CLEVELAND, OH – When Vice President Kamaladevi “Kamala” Harris’ Indian and Jamaican alien parents entered the United States of America (U.S.) in 1958 and 1959 to study on the three-year student visas they were issued, they did so under a 1952 immigration law that invalidates claims her birth certificate naturalized her as a citizen under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Not only have Democrats conned American voters into believing President Joseph Biden’s mind was clear over the past nearly years, they’ve sold their voters on the lie that Harris is a U.S. citizen and a “Black” woman. She’s as “Black” as Rachel Dolezal or Jessica Krug.
There’s a false belief the 14th Amendment bestows U.S. citizenship on anyone who is born within the nation’s borders; and has since it was enacted on July 9, 1868. If that was the case then Indigenous Americans whose land was taken from them by European immigrants should not have needed the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 to be granted U.S. citizenship. Members of the Cherokee, Sioux, Pawnee, Catawba and other indigenous Indian tribal nations were not granted U.S. citizenship because they were born here under the 14th Amendment or laws enacted by Congress.

The language mandating the assignment of foreign citizenship to the children of aliens born on U.S. soil in 1964 when Harris was born is found in the subsections of Section 202 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, then known as the McCarran – Walter Act of 1952. The heading is, “Determination of Quota to which an immigrant is chargeable.” It obliterates any claim that the 14th Amendment guarantees birthright citizenship to the children of two aliens, temporary sojourners, who are born in the U.S.
Subsection (3) reads, “an alien born in the United States shall be considered as having been born in the country of which he is a citizen or subject, or if he is not a citizen or subject of any country then in the last foreign country in which he had his residence as determined by the consular officer.”
Language establishing proof the 14th Amendment did and does not grant birth certificate citizenship to the alien children of aliens from the “Asia Pacific Triangle” is in the Immigration & Nationality Act of 1952 at Subsection (5). It reads, “Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection, any alien who is attributable by as much as one-half of his ancestry to a people or peoples indigenous to the Asia-Pacific triangle defined in subsection (b) of this section, unless such alien is entitled to a nonquota immigrant status under paragraph (27) (A), (27) (B), (27) (D), (27) (E), (27) (F), or (27) (G) of section 101 (a), shall be chargeable to a quota as specified in subsection (b) of this section.” [None of the nonquota immigrant statuses of Section 101 applied to half Indian and Jamaican Harris’ mother].
The language of Subsection (3) remained in the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 Congress amended that year as Public Law 89-236. Congress eliminated the 100 per year quotas for Asian Indians and other immigrants who were once inadmissible or excluded, and limited overall immigration admissions to one percent of the immigrants who were recorded as being legally admitted from a particular nation.
The unused quotas for each group of aliens from restricted countries under the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act were placed in a pool until June 30, 1968. When Harris’s parents gave birth to her, aliens who were excluded from citizenship were admitted for educational purposes and were supposed to learn, leave and take any children they gave birth to back home with them. There are no immigration laws that placed over 5.2 million excluded Chinese and Asian Indians in the U.S. legally today.

The Slaughter-House Cases of 1873 is the first Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruling on the subject of the 14th Amendment, citizenship and for whom it was intended. It is the first sentence the Republican Congress adopted in Section 1 of the 14th Amendment on July 28, 1868 that confuses.
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
The SCOTUS in the post-Civil War Slaughterhouse Cases ruling in 1873 explained the 14th Amendment’s main purpose; and the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” in clear and unambiguous English.
“That its main purpose was to establish the citizenship of the Negro can admit of no doubt. The phrase, “subject to its jurisdiction” was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States.”
Our nation’s highest court was led by Republican Chief Justice and former Ohio U.S. Senator Salmon P. Chase in 1873. A majority of the 9 justices were seated during congressional discussions about the 14th Amendment in 1868. They were present in real time; and among the few Americans to know the legislative intent of Congress’ enactment of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to our Constitution.

