CLEVELAND, OH – I was stunned when I voted for myself for Congress in the 11th Congressional District and saw that 17 Republican attorneys had not filed for one of 17 court of common pleas judgeships for this year’s primary election. It means 17 Democrats on the other side of the ballot will have no Republican opponent in November. The filing deadline for Independent candidacies is May 2.
The salary of a court of common pleas judge is $155,000 anually. A municipal court judge earns $146,000. Terms are six years. Democratic Cuyahoga County Prosecuting Attorney Michael O’Malley, again, has no Republican opponent. I remember when former Judge Michael Elba Jackson won a court of common pleas judgeship with $4500 in campaign funds.

In a recent conversation with Cuyahoga County Republican Party chairwoman and attorney Lisa Sticken, she agreed that a slate of 17 Constitution and civil rights loving new judicial candidates could have easily campaigned as a judicial reform ticket to dispense constitutionally correct justice that holds all sides accountable. She spoke of the challenge of getting candidates to seek elected office as a Republican. Until I decided to campaign for Congress as a Republican in the 11th Congressional District the party did not have a candidate. Sticken assigned volunteers to help me collect the 50 signatures I needed. Candidates should see past the false media-manufactured image of local Republicans and see the opportunity.
Americans voting in Cuyahoga County want crime addressed without the unconstitutional policing, prosecutorial and judicial misconduct. The idea of ankle bracelets before trials is offensive in a state where the presumption of innocence is a right mandated by a state general law found in Section 2938.08 of the Ohio Revised Code.
No homeowner feels good losing homes because of violated constitutional rights. Artificially inflating the property taxes of poor homeowners because of nearby home sales, and foreclosing on them for not affording the significantly higher tax, should be viewed as a criminal act and banned.
The search of the privacy protected information stored behind your license plate number because you’re driving on a city street violates the 4th Amendment and federal National Crime Information Center laws. An NCIC hit alone is not probable cause to arrest.

Grocery stores and neighborhood clinics were included uses in the $512 million American Rescue Plan Act money Congress sent to Cleveland in the 11th Congressional District. Bailing out a Shaker Square developer that results in a $10,000 a month contract for ex-CMHA Director Terry Hamilton-Brown was not among the federal fund’s intended uses. Congress intended to make property owners whole who were forced to house non-rent paying tenants. Silence while Cleveland city council and Mayor Justin Morris Bibb squander the federal dollars Congress intended for the Americans who duty-exceeding politicians determined were “non-essential” is not an option.
Two of my former Democratic friends pulled Republican ballots and voted early for me in the 11th Congressional District for Congress. They also voted for Judge Wanda Jones. I am currently a member of the Republican Party’s executive committee, and I have asked Chairwoman Sticken for an appointment to the Central Committee. I live in Cleveland’s Ward 1 so I intend to rebuild the Republican ward club in my ward and hold meetings. It’s the same with my two American friends from Glenville and Fairfax. They want central committee membership to rebuild the Republican ward clubs in their respective wards.
There are 332 precincts in Cleveland. Each precinct should have an American who represents the Republican Party participating and engaging with voters on behalf of the party’s candidates. In each of Cleveland’s 17 wards, 332 Republican central or precinct committee officials should be split up and meeting, learning and strategizing monthly with potential candidates who seek to fill upcoming public office vacancies. There is influence in numbers.
332 organized Republican central committee members with direct access to the Cleveland electorate can collect the signatures for an initiative, a referendum on an ordinance, a charter change amendment or a recall within a week. That’s just in Cleveland.
In every 11th Congressional District municipal corporation precincts should be represented by Americans participating in more than one political party. In every community Americans should be meeting with their local mayors, council members, judges, school boards members, library officers and board and commission appointees about their budgets, audits, spending and policy decisions. That’s the power of working together on achieving specific political goals through a political party by conscientious Americans.
As an American Negro with pre-Civil War and American Revolution roots to our nation, I know the Republican Party has been the American rights and civil rights party. With my involvement American rights and civil rights will be ward club discussions. I was the same when I voted as an Independent or for some of the Democratic candidates I knew. You bring your self, your consciousness, the issues you believe are important to a party or a campaign.
As a candidate for Congress I am deeply concerned about America’s national security in real time. My two Democratic opponents are not. They are the national security risks. I served in the United States Air Force and in Thailand during the end of the Vietnam War. I volunteered for the assignment. I also understand weaponized media from a militaristic perspective having studied it in U.S. Department of Defense libraries. Without a doubt foreign influences have weaponized American media against Americans.
It was clearly the Republican Cleveland and Cuyahoga county judges saying “no” to firing employees who chose not to be injected with untested and unproven “covid” vaccines. Every order, mask mandate, business closing and disruption of official proceedings in the 11th Congressional District came from duty-exceeding Democratic Party elected and appointed public officials.
Though he is a Republican governor, Richard Michael DeWine’s quack Democratic ex-health director, Dr. Amy Stearns-Acton, is the appointed public official who started the civil rights violating lunacy. She lied that 117,000 Ohioans were covid infected when she knew the actual number was 13. Nine from Cuyahoga County. Her Ohio Medical Board application shows Stearns-Acton as answering yes to being treated for a mental illness or drug addiction.
From an American perspective it is Republicans who protect our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms without the police state “guns off the streets” thinking coming from Democratic run cities in the 11th Congressional District. That thinking has been wiped out by our state’s new permitless concealed carry laws. The United States Department of Justice in its civil review of Cleveland policing warned mayors, councils, judges and prosecutors that guns should be viewed by police as no different than a cell phone. The possession of a weapon is not probable cause.
It is Republicans who protect our unborn children in the wombs of their mothers. It is Republican written laws that protect their rights as Americans outside the wombs. It is Republican written laws that keeps them free from the indoctrination of abominations Democrats want governments forcing into our children and grandchildren’s consciousnesses. It is Republicans who are writing laws to protect our elections from those who have no rights to access them.
There are Clevelanders like me who believe mayoral control of the Cleveland Municipal School District has been a failure. We see the Republican Party as the avenue to get the school board voted on by the people and not appointed by the mayor. The school board elected by the people should hire the superintendent like they do in every other municipal school district across Ohio.
There are 11th Congressional District residents like me who see Cuyahoga County “reform” as an abject failure. We see the Republican Party as the avenue that will restore the same form of county government that existed before and in 87 out of 88 Ohio counties. The commissioners along with the sheriff, prosecutor, auditor, treasurer, recorder, engineer, coroner and clerk of the court of common pleas should be elected by the people … again.

