Black Lives Matter

The Netflix MtF tranny trying to dump on Dave Chappelle’s free speech rights is playing a very weak hand with her overly-tolerant and patient employer

CLEVELAND, OH – A transgendered friend of comedian Dave Chappelle committed suicide in 2019 six days after she was viciously attacked on social media by by militant members of the GLTBQ community for defending him against them on October 11, 2019 as a fellow comic.  Chappelle had given Daphne Dorman the opportunity to open a “Sticks and Stones” show in San Francisco; so she knew him in a different way than his critics.  Nothing sexual.  Respect. Chappelle discussed Dorman in his “Closer” comedy show appearing on Netflix.  He was angry about a death he attributed to the hateful treatment she…

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Mark Robinson is North Carolina’s first American Negro Lieutenant Governor and he’s being lied on by an ABC reporter who backs pornographic filth in schools

CLEVELAND, OH –  The “left wing” lovers of everything un-American have met their match in North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson.  Robinson stands with God.  He stands with the United States of America.  He stands with the Constitution of the United States of America.  He’s saved and unapologetically follows Jesus Christ.  Robinson’s a Republican who knows and acts like he speaks for the American majority. “I stand with Jesus Christ.  I don’t care what Joe Biden says and I don’t care what anybody says.  God’s people win in the end.” Robinson delivered a sermon at Asbury Baptist Church in June…

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Cleveland’s BLM co-founder says the chapter got $5000 out of the $100 million Patrisse Cullors raised before she bought $3.2 million in homes

CLEVELAND, OH – The only people who appear to be benefitting from Communists Patrisse Cullors and Janaya Khan’s capitalizing off the misery of the families who have lost loved ones to police violence is the two founders of the Black Lives Matter Global Network.   They raised over $100 million in 2020.  Cleveland BLM co-founder Kareem Abdul Nafi says the local chapter received $5000 in 2015 and no more. “They got an exhorbitant amount of money from people who are under the assumption that they’re distributing it to the people on the ground doing the work,” Nafi told EJBNEWS.  “When she…

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BLM raked in over $100 million and its co-founder says its racist to talk about the $1.4 million home she just bought in “lilly white” Topanga, California

CLEVELAND, OH – Communist and Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors-Khan says it’s “racist” as well as “dangerous” and “misogynistic” to talk about her buying four homes valued at $3 million for herself, her “husband”, Janaya Khan, and the other people she loves.  Her money is being invested in Black people. According to Cullors-Khan, BLM has invested $27 million of the more than $100 million the non-profit has received with “Black led organizations.”  She also hasn’t earned a wage from BLM even though the organization released a statement saying otherwise after stories surfaced about the $1.4 million home she purchased…

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Reckless immigrants leading BLM and antifa protests are making cops “overtime” rich

CLEVELAND, OH – In Englewood, New Jersey the 18-year-old Chinese American female in the feature picture, Emily Gil, organized a Black Lives Matter (BLM) rally and got a $2500 bill from Mayor Mario Krajnac for police overtime. Her parents are from Communist China.  She wasn’t thinking. From my perspective as a former mayor it means the $2500 was split between the cops on duty as extra “unbudgeted” pay he was forced by state laws to negotiate into a labor agreement.  This is but one of the problems I have with the BLM and antifa protestors who’ve been infiltrating peaceful American…

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“Willie Lynch” Kelly violates civil rights voting laws to suppress Cleveland’s majority American Negro vote

  Irish Catholic Cleveland city council president Kevin Kelly operates the municipal legislative body like a southern plantation owner who mastered the notorious Willie Lynch theories made widely-known by Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan during the 1995 Million Man March to Washington, D.C.    A close examination of Kelley’s political acts in comparison to Lynch’s theories of controlling “African slaves” who were a majority on the plantations reek of efforts to suppress the city’s majority American Negro voting base and political influence.  Voter suppression is one of the reasons Cleveland activist Kareem Abdul Nafi, a local Black Lives Matter…

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