Aliens at the time were classified as temporary sojourners; and so were the children they birthed here. It’s how they were described by Republican U.S. Senator Lyman Trumbull, one of the 14th Amendment’s authors. This is the view constitutional historians are now saying Republican President Donald Trump’s administration accepted as he enforced our immigration laws.
U.S. Senator Trumbull and the 14th Amendment’s other authors knew the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were intended to settle the citizenship status and civil rights of American Negroes who’d been freed from slavery after our Civil War. The constitutional amendments were countering the “Black Codes” formerly Confederate Democratic southern states, and those in the north like Ohio, had enacted to disenfranchise the nation’s newly-freed newest citizens. Democrats enacted anti-Negro state laws to deny civil rights and opportunities to Freed men and women as the southern states returned to the Union. White supremacist Democrats didn’t want to share political and economic power with American Negroes. In Democratic controlled states, American Negroes couldn’t vote, sue or testify against Anglo-Saxons and Caucasians in court.
The Slaughterhouse Cases overturned the SCOTUS’s 1857, slavery-period Dred Scott ruling, that, “Any person descended from Africans, whether slave or free, is not a citizen of the United States, according to the U.S. Constitution.” The jurisdictional language was added to the 14th Amendment to exclude aliens from being naturalized at birth. Actor Will Smith didn’t learn enough to deliver a credible 14th Amendment documentary to Netflix.

Indian alien Kamala Iyer Harris was born on October 20, 1964 at 9:28 p.m. The location of her birth was a Kaiser Foundation Hospital located at 280 West MacArthur Boulevard in Oakland, California. Harris’ mother changed her alien daughter’s name by removing the middle name Iyer that denoted their claimed membership in the Brahmin caste of Asian Indians. She replaced it with “Devi” after one of her Hindu religion’s 33 crore gods.
The restrictive quotas on Asian Indians were maintained in the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 that Congress didn’t replace until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Federal laws didn’t allow Harris’ alien Asian Indian mother to even apply for U.S. citizenship until after she was born; which she did not. She was a member of an excluded people our laws had deemed inadmissible, whose parents had traveled to study temporarily.
Harris was born to a statutorily-excluded Asian Indian alien in a nation where the races and ethnic groups had been segregated by laws her Democratic Party enacted after Republican President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863.
In India the names “Kamala” and “Devi” are combined as “Kamaladevi.” Gopolan could have been paying homage to history making Indian feminist, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay.
On Harris’ birth certificate, the mother who the first female vice president described as being aligned to the American Negro civil rights movement, Gopolan, labeled herself a “Caucasian.” In the U.S. the racial classification of “Caucasian” was not available to Harris’ alien mother as a way for an Asian Indian to affiliate herself and Kamala with White Americans. Not according to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in U.S. v. Bhagat Singh Thind in 1923.

When the SCOTUS ruled on Thind’s case in 1923, the Chinese had been excluded from 1882 to 1945 by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The exclusions against them included Asian Indians, and were repeated in other immigration laws Congress enacted in the Immigration Act of 1917 and the Asian Exclusion Act of 1924. The SCOTUS in 1889, in a case captioned Chae Chan Ping v. United States, concluded that excluding “hordes” of unassimilable foreigners who were under the control of another government from entering our nation, who retained allegiance to their foreign nation, was a matter of national security if we ever war with their home nation.
“To preserve its independence, and give security against foreign aggression and encroachment, is the highest duty of every nation, and to attain these ends nearly all other considerations are to be subordinated. It matters not in what form such aggression and encroachment come, whether from the foreign nation acting in its national character, or from vast hordes of its people crowding in upon us. The government, possessing the powers which are to be exercised for protection and security, is clothed with authority to determine the occasion on which the powers shall be called forth, and its determinations, so far as the subjects affected are concerned, are necessarily conclusive upon all its departments and officers.
If, therefore, the government of the United States, through its legislative department, considers the presence of foreigners of a different race in this country, who will not assimilate with us, to be dangerous to its peace and security, their exclusion is not to be stayed because at the time there are no actual hostilities with the nation of which the foreigners are subjects. The existence of war would render the necessity of the proceeding only more obvious and pressing.
The power of the government to exclude foreigners from the country whenever in its judgment the public interests require such exclusion has been asserted in repeated instances, and never denied by the executive or legislative departments.”
The Immigration Act of 1917 created a list of undesirable aliens, a literacy test and an Asiatic Barred Zone of excluded nations that included bans on immigrants from China, British India, Afghanistan, Arabia, Burma (Myanmar), Siam or Thailand, the Malay States, the Dutch East Indies, the Soviet Union east of the Ural Mountains and Polynesia. At the time she was born in 1964, Asian Indian Kamala Harris and her Asian Indian mother were not eligible for U.S. citizenship because the Asian restrictions were still embedded in the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act in effect when she crossed our border in 1958; and when the alien in the vice president’s office was born in 1964.

