Amy Acton homeless

DeWine acts like he’s in love with Stearns-Acton as he “talks tough” to protect her

These two lying lunatics unconstitutionally closed Ohio businesses and created conditions that have wrecked government budgets throughout the state as the United States of America heads into a Depression created by their reckless decisions not to obey the state's 26 pandemic mitigating laws. Governor Richard Michael DeWine and his ex-quack health director, Dr. Amy Stearns-Acton, deserve to be cursed by Ohioans forever.

CLEVELAND, OH – The way Governor Richard Michael DeWine is threatening to use his veto to protect Ohio Health Director Dr. Amy Stearns-Acton from the General Assembly, and sounding like a tough guy to the voters who elected him for protesting her unconstitutional and unlawful orders, Ohioans would think he was fucking the health director he pays more than his $154,000 salary.  DeWine acts like a man in love with the $230,000-a-year eye candy he hired instead of a governor managing and overseeing a criminally derelict public employee. DeWine had the same problem with Mary Davis as Ohio’s Attorney General. …

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Aw shit! Lyin’ quack Acton just learned that every Ohioan knows where she lives!

Dr. Amy Stearns-Acton answered "yes" on her Ohio Medical Board application to be treated for a mental illness or drug addiction. She claimed to have been homeless and lived in a park with her mother in Youngstown, Ohio. Her mother called her little Amy a liar.

CLEVELAND, OH – When Governor Richard Michael DeWine decided to use Dr. Amy Stearns-Acton’s “one percent of Ohioans are Co-Vid 19 infected” lie to suspend the U.S. and Ohio constitutions, and the state’s general laws he was administered an oath of office to uphold and enforce, the term-limited elected official crossed the “dereliction of duty” line and violated R.C. 2921.44(d) and (e).  Little Richard like a “Dick” recklessly created a deficit in the state’s budget while exceeding and failing to perform the duties of the public office he holds.  All because he acted on the crazed advice of his lyin’…

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Little Richard DeWine’s big 100,000 doubling every 6 days coronavirus lie didn’t happen

CLEVELAND, OH – Americans in Ohio who have wondered why Russians in Russia aren’t in a panic and locking down over the coronavirus have only this state’s so-called “journalists” to blame.  Instead of questioning Governor Richard Michael DeWine and his homeless-raised director of the Ohio Department of Health’s completely fabricated and panic-inducing 117,000 infected March 12th estimate, Ohio’s editorial dummies helped hype her fake data.  There were only 135,000 known cases in the entire world.  How could 117,000 infected people be just in Ohio … alone?  No inquiring editorial Ohio reporter wanted to know. Russia Today immediately told Russians in…

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