Shontel Brown’s pro-Israel backers are pitting 2 “Sisters” and American Negro voters against each other to benefit Israel’s thirst for US weapons

AIPAC was founded in Cleveland and this town's pro-Zionist Russian Jews have made it the center of global espionage and influence in US foreign arms policy towards Israel since before 1948

CLEVELAND, OHShontel Brown has pledged allegiance to Israel and begged for money from the nation’s Zionist Russian, Polish and Ukrainian Jewish community in exchange for her vote in Congress.  Nina Turner backed the first openly Russian Jewish candidate twice for President of the United States of America in the form of U.S. Senator Bernie “Gitman” Sanders and her public relations business partners are Russian.  Turner wants to aid Israel but with “conditions.”

Brown is okay with Palestinians being exterminated as long as the nationalist former Soviet Union Jews running Israel are safe and funding her campaigns. Brown’s traveled to Israel and met with the foreign nation’s officials in violation of the Logan and Espionage Acts.  Turner’s passed on Israel’s “Holy Land Tours.”  As a history professor at Cuyahoga Community College she knows the Russian terrorists who took over Palestine in 1948 are not the “Jews” from the Holy Bible.

Israel is heavily in the background and the forefront of the 11th Congressional District campaign to replace former U.S. Representative Marcia Fudge as the terrorist nation’s foreign agents are infiltrating the minds of Northeast Ohio voters to push its agenda.  There’s never been this much money or lies poured into an 11th or 21st Congressional District campaign.

When it comes to who drew first blood in the negative campaign war it was Brown on May 6 with her “first” ad.   And she didn’t stop.  She even started bashing Nina at the forums.  Rev. Marvin McMickle got it wrong.

Right after the ministers attacked Nina for negative campaigning Brown’s campaign reminded voters, again, that her opponent thought Biden was a shitty choice for president.  What Nina actually told The Atlantic magazine about Biden was the following.

“You have a bowl of shit in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing.”

Since I know several of the men speaking out for Shontel Brown I know they’re unaware of the depth of the Government of Israel’s unregistered agents involvement in the 11th Congressional District campaign to replace Marcia Fudge. They didn’t know Shontel Brown drew first blood against Nina Turner. They didn’t study the pro-Israel PAC’s donating to her campaign. They haven’t studied the nation’s espionage laws to know the ones her unregistered foreign agent PAC contributors are violating. The individuals shown here among Cleveland’s clergy added to the campaign drama but not the depth of the discussion as they allowed themselves to be used by Israel’s agents as unwitting dupes. The “Jews” in the Bible are not the Russian, Polish and Ukrainians from Eastern Europe who immigrated to Palestine illegally and took over in 1948.

Nina was running a “front runner’s campaign” and ignoring the contenders.  I knew when I saw the May 6 campaign ad Brown approved that Nina was going to strike back and hard.  Both have “image” vulnerabilities but those Nina exposed with Brown will last past the election whether she wins or loses.  A door was opened.  It’s not going to close.

I know Nina knows former Cleveland Mayor Carl Stokes’ thoughts about political “hits.”  If you take one make it a good one because if you miss it’s my turn.  Shontel swung and missed.  Nina waited patiently and then took her turn.  If she didn’t want to get hit back Shontel shouldn’t have drawn first blood.  The fight she started is the one she’ll have to finish.

At a July 19, 2021 news conference Cuyahoga County council President Pernel Jones, Jr. made the observation that Cuyahoga County government is too open and investigated to be as corrupt as campaign commercials promoting Nina Turner’s congressional campaign portrayed it. Turner backed the county reform effort in 2009 and 2010 and hasn’t said a word about corruption since supporting it. If the reform effort she supported was hurting the people of Cuyahoga County she should have spoken up about it before her campaign for congress.

All “global” eyes are pointed at the United States of America as the reason for the Middle East unrest and arms expansion and they’re correct; and it’s focusing political eyes on Cleveland and the 11th Congressional District.  Current and potential members of Congress like Brown are pledging allegiance to arming violent, Zionist white supremacy in the Middle East in exchange for pro-Israel campaign dollars.  Their pro-Israel pledges are bringing them new scrutiny.  Why?