The right of Congress to exclude foreigners from U.S. citizenship by nationality was affirmed in Thind’s case, as it had been in others, when he asked the SCOTUS to decide two questions after he was illegally granted U.S. citizenship by a federal judge in the District Court of Oregon. The Asian Indian was naturalized over the objection of an immigration department’s national examiner.
Thind and Nimarata Nikki Randhawa-Haley’s family are from the same city in India. Amritsar. In India Haley is known as a Randhawa. The two questions Thind asked the SCOTUS to answer are as follows.
- Is a high-caste Hindu, of full Indian blood, born at Amritsar, Punjab, India, a white person within the meaning of section 2169, Revised Statutes?
- Does the Act of February 5, 1917 (39 Stat. 875, §3), disqualify from naturalization as citizens those Hindus now barred by that act, who had lawfully entered the United States prior to the passage of said act?’
The Thind case was argued January 11, 1923 and decided February 19, 1923. Will R. King, of Washington, D. C., served as Thind’s attorney and got the following very straightforward answer.
“It is not without ‘significance in this connection that Congress, by the Act of February 5, 1917, c. 29, § 3, 39 Stat. 874, has now excluded from admission into this country all natives of Asia within designated limits of latitude and longitude, including the whole of India. This not only constitutes conclusive evidence of the congressional attitude of opposition to Asiatic immigration generally, but is persuasive of a similar attitude toward Asiatic naturalization as well, since it is not likely that Congress would be willing to accept as citizens a class of persons whom it rejects as immigrants.”
Personating a U.S. citizen comes with a three-year federal prison sentence pursuant to federal “Personation” laws found at Title 18, Section 911 of the United States Code. The heading is “Citizen of the United States” under the “Personation chapter.” It’s not just Harris who’s been personating a U.S. citizen. Nimarata Nikki Haley, Bernardo “Bernie” Fernando Moreno, Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy are all personating or impersonated U.S. citizens in federal elections like Harris. With so many foreign born appointees and workers who have infiltrated the U.S. government, who think their birth certificates make them citizens, laws with words like those below are not being enforced.
“Whoever falsely and willfully represents himself to be a citizen of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

British Jamaican alien Donald Jasper Harris and Indian alien Shyamala Gopolan were married on July 5, 1963 in the same county in the same Alameda Superior Court that granted their January 6, 1972 marriage dissolution in Oakland, California. Neither had applied to become Lawful Permanent Residents, or had sought to become “naturalized” U.S. citizens in 1963 before giving birth to their alien and non-immigrant daughter, Kamala, in 1964.
Gopolan had graduated 10 months before Kamala’s birth in January 1964. Both had already overstayed their student visas to remain and work in contradiction to each of them signing an oath that they intended to return to their home countries. Seven months after giving birth to Kamala’s sister on January 30, 1966, and after working on an H1 visa, Gopolan eventually applied to adjust her status to that of a Lawful Permanent Resident on August 9, 1966 but did not add her two daughters, declaring that they were “inapplicable.”
Harris’ mother was wrongly operating under the assumption that her daughters were 14th Amendment citizens when she made a critical administrative mistake that confirms she’s not a U.S. citizen. Gopolan was approved for Lawful Permanent Resident status on April 9, 1968, or nearly four years after Kamala’s birth as a citizen of India. Had her mother asked for Lawful Permanent Resident status for Kamala and Maya, they would have been eligible to apply to be “naturalized” in federal court as a U.S. citizen, but ineligible to seek the presidency.
Gopolan withdrew her Lawful Permanent Resident status in 1976 after she relocated to French speaking Montreal, Canada in 1975 with her two daughters. She sought to return in 1986 after working for the Lady Davis Research Institute in Montreal.
Harris’ father was here to steal intellectual secrets held in American universities for the Jamaican government with fellow Jamaican, Sir William Arthur Lewis, who was chancellor of the University of the West Indies that employed them both. Lewis was also an unregistered agent of several African governments.

