
Was the President targeted by foreign anti-Trump Cleveland Clinic employees for a weaponized influenza “hit” at CWRU?

CLEVELAND, OH – American Nationalist President Donald Trump picked the most “Communist colluded,” foreign-influenced, Demcoratic-run city and locations outside of Communist China and Russia to show up for a debate with Joe Biden during a “flu” pandemic.  Did Biden refuse to look at him because he didn’t want Trump breathing in his direction?

Trump’s first presidential appearance in “shithole” Cleveland in 2016 became the site that launched a federal investigation of Russian collusion connected to his campaign when General Michael Flynn met here with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kisylak.  His second visit to the city at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) was the most convenient location in the world to execute a “weaponized influenza hit” during a pandemic.  Watch the video below.  President Trump and Melania appeared to be fine when in this video of them heading here for the debate.

56 percent of CWRU’s incoming class of freshman are foreign and from Communist China, the Middle East, India and Africa.  The “Blacks” aren’t really Americans or Christian.  More than a third of Cleveland Clinic’s health care workforce is foreign, undocumented, from Communist nations and some are engaged in espionage.  Trump’s U.S. Department of Justice under William Barr just indicted a Communist Chinese physician Cleveland Clinic employed for espionage. Dr. Qing Wang.  The hospital’s CEO is an immigrant from Croatia named Tomislav Mihaljevic who managed Cleveland Clinic’s “Saudi” operations.  Over one-third of its workforce is alien or immigrant; and some are undocumented.

There is an unexplained and undiscussed curiosity to Trump, First Lady Melania Trump and aide Hope Hicks being the only people infected as the closest to the president.  Chris Wallace (Wallik under his Russian family surname) has offered his perspective that Trump and his team arrived too late to take Cleveland Clinic’s coronavirus test.  The statement from the hospital advises every other guest not to worry; and that only the Trumps and Hicks were infected.

What’s been taking place since news of the viral attack on the President of the United States in Cleveland went global has been a “Cleveland Clinic did a good job” public relations campaign to disguise a possible assassination attempt as something else.  Even Governor Richard Michael DeWine has joined in the chorus of politicians and public figures praising Cleveland Clinic officials .

Cleveland councilman Blaine Griffin is a violator of the Logan and Espionage Act having joined councilwoman Jasmine Santana on a trip to Israel in 2018 where the two met with officials of the Government of Israel without authorization from the U.S. Department of State during Trump’s administration.  The Trump USDOJ has been the most relentless in pursuing Logan Act and Espionage Act violators.  Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson last year flew an Israeli flag over city hall.  That and his statutorily-unauthorized sister city relationship with the indicted racist mayor of a Soviet Israeli city violates the Espionage Act.

Griffin told WKYC reporters the  president’s family rejected multiple attempts by unknown Cleveland Clinic physicians and employees to give them masks to wear.  What Griffin did not say, and could not possibly know as an “official” spreading disinformation, is that none of the masks had been examined or analyzed by the president’s security team to learn if any toxins had been sprayed in them.  WKYC and Vladmir Putin’s Russian Federation are each represented by the Cleveland-founded and global law firm of Squire, Patton & Boggs.

Russian citizen Alexei Navalny has accused his nation’s president of a poisoning attempt.   In March 2018, the Government of Great Britain accused Putin’s administration of sending agents to poison father and daughter Sergei and Yulia Skripal inside its borders.  In 2017, North Korean Kim Jon Nam was assassinated by his brother, Kim Jon Un, when two women splashed a nerve agent in his face at an airport.

Cleveland Clinic is partially in Griffin’s ward as one of the hospital’s political puppets. His praise of Cleveland Clinic operates as an obstruction of the now ongoing investigation of “how” the President of the United States of America became infected with the coronavirus in Cleveland.  The coronavirus was upgraded to “terror” level by the Barack Obama administration in 2012.  Griffin had better learn to keep his mouth shut.  This is big boy shit that’s so far over his head he doesn’t see the comfortable federal prison bed in his future. What he’s identified to WKYC are the multiple attempts Cleveland Clinic employees may have made against the life of the president his family and staff; and he’s now a player in the cover-up.