A visit to Brown’s campaign website features three comments from three of her PAC supporters.  One from Mark Mellman of the Democratic Majority for Israel. Another from Jeffrey Mendohlson of Pro Israel America and Michael Siegal of The Jewish Agency.  They are the only comments from individuals on her website.

Both candidates have their Russian Jewish supporters.  Brown’s Russian Jewish backers like Mark Mellman of the Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) PAC are just more criminally-inclined.  It wouldn’t surprise me if the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice are not already investigating him.

This panel from Shontel Brown’s campaign to join the US Congress from the 11th Congressional Ditrict features a comment from Mark Mellman of the Democratic Majority for Israel. The first picture shows her with former Cuyahoga County Board of Elections chairwoman Inajo Chappelle Davis. She’s still on the elections board that has to review matters relative to Brown’s campaign finance reports as a county council member. Davis is known by this writer for interpreting election laws she has no authority to do anything other than obey as written. Elections board member Dave Wondolowski also endorsed Brown but removed his picture. It’s still troublesome for the same reason as Davis’. Brown’s endorsed by two out of four elections board members who have the duty to investigate her campaign finance reports.

Mellman is the Espionage and Logan Act violating unregistered Israeli foreign agent behind the commercials supporting Brown’s campaign that have the two “Sister’s” battling each other, looking foolish and dividing the American Negro community for Israel.  Over $600,000 his PAC has poured into Brown’s 11th Congressional District campaign as an Israeli government plant; and the messaging coming from both sides has been racially degrading.

Brown “approved” two commercials that feature endorsements from her mother and HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge’s mother.  Turner’s clap back commercial in the “Mama wars” is one where she sadly reveals to women like former Lt. Governor candidate Chantelle Lewis that her “Mama” died young of cancer as she promoted “Medicare for All.”

This is “the dozen’s” political style and something to laugh at for people who seek to demean the American Negro through distraction as they quietly infiltrate their pro-Israel political agenda.  Former State Senator Shirley Smith told EJBNEWS this campaign is also a demonstration of a foreign government’s influence on U.S. campaigns.

“They’re taking the cost of running for Congress in the 11th Congressional District out of the reach of average candidates,” Smith said.  “It’s wrong and it’s not good for our democracy.”

It only requires 50 signatures to get on the ballot for Congress and I remember writing in the 80’s about U.S. Rep. Louis Stokes’ “whopping” $240,000 campaign warchest.  Turner’s raised over $4.5 million.

The views of pro-American candidates like Smith aren’t even being sought after by reporters covering the congressional campaign.  The loyal to America only candidates are intentionally being ignored.  Israel benefits either way if Turner or Brown wins since a vote to arm a nation that’s never honored any conditions is still an Israeli Defense Forces victory.

Yair Lapid is Israel’s alternate prime minister and an official of a foreign government. Americans can’t talk to or work for him under the Logan and Espionage Acts. Those who do must register as the agent of a foreign government pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Brown’s pro-Israel funder, Mark Mellman, worked for Lapid for 10 years in Israel while also influencing elections inside the United States of America and elsewhere. Brown’s money man should be facing federal criminal charges for espionage.

Mellman’s DMFI, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and all the pro-Israel “political action committees” operate in violation of the nation’s espionage and foreign agents registration laws as agents of Israel.  Spies.  Manipulators.  Infiltrators.  Take your pick.  The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) describes Israel and its unregistered agents like Mellman as our nation’s #1 spy threat.

All the terms above apply to betrayers of American interests if “bought and paid for” candidates for elected offices in the United States of America are pledging allegiance to one de facto government President Harry S. Truman recognized and didn’t send a bullet to help in 1948.  There are immigrants representing over 191 nations living in our nation.  Israel gets nearly 60 percent of all U.S. foreign aid because of the foreign affairs dominance of Russian, Polish and Ukrainian Jews who make up 1.9 percent of the U.S. population.

