement with the Turkish government on October 23, 2020 according to its Foreign Agents Registration Act filings. The company should have had no further need for a Turkish alien unless the relationship was crafted as a favor to keep him in the United States of America. As loosely as Mercury Public Affairs has complied with federal espionage laws, it’s doubtful Turner or Hayes thought to obtain I-9 confirmation that either Kurnaz or Penalosa were eligible to work in the US from the United States Department of Labor; or that either validated Kurnaz and Penalosa’s claims of citizenship.
Even after Mueller was known in May 2017 to be launching an investigation that would include Manafort and 37 others being convicted for espionage law violations and more, Mercury Public Affairs was entering a six figure per month agreement with a member of Britain’s House of Lords … Lord Gregory Barker. The “Brit” was one of Deripaska’s partners in another aluminum business operating as EN+ Group plc.
Turner’s investor’s company was tasked with lobbying members of the U.S. Congress to remove sanctions former President Donald Trump through Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin had imposed on Deripaska and his companies in 2018. As an official of the British government Mercury was supposed to register its relationship with Lord Barker.
Deripaska had been appointed to lead RUSAL in 2009 by a board of Putin’s people. He asked for a visa to enter the United States of America that year and was given limited access under FBI oversight. It means his interactions with Americans were monitored and required to be reported. His business dealings with his ex-partner, Manafort, are outlined in former Special Counsel Mueller’s report. Manafort and Deripaska ended up as partners and then as angry litigants against each other.
While in the United States of America in 2009 Deripaska met with Blankfein and Cohn. The relationship for Deripaska had already been nurtured between Goldman Sachs and Putin when Blankfein entered contracts with the Putin administration and opened a Moscow officer after the Soviet Union collapsed. Blankfein’s money at Goldman Sachs was affected by the sanctions imposed on Deripaska in January 2018. It may explain why his sanctions were short-lived.

On December 19, 2018, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) announced a ruling removing corporations Deripaska had previously controlled from its sanctions list. EN+ Group plc, a Russian mining, metals and energy group; United Company RUSAL, the world’s second largest aluminum company; and SC EuroSibEnergo. They had at least on paper reduced Deripaska’s control. The Secretary of the US Treasury ordered Deripaska to be identified as a Specially Designated National (“SDN”). The legal definition of an SDN is found at Title 31 of the Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 515.306(a).
“(1)Any person who is determined by the Secretary of the Treasury to be a specially designated national, (2) Any person who on or since the “effective date” has acted for or on behalf of the Government or authorities exercising control over a designated foreign country, or (3) Any partnership, association, corporation or other organization which on or since the “effective date” has been owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the Government or authorities exercising control over a designated foreign country or by any specially designated national.”
RUSAL is the second largest producer of aluminum in the world. Deripaska’s company held the number #1 market position until China outproduced him in 2016. The FBI raid on RUSAL CEO Deripaska’s home – that appears timed while aluminum prices are skyrocketing – may not be a coincidence. He’s made aluminum profitable by joining with former Goldman Sachs chairmen and Russian Jews Lloyd Blankfein and Gary Cohn in deals where they stored the metal in warehouses to create an artificial scarcity of it in the marketplace. Cohn learned of the scheme while visiting Great Britain in 2009 and introduced it to Blankfein.
Cohn didn’t last a year as Trump’s National Economic Council director. A government job requires reading and obedience to laws, regulations and White House advisories. Stealing and market rigging does not require much individual literacy as long as a member of a global organized crime gang with an idiot in it can read. Cohn, Blankfein and Deripaska simply had to buy warehouses, aluminum plants and slow down the final production of the raw material used to manufacture finished products. They even had enough money to own the mines.
Since the Goldman Sachs scheme was articulated to Blankfein by a self-professed idiot Shaker Heights public school student, it didn’t take long for it to be exposed by corporate leaders like Dave Smith of Coca-Cola. It took less than a year for Congress to learn the idiot-conceived scheme and to launch an investigation in 2010.
Coca Cola’s Smith ripped Blankfein, Cohn, Goldman Sachs and global players like Deripaska for the warehousing scheme because it was driving up the cost of aluminum to the beverage industry, automotive industry and other corporations dependent on the metal. The scheme is outlined in the book, “The Secret Club That Runs the World: Inside the Fraternity of Commodity Traders,” published in June 2014 and authored by Kate Kelly. It’s evidence of how quickly the Russian Communists and Russian Jews were caught.
The problem for America with the Deripaska relationship between him and the individuals pretending to be loyal Americans he’s doing business with is that the billionaire takes orders directly from Putin. The use of the word “orders” is intentional as EJBNEWS readers will see in the video above of an interaction between Putin and Deripaska in Russia.
Putin treats the billionaire like a lying child when he asks oligarchs in the room if they’ve all signed an agreement to restart a factory they closed; and whose workers they made jobless. He specifically asks Deripaska if he’s signed the document and is told a lie when he answers yes. Putin says he doesn’t see his signature and orders him to get up and sign it.
When Deripaska signs and then walks off with his pen Putin tells him to give it back. Deripaska has absolutely no “man” in him as he does what he’s told. Neither do the other Russian “oligarchs” Putin’s allowed to oversee “state controlled” corporations. He accused them of scrambling like cockroaches when they heard he was coming. Autocratic control. Russians still live under a czar.