Why did Cleveland Clinic employees even approach the president or his family; and who were they?  An attempt to enforce Cleveland’s unconstitutional mask “order” on the nation’s chief constitutional defender is a criminal act.  Cleveland Clinic’s employees, whoever they were and whatever their intent, had no legal authority whatsoever to approach the nation’s highest federal elected law enforcement officer to enforce either DeWine or Frank Jackson’s “mandatory orders.”

The same with CDC guideline enforcement.  The president runs that agency.  That agency doesn’t run the president.  No official of any government has the statutory authority to even “offer” an unmasked citizen of this nation a mask as it violates their 1st and 4th Amendment rights.  To know a citizen is not wearing a mask, a government official has to “search” a citizen’s face without a warrant even if it’s in plain view.   As there is no “law” requiring the wearing of a mask, there are no words in any statute that authorizes an official of any government to act.   Griffin sounds like a fool with his claim that Cleveland has a mandatory mask ordinance.  It’s unconstitutional but he struggles with the document’s first three words.

Americans would not know that religious and cultural wars are being executed inside the nation’s hospitals by foreign health care workers that makes the concept of “medical hits” real.  Lara Kollab was fired by Cleveland Clinic after she posted on Twitter that she’d give Jews or Russian Americans and Israeli visitors the wrong meds.  The Ohio Medical Board stripped the Palestinian woman of her license just this past August.   Over 30 percent of the nation’s physicians are foreign.  The majority are from Communist and anti-Christian nations in a majority Christian nation.  In those nations Christians are discriminated against, persecuted and slaughtered.

A website called “Bare Naked Islam” carried the Kollab story as a warning to its Russian readers who call themselves Jews that they should “Never use a Muslim doctor … especially if you’re Jewish.”  The warning for an 85 percent majority Christian nation carries a chilling “converse” perspective.  What if physicians and health care workers who are Communist Chinese, Russian Jews, Muslims and Hindu are behind the 200,000 deaths of mainly U.S. Christians due to “medical errors?” The Bare Naked Islam writer’s thinking offers the motive for a hit in Cleveland on Trump where one of the workers could have intentionally infected themselves to infect the masks and his family.

“The late General Omar Suleiman’s 2012 death in Cleveland Clinic made some news because of his international prominence.  There are nuances to how Egypt’s former vice president and director of the Egyptian Intelligence Services died here; and who was around him at the time of his death which created a global drama and accusations that former CEO Delos Cosgrove may have orchestrated a medical assassination for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  200,000 people annually die of “medical errors” in this nation.  The most prolific serial killers and assassins are in the health care industry.

Suleiman’s death came during tests at Cleveland for Hereditary Amyliodosis.   The tests include drawing blood, pissing in a bottle, being bone scanned and a biopsy of the infected organ if necessary.  As Egypt’s equilvalent to the director of the CIA, in a military-controlled government, Suleiman was tight with Israel and a thorn in the side of Palestine’s Hamas.  He had led the Rendition program with the CIA and Israel’s Mossod as they kidnapped and delivered suspected terrorists to him to be questioned through torture.

Two months before his death, Cleveland Clinic hired former FBI Special Agent Gordon Snow who had served as Director of Counterintelligence for the Middle East during the time James Comey worked with President George W. Bush’s U.S. Attorney General, John Ashcroft, and approved waterboarding and sleep deprivation for nearly 8 days as a method of torture.  The two were on the same counter-terrorism mission.

Snow’s departure from the FBI in 2012 came abruptly to an end on May 4, 2012.  He was hired by Cleveland Clinic on May 14, 2012.  Suleiman died during Cleveland Clinic testing, with his bodyguard present, on July 19, 2012.

Egypt’s suspicions were raised as Suleiman’s friend, Fareed Zakaria, made note that Prince Nayef bin Abdulazziz had died one month before Suleiman; and three months after being treated by Cleveland Clinic. Zakaria had been the first director of Egypt’s Intelligence Services.  The deaths of two prominent “Arabs” within a month of each other – after being treated by “Middle East-influenced” Cleveland Clinic – was just too suspicious.  Snow remains on Cleveland Clinic’s staff.

