Thomas Perez

Dementia sickened and ignorantly un-American Joe Biden must get no “help” from the 11th Congressional District in turning Americans against each other

CLEVELAND, OH – Bets are that the nation’s second Irish Catholic president like the first one won’t make it through a four year term of office.  Months after President John Fitzgerald Kennedy sold arms to Israel in violation of the Tripartite Agreement President Harry Truman signed and President David Dwight Eisenhower enforced he was assassinated.  President Joseph Robinette Biden’s so mentally impaired he should have already been impeached for his selection of a running mate who’s an illegal Indian alien.  The man’s mind is gone and the world knows it. We’re in the CoVid 21 season headed for CoVid 22…

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Aliens leading the DNC’s convention did not say “God” in our “Pledge of Allegiance”

CLEVELAND, OH – Okay we get it.  The Democratic National Committee has been over run by dreamers and aliens with green cards who now want to reshape the United States of America to fit their hodge-podge of cultures into a new nation.  Fuck Jamestown.  Fuck the American Negroes whose enslaved ancestors built the nation.  Fuck white males.  Fuck the American Revolution and the Civil War.  Fuck the U.S. Constitution and now fuck God.  We’re running shit and you imperfect Americans are going to do things our way.  Democrats, indeed, did not say the words “one nation under God” in the…

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Obama needs to go sit his “do nothing for Tamir Rice” tranny bathroom azz down

CLEVELAND, OH – A so-called “First black” president sent a black U.S. Attorney General to a predominantly American Negro city led by a black mayor, black police chief, majority black council with majority black judges to tell them their cops “had” violated the constitutional rights of “their” people; but they didn’t prosecute a single one after finding evidence of 600 crimes.  It was the so-called “first black president’s” Abraham Lincoln moment.  With all that black power and Cleveland being led by black Democrats, they had the combined power to free the American Negroes whose enslaved ancestors built the nation from…

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