With Deripaska being such a known Putin puppet the idea that Mercury Public Affairs, an unregistered agent of numerous foreign governments, was lobbying to aid him was alarming to Americans loyal to our nation. Mueller’s investigation revealed what he would expect to find with an unregistered agent of foreign governments. Mercury Public Affairs was aiding a Russian national who was believed to have delivered inside information about Trump and other national defense secrets directly to Putin.
As confirmation of Deripaska’s acquisition of information about Trump that made its way to Putin, Russian prostitute Anastasia Vashukevich, also known as Nastya Rybka, photographed Deripaska and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko on the billionaire’s yacht. She said they were discussing the Trump campaign. The conversation between the two men further emphasized the Russian Federation’s control over its “nationalized” industries.
When Walden O’Dell chaired Diebold and sold Robert and John Urosevich’s electronic voting equipment out of Canton, Ohio in 2000 the corporate CEO also operated out of an office in Moscow within a 15 minute walk of the KGB’s headquarters and 30 minutes of the Kremlin. U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio Steve Dettelbach knows first hand how O’Dell’s team bribed the Russian Federation’s bureaucrats to the tune of $1.8 million to put its ATM’s in the Kremlin’s banks. Dettelbach prosecuted the case “civilly” and not “criminally” for the Securities & Exchange Commission as an appointee of former President Barack Hussein Obama.
What makes doing business in Russia troublesome for Americans, or people claiming to be Americans, is that the majority of Russia’s economy is “nationalized” according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In a 2014 “Fiscal Transparency Evaluation” of the “Russian Federation,” the IMF revealed how the Putin-controlled government owns more than 70 percent of the economy’s businesses. Russia’s oligarchs are “made” by their association with Putin who exists in the form of the Meyer Lansky of politics. Deripaska confirmed the 70 percent figure to the Financial Times during a 2019 interview.
When a Deripaska invests $200 million into an aluminum plant in Kentucky, and controls 40 percent of the ownership, he’s putting Putin’s Russian Federation in control of a major U.S. “national defense” facility. When Parker Aerospace operates between Moscow and the United States of America, and contracts with a small company in Warren, Ohio called Warren Precision Products to make 30,000 missile pins per month, what Americans don’t know is if the product is being made to protect or destroy them. Bills of lading from Niles, Ohio to Russia exist.
Loyal Americans are not involved in Logan Act, Espionage Act, Foreign Agents Registration Act and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act interactions with foreign government officials; or operating against our nation’s interests as their secret agents. The idea of weakening the nation our grandchildren will live in is insane.
Dealings with a foreign government’s agents never works out for the Americans involved. If a foreign government’s agent knows you’ll betray your own nation they’ll never trust you after a takeover. It’s why so many aliens are here in the United States of America after their successful back home revolutions and wars. They had to flee their success. Cleveland’s Catholic churches hid war criminals from damn near all of Eastern Europe’s wars.
Traitors should consider the truth behind Leon Trotsky or Lev Davidovich Bronstein after his Russian Revolution roles and split with Vladimir Lenin that saw Josef Stalin installed as Russia’s new Communist ruler. Stalin had Trotsky jailed and then kicked him out of Russia. After living illegally in New York Trotsky fled to Mexico City where Stalin sent a team to assassinate him. Bye, bye Lenin’s brand of Communism. Long live Stalin and the Soviet Union from 1919 until he died in 1953; and his “struggle” died 38 years later in 1991 with the Soviet Union’s collapse. His daughter and grandchildren live in the United States of America.
What Stalin got right in Russia was a 14 year jump on international espionage before Congress in 1946 enacted legislation to create and fund the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA didn’t go live until September 18, 1947. By then the NKVD Stalin gave birth to in 1934 was 14 years old and we’d already been heavily-infiltrated with illegal Russian aliens like the Ratner, Miller, Mandel and Newhouse families.

FBI Director John Edgar Hoover had made it hard for the Communists from 1919 until he retired in 1972. So did all our Presidents except Commie-loving Franklin Delano Roosevelt between William McKinley and David Dwight Eisenhower. Eisenhower was the last real anti-Communist warrior to occupy the White House. He’s also the one who purged the Pinkoes and said “fuck you” to Israel.
Manufacturing is associated with national defense. Our factories should be located inside the United States of America and ownedand worked in by flag waving Americans. Aluminum is a precious metal that’s important to our nation’s defense. An aluminum plant in America should not be under a Russian national’s influence or control. The same with the foreign nationals of China, Turkey, Israel, Ireland, Saudi Arabia or any other nation. The same with our media and institutions.
Mercury Public Affairs’ two former partners, Kirill Goncharenko and Fabian Nunez, are in litigation against Mahoney. They’ve formed a new company and are taking Mercury’s clients and employees. Mahoney says they’ve violated non-compete clauses, according to court filings.
If the two ex-partners have taken any of Mercury Public Affairs foreign government clients they’re doing the same thing with NewCo that they did at the former. They’ve not registered with the United States Department of Justice as foreign agents. NewCo is the name of their “new company.”
The Amare Public Affairs website still features Turner as the managing partner so she appears to have remained with Mercury Public Affairs and Mahoney.