There are 50,000 Russian, Ukrainian and Polish “Jews” in Cuyahoga County out of 1.2 million inhabitants.  Nearly 400,000 American Negroes reside in Cuyahoga County.  The attention pro-Israel Zionists get in America is larger than their presence, contribution and voting power.  Money, media and manipulation as evidenced in the 11th Congressional District campaign is how interests of the larger American Negro community in Cleveland is being drowned out.

Aid to Israel shouldn’t matter in a congressional district with the nation’s poorest city.  A $3.9 billion federal investment in Cleveland instead of Israel would improve everyone’s lives.  It’s despicable that we fund their free health care and not our own.

What should be causing concerned residents of the 11th Congressional District to be demanding an investigation of Mellman’s role in Brown’s campaign is that he spent 10 years as a Paul Manafort type of adviser to Israeli “alternate” Prime Minister Yair Lapid and his Yesh Latid political party.  Manafort was indicted and convicted along with 37 other Logan and Espionage Act violator during the Trump administration.

The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee was founded in Cleveland by Israeli spy and propagandist Isaiah Leo Kenen. Kenen’s Russian parents immigrated to Toronto where he was born; and he immigrated to Cleveland when Russians were still excluded with the Chinese in 1926. In Cleveland Kenen found a thriving community of illegal Russian aliens like the Ratners, Millers and Mandels. He also found a Russian friendly industrialist like Cyrus Eaton who, like him, was willing to work for a foreign nation’s interest inside the United States of America without registering as a foreign agent. In the photograph he’s shown with U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy after Israel’s agents were accused of orchestrating the murders of both his brothers. Robert Kennedy had ordered Kenen to register AIPAC as an agent of the Israeli government like Truman had done in 1948. John Kennedy ignored the pressure Kenen created inside the United States of America to try and prevent him from inspecting the Israeli nuclear plant at Dimona.

Mellman was working directly for Israeli elected officials of the Goverment of Israel while dually interfering in U.S. elections as a chronic violator of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).  His name appears nowhere on the U.S. Department of Justice’s website. What’s on Mellman’s website should be easy evidence to download for a spy catching FBI agent.

“Internationally, Mellman was chief strategist and pollster for Yair Lapid’s stunning rise from zero seats in the Israeli parliament to the country’s second largest party, in just one year. Earlier he helped Cesar Gavira become President of Colombia and Luli Basha defeat the international Mayor of the Year in Albania. Twice he has been honored for running the Best Campaign outside the U.S.”

The people betraying American interests for Israel’s are a fraction of the 1.9 percent of Russian Jews living in the nation.  Not all Russian Jews are Zionists but Zionists are heavily-embedded within the fabric of everything “American” as they “Israelify” our national perspective and culture.  Israel is not America’s greatest ally as ex-Israeli Prime Minister and Russian Benjamin Netanyahu repeated as propaganda no pro-Israeli agent can prove.

Russian Jews number 6 million out of 340 million inhabitants of the United States of America; and control 12 percent of the U.S. Congress with 12 seats in the U.S. and 21 in the House of Representatives.  They have a spy or “loyal to Israel” network that’s infiltrated every aspect of American politics, business, academics and the media.

Fewer than 1300 Russian Jews were in the United States of America legally in 1973, according to the New York Times.  98 percent of those living in the United States today are either illegal aliens or their descendants.

The Plain Dealer gave AIPAC founder Isaiah Leo Kenen plenty of coverage and concealment of his espionage inside the United States of America from Cleveland as an unregistered agent of the Israeli government.

Even Bonanza’s Ben Cartwright, Lorne Greene, was actually born Lyon Himan Green to Russian parents who had immigrated to Canada.  Little Joe?  Michael Landon was born Eugene Maurice Orowitz.  Victor Sen Yung or Hop Sing was the son of illegal Chinese immigrants this nation totally excluded in 1882 when he was born in 1915.  As “American” as Bonanza appeared to be three of its leading actors were just pretending.

