Plain Dealer

James Hemphill is the convicted ex-Chicago/Iowa crack cocaine dealer running for Congress and lying about me to 11th District Republicans

CLEVELAND, OH – When I was entering East Cleveland’s mayor’s office to enforce federal, state and local laws in 2006 as the city’s chief law enforcement officer, my Chicago born and raised opponent for Congress in the 11th Congressional District, James Terrelle Hemphill, was headed to federal prison for 70 months.  Hemphill had been caught with a new batch of the crack cocaine he’d been selling between Chicago and Cedar Rapids, Iowa as a member of the narcotic drug underworld since the 1990’s.  Hemphill told the Cleveland Jewish News he also made trips to Cleveland in the 1990’s when he…

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IRS complaint filed against City Club of Cleveland and Ohio Debate Commission for not scheduling and cancelling Republican candidate forums

Censorship minded free speech pretenders like the City Club of Cleveland are finding themselves facing IRS complaints for intervening in political campaigns. Daniel Peter Moulthrop is the president of the City Club who scheduled a forum about the direction of the Republican Party with the two founders of Republicans Against Trump.

CLEVELAND, OH –  As the manager of a 501.c3 non-profit organization that receives tax deductible contributions, chief executive officer Daniel P. Moulthrop, an award winning journalist according to his biography, is supposed to know the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) laws the City Club of Cleveland cannot violate.  The Berkeley University graduate has been on the job since 2013 or 9 years.  If he has not mastered the limited number of federal laws and regulations that apply to his $182,000 a year job after 9 years,  Moulthrop’s answer to his board once they learn of and read the IRS complaint…

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Clevelanders can’t trust lyin’ azz Bibb as this lame blames Jackson for his snow removal failure

CLEVELAND, OH – Mayor Justin Bibb had from January 3, 2022 until January 16, 2022 to either directly or indirectly visit the city’s 7 service yards to meet with snow removal crews, inventory equipment and salt; and to respond to the snow removal department’s requests to repair the trucks that were out of service.  Looking at his time in office through a longer lens, Bibb had from November 3, 2021 to work closely with retired Mayor Frank Jackson to learn how he’d kept our streets cleared of snow so efficiently over the past 16 years. There’s no excuse for Bibb’s failure…

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Kucinich’s civil complaint claims that Russian-owned Advance and the Plain Dealer defamed him with First Energy and Tony George lies

CLEVELAND, OH – On January 4, 2022, Dennis John Kucinich filed a “complaint” with a jury demand against the owners of Russian-owned Advance Communications and its employees Chris Quinn, John Caniglia and Seth Richardson.  The filing number is CV 22 957922. Local Rule 8.0(B) of Cuyahoga County’s rules of practice required Kucinich’s attorneys, Aaron Minc and Andrew Stebbins, to “state in the caption the general nature of the action.”  The complaint they filed for Kucinich does not state either in the caption or preamble that the action is for defamation, libel and or slander. The local rule continues that, “The…

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Justin Bibb “appointed” friends to 2 jobs he created out of thin air; and that are not in council’s current salary ordinance

CLEVELAND, OH – Around December 23rd Mayor-elect Justin Bibb’s campaign/transition website identified several city hall jobs he was seeking to fill.  Three of the jobs were newly-created in his mind and not in a salary ordinance of council as required by unsuspended Ohio general laws Bibb continues to violate.  Despite pretending to make the process open to the public two of the three created jobs went to members of his campaign team.  Bradford Davy and Bay Village resident Elise Hara Auvil will be engaging in theft if they “enter” the non-existent public jobs. The unclassified job titles of chief administrative…

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It’s been 54 years since the Plain Dealer shared news about Christmas being the symbolic birth date of Jesus the Christ

CLEVELAND, OH – There are adults living in the Cleveland area who have forgotten the annual Plain Dealer news stories about Jesus the Christ on and around Christmas since the newspaper’s name-changing Russian owner cancelled the Christian leader’s presence from their private and family-owned newspaper in 1968. For Plain Dealer readers born after 1967 it’s as if Christmas on December 25th never existed as the symbolic birthday of Jesus on the newspaper’s pages.  George Cornell was the newspaper’s religion writer and December 24, 1966 is the last time his byline appeared on a Plain Dealer story about Jesus.   After that…

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