There are also some of us who would like a return to partisan elections in Cleveland between Republican and Democratic candidates for mayor, council, municipal court and clerk of court like it was until 1973. The run-off system is not democracy when all the candidates are spewing the same un-American Democratic nonsense. Clevelanders don’t even get to have a local election conversation about why public employee unions should be banned, again, from negotiating wages and benefits with public employers. This council passes emergency resolutions creating “programs” to put free tampons in public restrooms.
If you have never voted in a primary election May 3, 2022 is the date to pull a Republican ballot to make your voting relationship with the political organization “official.” We already know from performance how the 11th Congressional District’s Democratic Party candidates and office holders have created the most constitutionally violative political bureaucracies in the United States of America with no end in sight. There are reasons the 11th Congressional District’s residents in Cleveland are the poorest and most constitutionally abused.
As a Republican candidate for Congress I will talk about how local Democratic elected and appointed public office holders are violating constitutional rights, misappropriating federal funds, educating foreign students over our own, giving our local government jobs to foreigners instead of Americans, have ruined our economy, inflated our cost of living and are leading us to a war with Russia and China.
The two new Republicans who voted for me want to join the Central Committee, rebuild Republican ward clubs in Glenville and Fairfax and host meetings. Like me they agree that now is the time for Clevelanders and residents of the 11th Congressional District to act on the truth that there’s no benefit to remaining loyal to un-American Democratic candidates and political office holders. For those of us who are the progeny of this nation’s enslaved indigenous and African peoples we are fed up with being cast aside by the Democrats for the Obama’s and fake “blacks” like Kamaladevi Harris. She is not an American Negro. Her mother was scheduled for a deportation hearing in 1968 for visa fraud before she left for Canada.

Every ward and city had active Republican and Democratic clubs. Because the best path to a political job in the “patronage” system was a recommendation from a Central Committee member, in some of our families the father may have been a Democrat while the mother was a Republican or vice versa. In the American Negro community it was stupid to “hate” the other political party if both of them were feeding your families. The American Negro voter then was not taken for granted.
I’m encouraging my friends and the people who know and trust me to pull a Republican ballot on May 3, 2022 and then reach out to me. Patriotic Americans should not be held captive to this un-American one party rule bullshit going on in Cleveland with these Marxist Communist influenced Democrats.
This doesn’t mean I all of a sudden hate my Democratic relatives and friends. It means I don’t see Democrats focusing on the issues that I as an American believe are important. It’s time, locally, for another discussion and a different political direction.