Unregistered agents of the Russians in Palestine – like Mellman – have manipulated U.S. politicians into giving “Israel” over $142 billion in military arms since 1962.  $39 billion was pledged by ex-President Donald Trump’s administration over the next 10 years.

Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is the son of an illegal Russian alien and his grand children with daughter Ivanka Kushner are half-Russian.  The former president’s loyalties weren’t … American.  Neither is the pro-Israel faction of the nation’s Republican Party whose leadership in Congress under John Boehner let Netanyahu address the nation’s legislators during Barack Obama’s administration as president.

The $39 billion to Israel is on the table for the current Congress to deliberate and the Israeli Defense Forces’s (IDF) latest act of terrorism against Palestinians has inflamed the world against giving them another dime or weapon.  98 percent of Americans who are not loyal to Israel don’t want a dime in U.S. money or military aid supplied to Israel as we did under Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy.

After the Cleveland News folded in 1960 where Isaiah Leo Kenen worked as the newspaper’s political editor, he continued to generate attention from the Plain Dealer for his role as the editor of the Near East Report he used as AIPAC’s founder to spread Israel’s propaganda. Weapons for Israel. That’s all they want. Weapons to kill Arabs that come with the inscription “Made in America.”

It was President Lyndon Baines Johnson, whose mother was of Russian Jewish ancestry, who the Russian terrorists in Israel didn’t have to convince to secretly deliver them weapons before President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963.  Johnson openly delivered them weapons after Kennedy’s assassination and he replaced him as president beginning in 1964.

The Russian “Israeli” terrorists Johnson armed rewarded his treachery to our nation by using weapons he and the French had delivered to them to kill 34 U.S. sailors aboard the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967.  171 wounded.  Like the Lavon Affair in 1954 the Russian terrorists wanted to trick a U.S. president into believing Egypt had attacked our citizens.

Only two presidents honored the 1950 Tripartite Armistice Agreement President Truman signed with the leaders of Great Britain and France.  The basis of the agreement is there would no weapons delivered to any of the “Near East” nations who were signatories or the subject of the agreement.  Egypt, Jordan and the de facto Government of Israel.  U.S. aid would only go to the “attacked” nation.

The Plain Dealer continued to reveal Isaiah Leo Kenen’s activities on behalf of Israel to the public; and to give his propaganda a local audience as they aided his manipulation of Clevelanders to back pro-Israeli local politicians. The simplest bust in the world for the U.S. Attorneys office for the Northern District of Ohio and the FBI would have been to take the Plain Dealer’s clippings and compare them to what Kenen had written to the USDOJ’s foreign agents registration unit in Washington, D.C. With records dating back to 1948 instructing AIPAC’s founder to register as a foreign agent of Israel, and AIPAC never registering, the easiest federal bust in the world is this one. All the FBI has to do is show up at the home and offices of AIPAC with a warrant for the arrest of its leadership.

Both Truman and President David Dwight Eisenhower enforced the 1950 agreement despite Britain and France supplying weapons to the Russian aliens who’d taken over Palestine through the back door.  The agreement is the reason Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol removed the IDF from the Suez Canal in 1956 after he attacked Egypt for France with French and British tanks and rockets.  Eisenhower told him to get out and he wasn’t playing.  Eisenhower had led the U.S. armed forces as Truman’s top general during World War II and the Korean War.

Eshkol removed the IDF from the Suez Canal but not by trying to save face running his mouth in protest.  Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nassar paid off the French investors who’d built the Suez Canal and kept it as a nationalized property owned by his peoples’ government.  Egypt has never attacked Israel.

France after the Suez Canal incident provided Eshkol’s administration with the material for the Dimona nuclear plant President Kennedy wanted inspected beginning in 1962 after he learned of it.  The French betrayal and backdoor arming of the Russian takeover terrorists is the factor behind the Near East arms race Americans did not want.

The house with the brown trim on the left is 17412 Winslow Road where AIPAC founder Isaiah Leo Kenen lived as a spy and propagandist for Israel.

