Jeffrey Johnson

Kucinich’s civil complaint claims that Russian-owned Advance and the Plain Dealer defamed him with First Energy and Tony George lies

CLEVELAND, OH – On January 4, 2022, Dennis John Kucinich filed a “complaint” with a jury demand against the owners of Russian-owned Advance Communications and its employees Chris Quinn, John Caniglia and Seth Richardson.  The filing number is CV 22 957922. Local Rule 8.0(B) of Cuyahoga County’s rules of practice required Kucinich’s attorneys, Aaron Minc and Andrew Stebbins, to “state in the caption the general nature of the action.”  The complaint they filed for Kucinich does not state either in the caption or preamble that the action is for defamation, libel and or slander. The local rule continues that, “The…

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Justin Bibb’s suburban controlled transition team is going to get him in trouble early on with Cleveland voters

CLEVELAND, OH – Mayor-elect Justin Bibb’s transition team selection shows he still doesn’t have a “statutory” clue about the “official duties” of a municipal mayor under the “Federal Plan” of government found in Title 7, Chapter 705 of the Ohio Revised Code.  His head is not in the governing documents he’s going to swear to obey after he is administered an oath of office to be delivered to the Clerk of Council pursuant to Section 705.28 of the Ohio Revised Code. The governing documents referenced in the oath of office contain the statutory words that will be used against him…

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Clevelanders want police, dirty prosecutors and crooked judges criminally prosecuted and not disciplined for crimes; which isn’t what the charter change promoters are selling with Issue 24

FAIR USE: Tamir Rice's mother, Samaria Rice, has from the beginning demanded a federal criminal investigation of her son's murder at the hands of ex-Cleveland cop Timothy Loehman. I introduced her to attorney Benjamin Crump to push her son's name into the national spotlight. His great-grandmother, Mildred Brewer, served as my council vice president and she was with Shirley Smith, Marcia Fudge and I at Huron Hospital the night Stephanie Tubbs-Jones was hosptalized. I'm off to the right of Tamir's father.

CLEVELAND, OH – Samaria Rice did not want Timothy Loehman and Frank Garmback disciplined for their individual roles in the death of her son Tamir Rice.  She wanted them criminally prosecuted.  It was her desire to meet with ex-United States Attorney General Eric Himler Holder to deliver that message when he arrived in Cleveland to announce the “civil review” of 600 incidents of police incident reports; and the crimes they detailed law enforcement officers under Mayor Frank Jackson’s management committing against Americans. Rice’s voice was hijacked by self-serving attorney David Malik who showed up without her after she fired him. …

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Kevin Kelley should be begging Clevelanders for forgiveness and mercy instead of asking for their trust as mayor

Behind the smiling faces, suits and masks are individual elected officials who have voted for emergency ordinances in violation of state and local laws they have never read. Every violated law is one they were administered an oath of office to obey. They don't know our federal and state constitutions. They don't know the federal, state and local laws associated with the duties of their public offices.

CLEVELAND, OH – Kevin Kelley’s mother served as his campaign treasurer when he campaigned for city council in 2017.  She failed to deliver his campaign finance reports within the manner prescribed by Section 3517.10 of the Ohio Revised Code and was not prosecuted like Mitchell Paul was in 1986 by late Prosecuting Attorney John T. Corrigan.  Judge Robert Feighan sentenced Paul for filing after 45 days after a general election instead of 38 and he paid a fine.  That’s how Section 3517.10 is enforced in all 87 counties but Cuyahoga. Section 3517.11(d) of the Ohio Revised Code prevented Kelley from…

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Mike White’s new Jeff Johnson and Basheer Jones is his protege` Justin Bibb

CLEVELAND, OH – In May 1984 Cleveland Councilman Michael Reed White was selected to replace State Senator Morris Jackson.  He had served for 17 years in the Ohio Senate representing the 21st Senate District that encompassed Glenville with different boundaries. Case Western Reserve University law school graduate Jeffrey Johnson was 26 and selected to replace White.  Johnson was his protege`.  White was 5 years away from initially challenging the late Mayor George Voinovich for the job he held in 1989.  Johnson the following year in 1985 would be admitted to the Ohio Bar Association to practice law. White confirmed on…

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The 11th Congressional District needs Shirley Smith’s “second chance” stick-to-it work ethic in Congress to work on criminal justice reform and more

CLEVELAND, OH – There are 65 chapters in Title 2 of the United States Code that exists under the heading “Congress.”  There are four chapters in Title 3 of the same United States Code existing under the heading of the “President” of whom the members of Congress must interact.  Chapter 3 was repealed.  There were previously five instead of four chapters under Title 3. There are 54 “Titles” in the United States Code each member of the 435 member Congress has the authority to study and recommend ways to improve the federal statutes found within them in order to benefit…

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