East Cleveland Ernest Smith

The Netflix MtF tranny trying to dump on Dave Chappelle’s free speech rights is playing a very weak hand with her overly-tolerant and patient employer

CLEVELAND, OH – A transgendered friend of comedian Dave Chappelle committed suicide in 2019 six days after she was viciously attacked on social media by by militant members of the GLTBQ community for defending him against them on October 11, 2019 as a fellow comic.  Chappelle had given Daphne Dorman the opportunity to open a “Sticks and Stones” show in San Francisco; so she knew him in a different way than his critics.  Nothing sexual.  Respect. Chappelle discussed Dorman in his “Closer” comedy show appearing on Netflix.  He was angry about a death he attributed to the hateful treatment she…

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Detective says cops didn’t tell prosecutor politician may have crossed state lines with teen strippers for school fundraiser

Every activist in Cleveland who thought Ernest Smith was a man for the people should let this mug shot be a reminder of his true character. This is his first arrest. Seriously. Until he got into politics the man lived a crime free life. His first arrest is also somewhat sick as it involves him human trafficking underaged American Negro teenaged girls from Detroit to Cleveland to strip for money for his back to school fundraiser.

EAST CLEVELAND, OH – EJBNEWS learned from East Cleveland police detective Scott Gardner that the cops who took statements from witnesses and exotic dancers at Council Vice President Ernest Smith’s stripfest fundraiser left out how the underaged girls traveled across state lines from Michigan to Ohio; and who transported them. When EJBNEWS learned of the September 10 event from a city source – while police were taking statements from the women – it was shared the nearly-nude performers didn’t know Smith was an elected official.  Smith’s street name to the women he’d hired to dance for him was “Dolla Bill.” …

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