It was our desire as Americans to do business and culturally interact with 400 million “Arabs” insteading of being the arms dealer for 3 million former Soviet Union citizens who wanted to fully control Palestine apartheid-style.  Like Eisenhower and Truman, Kennedy was beginning to take a very hard line on the Russian terrorists in Israel before he was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

The espionage associated with manipulating American politicians into supporting arms for the illegal Russian aliens that Mellman has involved Brown in began from Cleveland before 1948; and continues to emanate from Cleveland where AIPAC and the American Zionist Council were founded by unregistered Israeli agent, infiltrator and spy Isaiah Leo Kenen.

President Truman’s administration in 1948 warned the Israeli spy, Kenen, to register with the United States Department of Justice after he offered himself as an agent of the de facto Government of Israel in Palestine in writing.  What Truman didn’t know at the time is that Kenen had been in the nation since 1926 and living in Cleveland at 17412 Winslow Road in Shaker Heights.

The Plain Dealer’s owners and editors reported on March 7, 1949 PD that Kenen was working for the Cleveland News as its political editor while working dually as the Government of Israel’s information officer. The story wasn’t intended to report his crimes of federal espionage and propaganda to the FBI, but to congratulate and legitimize him.

Kenen attended law school here and worked as the “political editor” for the Cleveland News daily newspaper that once existed from 1905 until 1960.  Like all good Communists he was a co-founder of the Writers of Guild of America labor union.  It kept American Negro journalists out of the American newspaper media workforce since they didn’t allow any to join during that period in time.  To make himself appear “credible” the writer’s guild he co-founded gave Kenen an award.

It was from Cleveland that Kenen extended what his father had started in Toronto with the World Zionist Council after immigrating there from Kiev, Russia.  The Central Intelligence Agency wasn’t created by the U.S. Congress until 1946.

The Plain Dealer’s Zionist owner in 1972, Russian Solomon Isadore Neuhaus, was blatant in using the newspaper to spread pro-Israeli propaganda to arm his fellow Russian Jews in Palestine. Clevelanders reading this traitorous foreign filth were never exposed to the 1950 Tripartite Armistice that by 1972 President Richard M. Nixon had totally disregarded after appointing Russian Jew Henry Kissinger to the office of Secretary of State.  The Plain Dealer’s owner was never investigated by the FBI as a co-conspirer who disseminated information from unregistered Israeli agents to unsuspecting Clevelanders; and who used the newspaper to endorse Israeli friendly politicians.

By 1948 the Plain Dealer was reporting how Kenen was holding a local conference with over 350 Zionist organizations he led as a national body after arriving in our city on a Zionist-building mission in 1926.  At no time did the Plain Dealer inform its readers that Kenen was an unregistered Israeli propagandist despite U.S. Department of Justice files that identified him as such.

President John F. Kennedy’s brother, U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, directed letters to Kenen when he led the American Zionist Council (AZC) in 1962 instructing the pro-Israeli propagandist to register as a foreign agent of the “de facto” Government of Israel in Palestine.  Kenen, instead, incorporated a previously non-existent AIPAC two months after the Kennedy administration instructed him to register the AZC; and 12 years after he was originally warned to do so by the Truman administration.

The Cleveland Zionist leader moved his pro-Israeli propaganda machine from the American Zionist Council to AIPAC; and then asked the Johnson administration to let him backdate AIPAC’s registration to 1951.  The move didn’t clear up all the unreported activities Kenen’s American Zionist Council engaged in for Israel beginning, officially, in 1948 without ever filing with the U.S. Department of Justice.  Johnson’s administration simply kept its mouth shut.

Instead of getting into the middle of the “Nina Turner and Shontel Brown Cat Fight” being “produced” as a reality political show in real time by unregistered agents of the Israeli government, former State Senator Shirley Smith is selling her “Second Chance” accomplishments as a veteran former Ohio legislator.

Like Mellman’s Democratic Majority for Israel, AIPAC has still not registered as an agent of the Israeli government with the United States Department of Justice.  That’s a problem for the “big money” candidates like Brown or Turner when they learn they’ve accepted donations from the wrong donors and try to conceal or have to explain it.