Just like Cleveland Clinic appears to be “guiding” its political puppets to support its employees threating the security of the president, his family and “already tested” members of his staff, Cosgrove in 2012 took the “extraordinary” step of going public with the reason for Suleiman’s death.  He released the man’s health diagnosis and everyone reading knows Cosgrove violated the Health Information Patient Portability Act’s privacy requirements.  That’s exactly what U.S. Department of State information officer Patrick Ventrell told me when I asked him about the “official” cause of death.  He said Suleiman’s health information was HIPPA-protected.  Ventrell could offer me no section of the federal law that gave Cosgrove the authority to release it.

A 2003 report of the United Kingdom’s Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, titled “Influenza as a Bioweapon,” found its way into the U.S. National Institute of Heatlh’s datebase under the National Center for Biological Information.  The report was authored by four physicians connected to the University of Texas’ Health Center in Houston.  The physicians were Scott Lillibridge, Mohammad Madjid, Parsa Mirhaji and the late Ward Casscells.

Lillibridge was the founding director of the Centers for Disease Control’s Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program.  Madjid is a cardiovascular expert.  Parsa is a “computational biology” expert.  Cascells died of prostate cancer in 2012 after a war-time physician’s career in the U.S. Army took him to serve as President George W. Bush’s Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health.  He was also a cardiovascular expert and the son of Noble Prize winning cardiologist.  His father of the same name invented arthroscopic surgery.  Make note that two of the physicians on the team are cardiologists.

The conclusions of the four speciality-focused experts was a warning that the U.S. was not prepared to be “hit” by the possible “aerosol transmission of influenza” that “requires up to 27,000 times fewer virions to induce equivalent disease.”  They cited “international transmission” as being “increasingly frequent” connected to the influx of foreigners and alleged U.S. citizens repeatedly entering and leaving our borders while engaged in “personal” and unauthorized interactions with the officials of foreign governments.  The most important discovery of the team was that it wasn’t the flu that killed.  It was the “heart attack” the flu caused that killed afterwards.

“Influenza is usually transmitted by direct contact but can also be transmitted by aerosol (e.g. on a passenger plane).  Indeed, international transmission is increasingly frequent. Notably, aerosol transmission of influenza requires up to 27 000 times fewer virions to induce equivalent disease.  Taken together with the fact that influenza virus is readily accessible and may be causing more deaths than previously suspected, the possibility for genetic engineering and aerosol transmission suggests an enormous potential for bioterrorism.”

The team studied the high number of strokes and heart attacks that came after the Spanish Flu in 1918 and identified the influenza virus as the reason.  The number of dead tripled when the later heart attack and stroke deaths were counted among those who died after surviving the flu.  They warned of the possibility of “malicious genetic engineering to create more virulent strains” of the Spanish Flu virus since its “genome” had been “copied.”   Their specific concern in 2003 was for another terrorist attack like the one that occurred on September 11, 2001.

“Sequencing of the genome of the 1918 Spanish influenza virus is nearly complete; once it is published, unscrupulous scientists could presumably utilize candidate virulence sequences.  Recently, the possibility of synthesizing an infectious agent solely by following instructions from a written sequence has moved from theory to practice.”

Over the past year,  foreign-born Mihaljevic has been adding to Cleveland Clinic’s research staff on infectious diseases to study “all areas of virology/microbiology relevant to human disease.”  The new Florida hires at the Cleveland Clinic Florida Research and Innovation Center, and this is according to its announcement, will “closely collaborate” with the scientists at the Lerner Research Institute and its network of 190 labs.”

The applications are going to a woman born in Germany by the name of Michaela Gack.  Somehow she just left high school in Germany to study at Harvard that prefers educating foreigners instead of this nation’s natural born citizens. I make no accusation relative to Gack.  I’m simply offering a perspective of the type of people in this nation with the ability and a possible motive to execute an agenda.

