CLEVELAND, OH – For the past four years Kevin Kelley remained silent about Basheer “Sellout” Jones living between South Euclid and Cleveland Heights while serving Ward 7 illegally on Cleveland city council. He said nothing, publicly, about the two Jones Boys each missing 10 out of 19 council meetings in 2021. 10 missed meetings and you’re supposed to be off council. The other Jones Boy is Ward 1 Councilman Joe Jones.
So despite the overwhelming evidence that a lazy-azzed suburbanite was stealing money and impersonating a resident and an officer of the municipal corporation, Kelley remained silent knowing Jones’ illegal presence on council benefitted him. Jones’ decision to endorse Kelley over Justin Bibb was about as two-faced as it gets after he bashed Councilman Kevin Conwell for the same thing at Annie’s restaurant. He’s the same guy who infiltrated the late Annette Butler’s campaign for prosecuting attorney in 2014 against Irish Catholic attorney Michael O’Malley.
Jones arrived to take over collection of her signatures to get on the ballot. After distributing no petitions to Butler’s supporters he “baled” on the American Negro lawyer one week before the voter-signed documents were due. The following week he attended a news conference to endorse O’Malley.
Jones was in office less than one year before Ward 7 voters tried three times to recall him. This was after he called police on over 250 American Negro men, women and children listening to speakers at the African American History Museum. The speakers were George Fraser and Dr. Umar Johnson. It’s then that he earned the nickname of Sellout Jones.
For insight on how effective Jones’ endorsement will be I’m reminding Clevelanders that he endorsed Shana Roberts to replace him on city council in Ward 7. Aside from Ward 7 experiencing the lowest voter turnout twice in elections this year: Jones’ endorsed candidate placed third. After his published statements that women should not lead men it was assumed that Roberts was a submissive woman Jones would lead while on council.
Jones appears to have forgotten that he only won by 13 votes over attorney TJ Dow with over $100,000 in foreign or money that came from outside Cleveland. Suburbanites living off Cleveland’s tax dollars needed their own submissive to their will puppet to control on council and Jones was their “yas massa” boy. He only talks tough around American Negroes when he’s with “security.” Dow seems headed for a return to council in November.
In a conversation with EJBNEWS after the September 14th Cleveland mayoral primary, candidate Zack Reed thanked us for our endorsement and offered his thoughts about the campaign. He was clear that Jones appeared to have been encouraged into the race to draw votes from him.
During the conversation Reed appeared to be leaning towards Bibb as he explained how they’d met sometime in 2008. Unlike Jones Reed described Bibb as a “Good Brother” and called him impressive. Reed wasn’t the only person among my contacts who had interacted with the “come out of nowhere” candidate and described him in complimentary terms. He said Kelley had done nothing to earn any support from the voters he has served.
Dirty council president. Dirty law firm. How Porter Wright Morris Arthur screwed a client.
In a text message to his supporters Reed offered the following words about Bibb when he endorsed him to replace Mayor Frank Jackson.
“I trust Justin Bibb to be a man of his word and bring the change to our streets that we so desperately need.”
American Negro suburbanites are seeking to elevate themselves at the expense of Cleveland voters as they interfere in our elections. Kelley’s campaign manager is a resident of Oakwood Village. Joseph Fouche once served as president of Oakwood city council and wants to be that suburb’s first Black mayor while working to deprive Cleveland of it’s fourth American Negro mayor. Jones just relocated to Cleveland in December 2020 from the two suburbs he resided in before running for mayor.

Blaine Griffin wants to be council president under the ignorant and discriminatory “unspoken rule” that if the mayor is “Black” the council president must be “White.” Griffin can serve as council president under Bibb as mayor if he can get the votes. The rule didn’t exist until the city’s Caucasian politicians realized they were vastly outnumbered in citywide mayoral elections.
Kelley has a birthright to be counting on loyal Irish Catholic voters who are taught to look for the Irish name first and then the Catholic when it comes to voting. The “Democrat” is last. If American Negroes were as loyal to their “qualified” and “competent” candidates as the Irish Catholics then Bibb’s victory in November should be a lock.
Bibb has an ethnic base of 202,000 compared to Kelley’s 16,000 Irish Catholic residents of Cleveland who are not all of voting age. The other 16,000 or so of the 32,000 member Irish population of Cleveland are Irish Protestants the Irish Catholics hate back in Ireland. Kelley has failed to repeal the Father McBride ordinance council enacted that drove British Petroleum out of the city. Contractors doing business with Cleveland must pledge they’re not doing business with a Northern Irish company.

18 percent of my DNA consists of ancestors from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales like many other “Protestant” American Negroes of mixed ancestry. The ordinance from my perspective is offensive and no American Protestant on council should have voted for it. If voters from every ethnic played the same “fuck everybody but us” political game as the Irish Catholics then Kelley’s wasting his time. His boy, Sellout Jones, sold out for nothing.
Race games in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County are different than they are in the southern states. Shit’s more ethnic and religious insidious up here.
Reed’s backing Bibb. Kelley – who I filed a criminal complaint against – is backed by Sellout Jones. As a voting resident of Cleveland I do intend to vote for mayor on November 2.
Reed made a point about the drama surrounding Bibb’s life and professional backgrounds during our conversation. He reminded me that as a former elected mayor I walked into the job with no prior elected office experience. It was the same for him on city council.
The one appointed public office I held prior to my election as mayor was as a member of the Financial Planning & Supervision Commission that oversaw the East Cleveland school district out of fiscal emergency. Bibb has served on the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority board. He worked for President Barack Obama. I worked for mayors Emmanuel Onunwor and Michael White. Reed’s point was well made.
All the instructions Bibb needs are in the oath of office. If he masters the US and Ohio Constitutions, federal, state and local laws by reading the duties of a mayor are easy to follow. I’ve heard the leading candidate to replace the current mayor is a reader.
Above all the other disciplines a mayor must have in their tool kit the engrained habit of reading is the most valued.