Scott Gardner

State investigating East Cleveland Mayor Brandon King and Phyllis Mosley’s violation of civil service laws in hiring and promoting police

EAST CLEVELAND, OH – According to indicted Mayor Brandon King’s personal attorney, Willa Mae Hemmons, acting chief of police Kenneth Lundy was hired on June 5, 2016 by recalled ex-Mayor Gary Norton without civil service testing as a BPO.  While there is no such job classification as a BPO, East Cleveland city council codified a non-classified Beat Patrol Commissioned Officer (BPCO) position in July 1998 that gave mayors the authority to hire them for six months to work on special police assignments. They earn no more than a 3rd grade patrol officer and must officially be “reappointed” by the mayor…

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Indictment shows Mayor Brandon King hid the Al Zubair brothers $10 million foreign investor swindle from city council and the public

CLEVELAND, OH – To understand why East Cleveland Mayor Brandon Lee King turned his back on the law enforcement duties of his elected office, to involve himself in the $10 million con game two born and raised in East Cleveland half  brothers were running on Chinese and Saudi investors, his family history, personal associations and state-of-mind are important.  King has testified to living for the past 23 years with family members who court and other records show have sold drugs, compelled prostitution and engaged in felony voting fraud. Two of the King’s in Brandon’s household at 1735 Elsinore Street, his…

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When soldiers refuse Biden’s “orders” to kill Americans he and Kamala Harris have Asian Indian “defense contractors” creating robots armed with weapons to do the job

CLEVELAND, OH – Democratic Joseph Robinette Biden is the first President of the United States of America to warn Americans that “it’s not about personal freedoms” and to threaten us with military attacks in our cities for defending our Constitution and freedoms.  Our defense of freedom have traditionally been through protests and voting.  The Irish Catholic child of immigrants also has no regard for Thomas Jefferson.  Read his incoherent, unintelligible and dementia crazed rant from the White House on June 23, 2021. “And I might add: The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people…

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Read Ohio Criminal Rule 11 and the “pleas, rights upon plea” rights that come with every arrest to understand why Basheer Jones’ disappearing arrest records made Judge Dawson curious

Judge William Dawson's authority has been obstructed by Mayor Brandon King, police and prosecutors who are making cases go away without bringing Americans they've arrested without warrants before the court to file an affidavit of charges. After King visited Basheer Jones in jail the day he was arrested on gun charges in 2019 his "paperwork" went away, but the arrest record remained on the FBI's National Crime Information Center criminal records history database. King allegedly told police not to contact Judge Dawson so Twon Billings could be bonded out of a jail the state ordered closed. Dawson must investigate and file criminal charges against the offenders.

CLEVELAND, OHIO – I have published Ohio Criminal Rule 11 in its entirety at the bottom of this story so readers will fully-understand the relevancy behind the question I asked East Cleveland Municipal Court Judge William Dawson about the status of Ward 7 Councilman Basheer Sudan Jones’ case.  Jones was arrested by two East Cleveland police officers on April 19, 2019. Jones was charged with “improper handling of firearms in a motor vehicle.”  The offense was a 4th degree felony violation of Section 2923. 16 of the Ohio Revised Code.   The incident report East Cleveland’s cops generated doesn’t identify the…

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Pharrell’s gun-licensed, security company owning cousin was killed by a Virginia Beach cop whose bodycam the police chief says was turned off

CLEVELAND, OH – Virginia Beach city council and the city’s National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter are seeking answers for why a police officer with his bodycam turned off shot singer Pharrell Williams’ cousin through marriage to death on March 26, 2021.  Virginia Beach city council scheduled a special meeting for March 30, 2021 to discuss the drama that dragged their city into the national “police killing” spotlight. Two people were killed at Virginia Beach’s Oceanfront on March 26, 2021.  Eight were injured. The dead are Donovan Lynch and reality star Deshayla E. Harris, 29, of…

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Juanita Gowdy’s running for East Cleveland mayor because voters are disgusted with Richmond Heights resident Brandon King’s lying and stealing

Council vice president Juanita Gowdy started asking the hard questions about contracts, police warrantless pursuits the media calls high speed chases and Brandon King's spending as soon as she joined council on January 1, 2020.

CLEVELAND, OH – Council Vice President and East Cleveland Sunrise publisher Juanita Gowdy is counting on the truth that the voters of East Cleveland know more than a few things about Mayor Brandon King that disgusts them as she challenges him for the “chief law enforcement officer”s job he holds illegally as a Richmond Heights resident.  Elected officials under Ohio laws must be residents of the community they’re elected to serve. For the past nearly two years, Gowdy and East Cleveland Sunrise co-publisher Justyn Anderson have been distributing their 5000 circulation newspaper to every household, door-to-door, providing information-starved voters and…

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