One of the area’s Gack is studying, with the help of the Vilcek foundation owned by Czechslovakian immigrants Jan and Marica Vilceck, is “to identify the precise steps by which viruses override the human immune system.”  The Vilcek grants only go to immigrants living in the U.S. and they don’t want our nation’s immigration laws enforced.  The words below are some very aggressive anti-Trump words from the anti-natural born American grant funders of the Cleveland Clinic employee who may reflect her funder’s anti-natural born American attitude.

“President Trump’s intent to suspend immigration runs contrary to the long-established tenet that America is a land of immigrants and is inimical to the overwhelming evidence that immigrants are an asset for this country. A high proportion of essential workers in our communities—in healthcare, in food service, and in public transportation—are immigrants. Data from the Migration Policy Institute indicates that seventeen percent of heatlhcare workers, and twenty-eight percent of physicians and surgeons in the United States are foreign-born.”

Jan Vilcek is rich because he invented a drug called Remicade.  It’s supposed to treat people who have autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, but it’s been ending up killing the people receiving it. The Trump administration’s oversight of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has resulted in Vilcek, a Russian Jew, having his drug called “dangerous” for the way it’s maiming and killing Christians and others in this majority Christian nation.  Barack Obama gave this man an award in 2011.


With nearly 30 percent of the nation’s medical scientists, physicians and health care workers being foreign, Communist, atheist because of Communism or from an anti-Christian or anti-American nation, and in control of a Christian nation’s health care system, Trump and every other American who doesn’t favor illegal aliens could be slaughtered by an undocumented health care worker.  So the idea of the Trump family and entourage refusing the masks from unidentified individuals is a matter of “security protocol” that’s now being played up by Communist-minded Democratic and Republican anti-Trump politicians as a “refusal” to obey “orders” he knows are unconstitutional.

I make no accusation relative to Vilcek.  I’m simply offering a perspective of the type of people in this nation with the ability and a possible motive to execute an agenda.  Vilcek’s foundation advertises that it  does not provide any grants to a natural born American. Only immigrants. It seems insane for a Christian nation’s entire medical apparatus to be under the control of Communist Russian and Chinese anti-American and anti-Christian aliens.

Historically, during this nation’s push to remove disruptive Russian and Eastern European Bolshevik illegal immigrants who, after arriving here illegally began infiltrating their agenda into the nation’s politics, there appears to have been medical assassinations carried out against prominent U.S. political and civil rights figures who wanted immigration laws enforced when foreigners were heavily in involved in our health care.  I’ll offer two as an example.  American Negro Booker T. Washington and President Warren G. Harding.

Harding in author Joel A. Rogers “The 5 Negro Presidents” is identified as one of the five among our American Negro people who “passed for white.” Eastern Europeans see all American blood as impure irrespective of our skin tones because the majority of us who are the majority are mixed from over 500 years of living together.  The premise of this nation is based on “three races” as observed in the state laws and local ordinances of southern cities.  Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid.  South Carolina ex-Governor and Asian Indian Nikki Haley didn’t like this nuance of southern living as she was forced to declare herself to be among the Caucasoids instead of the Mongoloids as an Asian Indian based on her racial characteristics.  Skin color, hair texture, thickness of lips, shape of nose, chin, blood type, etc.

Mr. Washington died on November 14, 1915.  His blood pressure was high.  220 over 120.  Mr. Washington was in New York city when his elevated blood pressure caused him to faint.  He was taken to an immigrant doctor whose alleged name was “William Bastedo.”  Let’s go with the reality that most Eastern European immigrant identities at that time were false as the man’s name exists in no medical or immigration records I’ve searched.  “Bastedo” is not one of the Mayflower names.  Nor is it a last name that is reflective of the White Anglo Saxon Protestant founders of the nation or seen as indigenous. [NOTE: My late Aunt Helen Brewer worked for Mr. Washington’s Negro Business League chapter in Cleveland for 25 years.]

The immigrant “doctor” gave Mr. Washington “radium water” that if under a regulated formula would have contained one microm each of radio isotopes 226 and 228.  This quack shit was used on him before it was manufactured under the name “Radithor” by William Bailey; a non-physician Harvard drop out.  Foreign doctors like Bastedo in New York and New Jersey prescribed it to unsuspecting politicians and “industrialists” like Pittsburgh Mayor and steel manufacturer Eben Byers.

