
Shalira Taylor boycotted the League of Women Voters rigged Ward 12 candidates forum to challenge coordinator Michelle Jackson’s “secret” demands that people with questions show proof of vaccination

CLEVELAND, OH – Ward 12 Council candidate Shalira Taylor gathered more American residents to boycott outside a League of Women Voters (LWV) debate than there were those in attendance inside and seated six feet apart inside to hear two of her opponents.  Italian American Councilman Anthony Brancatelli and an ex-Russian New York attorney named Rebecca Anne Maurer.  Taylor shared an email with EJBNEWS that she’d received from Michelle B. Jackson who was coordinating the LWV event. According to Jackson in her email to Taylor, Ward 12 event attendees who signed up in advance to ask questions were required to show…

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Cleveland Clinic’s Croatian CEO’s confession that 1000 workers are CoVid 19 sick is evidence he’s criminally violated R.C. 3707.06

CLEVELAND, OH – If Cleveland Clinic’s Croatian chief executive officer had a full comprehension of the federal, state and local laws that control public health in the United States of America and Ohio 1000 health care workers would not be sick and he wouldn’t be following Governor Richard Michael DeWine or Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson’s “orders” through “proclamation.”  Only a tin pot politician who believes he’s ‘a Communist dictator thinks a public official elected under constitutions and laws gets to suspend them with “orders” during a bad cold and flu season. Dr. Tomislav Mihaljevic has “criminal” trouble in the way…

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Ohio’s 1953 laws ordered lawbreaking Acton to place signs on homes of CoVid infected

This is how Title 37 authorized the health director to protect first responders from being infected. No law authorized Governor Richard Michael DeWine to give first responders the names of infected Ohioans.

CLEVELAND, OH – The General Assembly of Ohio enacted 26 laws in 1953 that instructed the state’s director of health and local health boards how to handle epidemics and pandemics.   A keyword search of the Ohio Revised Code for Dr. Amy Acton’s “social distancing” and “shelter in place” terms show no results.  The two terms are made up and exist outside any of the epidemic and pandemic-mitigating instructions lawmakers authorized health directors and health boards to take to save lives. Title 37 of Ohio’s revised code is where the state’s health and pandemic laws are found and from her actions…

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