CLEVELAND, OH – The identities and backgrounds of the three men Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, appears to have shot and killed or wounded in self-defense – as video footage shows him being beaten by two of them – have not been highlighted by the nation’s mainstream media. This is particularly so for newspapers, television and radio stations Russian Americans own or control as chief executive officers.
Now that it is confirmed Joseph Rosenbaum was one of the people shot and killed by alleged gunman Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, I filmed him earlier in the night taunting the armed civilians, saying, "Shoot me, n***a."
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) August 27, 2020
The two dead Antifa anarchists are Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. The wounded Antifa anarchist is Gage Paul Grosskreutz. All three are are children of Russian immigrants who possess criminal records. Rosenbaum like late Russian American Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted pedophile.
What published reports aren’t showing is that they appear to have attacked Rittenhouse and he responded in self-defense. Rosenbaum in one video is recorded saying, “Shoot me nigga. Shoot me nigga.” The “N” word is offensive to American Negroes who view it in the same light as South Africans leading the African National Congress. It’s hate speech.
Rittenhouse, 17, is from Antioch, Illinois and the criminal complaint against him says he opened fire after an Antifa anarchist threw a plastic bag filled with unknown fluids at him. Some of the bags have been revealed to contain piss, shit and chemicals they’ve thrown at civic-minded and patriotic Americans like Rittenhouse.
At a Unite the Right rally in 2017 television personality Katie Couric tweeted how her producers were sprayed with urine. One man was hit with a motor oil filled balloon by an antifa anarchist.
Among the footage of the anarchist carnage the three Russian American criminals wreaked on Kenosha, Wisconsin, as this group has infiltrated peaceful protests of American Negroes across the nation, is a video showing Rittenhouse being kicked by Huber and beaten with a skateboard.
The violence antifa anarchists call themselves wreaking on Kenosha is allegedly a response to the brutal shooting of Jacob Blake by cowardly municipal cop Rusten Sheskey. Like the three antifa anarchists, Sheskey is descended from Russian aliens.
Anarchists have been demanding that police across the nation be defunded. President Donald Trump defunded “uncertified” police departments 22 days after George Floyd’s murder with an executive order instructing the U.S. Department of Justice not to spend a federal dime with them.
His act made all protests “continuing” under the guise of a defund the police demand moot. So there’s been no basis for a defund the police march since June 16, 2020.
It will take time to obtain the full criminal histories of the three men Rittenhouse shot after he was knocked to the ground, kicked and beaten with the skate board, but early searches of public databases show Rosenbaum as engaging in sexual misconduct with a minor; Huber as strangling someone; and Grosskreutz as an armed burglar.
Grosskreutz is allegedly restricted from possessing a weapon; but footage of him in Kenosha shows this violent anarchist thug as being armed with a handgun. With their criminal records all three were operating in violation of the city’s 8 p.m. curfew.
Every media attempt to characterize Rittenhouse as anything other than an American citizen with an interest in law enforcement would be maliciously false and defamatory.
From my East Cleveland perspective as a former mayor, I see and can name American Negro youth like him I hired and encouraged to join the city’s police and fire department. They were members of Shaw High School’s police and fire cadet training programs; and a better fit for the department than the racist untrained thugs from other communities the city now employs.
Even in the claim that he was involved with “militia-minded citizens” appears to be intentionally inflammatory as immigrants entering this nation don’t understand the consciousness of people whose economy is “total war.” The concept of a “total war economy” means the nation’s natural citizens are “armed” and ready to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. So every able-bodied citizen of this nation’s states are automatically in the “unorganized militia.”
This law is found in Ohio pursuant to Section 5923.01(D)(2) of the Revised Code. Citizens in total war economies don’t surrender weapons and the immigrants thinking we have too many guns, and cops trying to take them, are un-Americans.
“D) The unorganized militia consists of all citizens of the state to whom all of the following apply: (2) They are more than seventeen years of age and not more than sixty-seven years of age.”
Rittenhouse was interviewed by the Daily Caller as he stood in front of a business owner’s business with other American men who understood the need to protect them from being vandalized and looted by armed and violent neighborhood-killing anarchists. Anyone who has seen the aftermath of that anarchist economic “Red Summer II” savagery in Cleveland understands.
“So people are getting injured, and our job is to protect this business. And part of my job is to also help people. If there is somebody hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle — because I can protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit,” Rittenhouse offered as a reasonable explanation for his presence.
Russians were restricted from being admitted access to the nation under several laws this nation enacted beginning with the Chinese Exclusion Acts of the 1800’s. The Anarchist Exclusion Act of 1903 sought to restrict their Eastern European presence here. So did the Espionage Act of 1917 as well as the Emergency Immigration Quota Act of 1921 signed into law by President Warren G. Harding.
Russian immigrants make up approximately 1.6 percent of the nation’s population. The majority of Russians calling themselves Americans are descended from illegal immigrants who entered the nation with fraudulent credentials like the Forest City Enterprises Ratner family’s uncles and grandparents did in the early 1900’s. Wisconsin U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar is on record as saying her Russian immigrant ancestors arrived here illegally.
33 Russian Americans whose ancestors may have immigrated here illegally serve in the U.S. Congress. 21 in the House of Representatives. 12 in the U.S. Senate. Russian American Bernie Sanders (aka Gitman) became the first “known” Russian to compete for president in a major political party’s primary election as his “Progressives” sought to take over the nation.
After their violent “Red Summers” of 1917 through 1919 resulted in the slaughter of American Negroes in cities like East Saint Louis, Illinois in 1917, President Woodrow Wilson assigned U.S. Attorney General Alexander Mitchell Palmer and FBI Director John Edgar Hoover to round up over 4500 “Bolsheviks.” 240 were deported to Russia aboard the USS Buford where they were kept in line by Josef Stalin.
Twice Russians in Palestine have attacked the U.S. Once during the Lavon Affair in 1954 where they planned to bomb places Americans attended to blame on the Egyptians. A second time in 1967 when the cowards in the Israeli Defense Forces attacked the USS Liberty and slaughtered 34 U.S. sailors. 171 were wounded.
[All photos fair use for educational purposes.]