After Bastedo poisoned Mr. Washington with the radium water, our leader got on a train as his health grew worse back to his own Tuskegee people in Atlanta.  He died and they learned from his autopsy that the radiated water Bastedo gave him had obviously begun burning up his organs.  Byers took 1400 doses of that shit and died a few months later.  An American who wanted this nation’s immigration laws enforced as he sought to hire southern American Negro workers immigrating from the south was dead.  Congress enacted the Espionage Act two years after Mr. Washington’s death.

Like Trump, Mr. Washington wanted the nation’s immigration laws enforced and this nation’s natural born citizens, the one’s whose ancestors built it, uplifted.  His words and presence made him an immigrant target in a city where foreigners controlled health care when he became sick.  Read his 1895 words from the Atlanta Compromise on September 18, 1895 from your perspective “today.”

To those of the white race who look to the incoming of those of foreign birth and strange tongue and habits for the prosperity of the South, were I permitted I would repeat what I have said to my own race, “Cast down your bucket where you are. Cast it down among the eight millions of Negroes whose habits you know, whose fidelity and love you have tested in days when to have proved treacherous meant the ruin of your firesides. Cast down your bucket among these people who have without strikes and labor wars tilled your fields, cleared your forests, builded your railroads and cities, and brought forth treasures from the bowels of the earth, and helped to make possible this magnificent representation of the progress of the South.

Congress responded to Mr. Washington by amending the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1899.  No more than 73 immigrants from all of Eastern Europe and Communist Asia were allowed in the nation all the way through 1940.  So the overwhelming of Russians and Eastern Europeans claiming a legal presence here are not.

President Wilson McKinley was on board.  A Russian from Cleveland by the name of Leo Czolgosz left Fleet and Todd Avenue for Buffalo, New York, after a meeting in Cleveland with illegal Russian immigrant Emma Goldberg, expressed his dissatisfaction by assassinating McKinley in 1901.  Griffin didn’t know the first three words of the U.S. Constitution; so this level of Cleveland history exists well beyond his scope of knowledge until now.  Hi Blaine.  It is absolutely foolish to get in the middle of what could be yet another Cleveland conspiracy in association with the possible attempted assassination of the president.

The “Anarchist Exclusion Act” of 1903 was enacted by Congress after the Russians plotted and executed McKinley. It was during this period that Mr. Washington became “tight” with U.S. presidents who understood clearly who was loyal to the nation and who was not. By the time he died of poisoning in 1915, the literacy rate of American Negroes had elevated from zero percent in 1865 to more than 40 percent.  70 percent by 1940.  98.4 percent by 1970.  American Negroes and Christian White Anglo Saxon Protestants were taking “back” over the nation’s highest professions from the undocumented immigrants who had arrived here illegally with fake names, fraudulent documents, cover stories and aid from inside conspirators.

One of the Americans on the same page as Mr. Washington’s 1895 Atlanta Compromise was President Harding.  Mr. Washington was half-white.  One of Harding’s great-grand parents was an enslaved American Negro.  Like Washington, irrespective of his interactions with the Ku Klux Klan here in Ohio, Harding had grown weary of disruptive Eastern and Southern European immigrants when he signed the Emergency Immigration Quota Act of 1921.  That cemented the Chinese Exclusion Acts numbers of no more than 73 immigrants from all parts of those nations per year.  No Chinese.  That law didn’t sit well with Dr. Raymond Lyman Wilbur.

From the beginning of his tenure as Stanford University’s president in 1916, Wilbur’s inaugural address at his installation expressed the anarchist view that he wasn’t on board with federal immigration laws that kept the “Occidentals” out.  That was then the name for Asians.

“Here in California the product of the mingled races of the Occidental world meet on the ever nearer border of the Orient.  Who can foresee what this will mean in moral, mental and spiritual development?  A great intellectual and artistic future seems to open before us.  Let us here at Stanford welcome it, freeing ourselves as heretofore  from the tyranny of precedent, of the past, except in so far as the past has shown the right principles of conduct and discovered facts.  Let us be conservative in holding to that which is good and true and essential, and above all to justice, but radical in our willingness to receive and understand the new while discarding promplty the trivial and transient. We can be free to give that legitimate scope to acive minds essential in order to make a university.”