Whatever issues residents of the 11th Congressional District think are on the table Brown’s website shows she ain’t thinking about us.  She’s thinking about Israel and helping President Joseph Robinette Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.  Nina wants to join The Squad whose members are also thinking about Israel but not in the same way.

With candidates so consumed with what Israel wants they’re missing what Americans want.  They’re missing, too, the message they’re sending to Americans who want absolutely no foreign money or interests interfering in our elections; and that includes Israel.

This is the first time the voters of the 11th Congressional District have been so openly exposed to candidates like Brown who’ve been blatant in their pandering to the unregistered agents in the Israeli lobby for money.  It’s a “real time” opportunity for 11th Congressional District voters to grow up and see as citizens the in your face Israeli government unregistered agent manipulation that in the past was hidden in our local elections.

Clevelanders have always been manipulated.  You just didn’t know it.

Eric Jonathan Brewer

Cleveland's most influential journalist and East Cleveland's most successful mayor is an East Saint Louis, Illinois native whose father led the city's petition drive in 1969 to elect the first black mayor in 1971. Eric is an old-school investigative reporter whose 40-year body of editorial work has been demonstrably effective. No local journalist is feared or respected more.

Trained in newspaper publishing by the legendary Call & Post Publisher William Otis Walker in 1978 when it was the nation's 5th largest Black-owned publication, Eric has published and edited 13 local, regional and statewide publications across Ohio. Adding to his publishing and reporting resume is Eric's career in government. Eric served as the city's highest paid part-time Special Assistant to ex-Cleveland Mayor Michael R. White. He served as Chief of Staff to ex-East Cleveland Mayor Emmanuel Onunwor; and Chief of Communications to the late George James in his capacity as the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority's first Black executive director. Eric was appointed to serve as a member of the state's Financial Planning & Supervision Commission to guide the East Cleveland school district out of fiscal emergency and $20 million deficit. Former U.S. HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson told Eric in his D.C. office he was the only mayor in the nation simultaneously-managing a municipal block grant program. Eric wrote the city's $2.2 million Neighborhood Stabilization Program grant application. A HUD Inspector General audit of his management of the block grant program resulted in "zero" audit findings.

As a newspaper publisher, Eric has used his insider's detailed knowledge of government and his publications to lead the FBI and state prosecutors to investigations that resulted in criminal prosecutions of well-known elected officials in Ohio; and have helped realign Cleveland's political landscape with the defeat of candidates and issues he's exposed. Eric's stories led to the indictments of the late Governor George Voinovich's brother, Paul Voinovich of the V Group, and four associates. He asked the FBI to investigate the mayor he'd served as chief of staff for public corruption; and testified in three federal trials for the prosecution. He forced former Cuyahoga County Coroner Dr. Elizabeth Balraj to admit her investigations of police killings were fraudulent; and to issue notices to local police that her investigators would control police killing investigations. Eric's current work has resulted in Cuyahoga County Judge John Russo accepting the criminal complaint he guided an activist to file against 24 civil rights-violating police officers in the city he once led for operating without valid peace officer credentials. USA Today reporters picked up on Eric's police credentials reporting from his social media page and made it national.

Eric is the author of of his first book, "Fight Police License Plate Spying," which examines the FBI and local police misuse of the National Crime Information Center criminal records history database. An accomplished trumpet player and singer whose friendship with Duke Fakir of the Four Tops resulted in his singing the show's closing song, "Can't Help Myself": Curtis Sliwa of New York's Guardian Angels counts Eric among his founding chapter leaders from the early 1980's role as an Ohio organizer of over 300 volunteer crime fighters in Cleveland, Columbus and Youngstown, Ohio. For his work as a young man Eric was recognized by Cleveland's Urban League as it's 1983 Young Man of the Year.

Known in Cleveland for his encyclopedic knowledge of government and history, and intimately-connected with the region's players, every local major media outlet in Cleveland has picked up on one of Eric's stories since 1979. There is no mainstream newspaper, television or radio outlet in Cleveland that does not include an interview with Eric Jonathan Brewer in its archives over the past 40 years.