This “anarchist” thinking put Wilbur at odds with President Woodrow Wilson and his successor, Warren G. Harding.  So when Harding suffered a heart attack in California one of the doctors “inserted” on his medical team was Wilbur.  Wilbur had never treated him before, but he was alleged to have been a cardiologist.  Someone gave Harding a “stimulant” that induced the heart attack that killed him.

CWRU president Barbara Snyder’s 56 percent foreign enrollment would put her politically at odds, like Wilbur was with President Wilson, with Trump.  Trump wants natural born Americans educated.  Snyder wants to educate everybody but natural born Americans.

Trump and his family were totally outnumbered and surrounded by pro-immigrant and undocumented worker co-conspirators in “sanctuary city” Cleveland.

Eric Jonathan Brewer

Cleveland's most influential journalist and East Cleveland's most successful mayor is an East Saint Louis, Illinois native whose father led the city's petition drive in 1969 to elect the first black mayor in 1971. Eric is an old-school investigative reporter whose 40-year body of editorial work has been demonstrably effective. No local journalist is feared or respected more.

Trained in newspaper publishing by the legendary Call & Post Publisher William Otis Walker in 1978 when it was the nation's 5th largest Black-owned publication, Eric has published and edited 13 local, regional and statewide publications across Ohio. Adding to his publishing and reporting resume is Eric's career in government. Eric served as the city's highest paid part-time Special Assistant to ex-Cleveland Mayor Michael R. White. He served as Chief of Staff to ex-East Cleveland Mayor Emmanuel Onunwor; and Chief of Communications to the late George James in his capacity as the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority's first Black executive director. Eric was appointed to serve as a member of the state's Financial Planning & Supervision Commission to guide the East Cleveland school district out of fiscal emergency and $20 million deficit. Former U.S. HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson told Eric in his D.C. office he was the only mayor in the nation simultaneously-managing a municipal block grant program. Eric wrote the city's $2.2 million Neighborhood Stabilization Program grant application. A HUD Inspector General audit of his management of the block grant program resulted in "zero" audit findings.

As a newspaper publisher, Eric has used his insider's detailed knowledge of government and his publications to lead the FBI and state prosecutors to investigations that resulted in criminal prosecutions of well-known elected officials in Ohio; and have helped realign Cleveland's political landscape with the defeat of candidates and issues he's exposed. Eric's stories led to the indictments of the late Governor George Voinovich's brother, Paul Voinovich of the V Group, and four associates. He asked the FBI to investigate the mayor he'd served as chief of staff for public corruption; and testified in three federal trials for the prosecution. He forced former Cuyahoga County Coroner Dr. Elizabeth Balraj to admit her investigations of police killings were fraudulent; and to issue notices to local police that her investigators would control police killing investigations. Eric's current work has resulted in Cuyahoga County Judge John Russo accepting the criminal complaint he guided an activist to file against 24 civil rights-violating police officers in the city he once led for operating without valid peace officer credentials. USA Today reporters picked up on Eric's police credentials reporting from his social media page and made it national.

Eric is the author of of his first book, "Fight Police License Plate Spying," which examines the FBI and local police misuse of the National Crime Information Center criminal records history database. An accomplished trumpet player and singer whose friendship with Duke Fakir of the Four Tops resulted in his singing the show's closing song, "Can't Help Myself": Curtis Sliwa of New York's Guardian Angels counts Eric among his founding chapter leaders from the early 1980's role as an Ohio organizer of over 300 volunteer crime fighters in Cleveland, Columbus and Youngstown, Ohio. For his work as a young man Eric was recognized by Cleveland's Urban League as it's 1983 Young Man of the Year.

Known in Cleveland for his encyclopedic knowledge of government and history, and intimately-connected with the region's players, every local major media outlet in Cleveland has picked up on one of Eric's stories since 1979. There is no mainstream newspaper, television or radio outlet in Cleveland that does not include an interview with Eric Jonathan Brewer in its archives over the past 40 years.