In December 1964, two months after his daughter was born, the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies at the University of the West Indies published Donald Jasper Harris’ paper on the “Econometric Analysis of Household Consumption in Jamaica.” In the “introduction” to his paper on page 471, the footnote explains how the work product was prepared and where.
Donald Jasper Harris’ research on the paper began where he was born and raised in Jamaica; and was completed on computers at the University of California in Berkeley when they realized U.S. universities had more resources. As an official of the University of the West Indies, Donald Jasper Harris never registered as a foreign agent of the Jamaican government funded public school with the U.S. Department of Justice. It may explain his distancing himself from his wife’s pro-Communist “civil rights” activities. She wanted the “Internal Security Act” repealed for demanding that Communist organizations register with the U.S. Department of Justice. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was investigating subversive organization’s on the University of California’s Berkeley campus in the 1960’s.
Based on the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952, Kamala Harris was not “naturalized” by her birth certificate as a bi-national child of a Marxist Asian Indian alien from India, and a Marxist British Jamaican alien descendant of an Scots-Irish slave owner. The Luce-Cellar Act of 1946 was still in effect limiting the number of Asian Indians immigrating to the U.S. to no more than 100 per year to study. So was the Johnson Reed Act of 1924, aka the Asian Exclusion Act of 1924, that completely banned Asian Indians from U.S. citizenship, and placed tight restrictions on Eastern and Southern European Jews on entering the nation until 1965. They were in the 100 per year category like the Asian Indians.

The U.S., under Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, didn’t even allow “the Diary of Anne Frank’s” family to cross our borders to escape German, Polish, Romanian and Ukrainian Nazis like those in the Azov Battalion who Harris and Biden are arming in Ukraine. Roosevelt saw Jewish refugees as an espionage threat to our national security, so he closed our borders to them during his presidency and World War II.
Roosevelt had served as President Woodrow Wilson’s Assistant Secretary to the Navy during World War 1, and during the Palmer Raids when he ordered Jewish Bolshevik anarchists and other aliens from Eastern Europe to be rounded up and deported to Russia in 1919. Roosevelt would have held the #2 job in the U.S. Navy when the USS Buford was deployed in 1919 to forcefully deport 219 anarchist Jews to Russia aboard “the Soviet ark.”
President Wilson and America were weary of the anarchist “Red Summers” of violence and anti-American Negro exterminations the labor unions promoted beginning in East Saint Louis, Illinois on July 2, 1917 and Chicago, Detroit, Boston and other cities in 1919. “Unionists” from Eastern Europe called themselves exterminating an estimated 1000 American Negro men, women and children just in East Saint Louis.
The Democratic Party’s presidential candidate’s parents were also inadmissible Marxists or Communists who concealed their “civil rights” activities on their applications for visas. Harris’ mother only listed her academic associations, which contradicts Kamala’s claims of her being a civil rights activist. If Harris is truthful her resume serves as evidence Gopolan hid her true civil rights affiliations from U.S. immigration officials.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was actively investigating subversive student organizations on the University of California’s Berkley campus during the 1960’s. One of the issues Harris’ mother protested, which caused her father to distance himself from her “civil rights activities,” was for Congress to repeal the “Internal Security Act of 1950” that required Communist organizations to register with the U.S. Attorney General. Congress flat-out outlawed Communism in 1954 by passing the Communist Control Act.
Harris’ Jamaican Marxist father, Donald Jasper Harris, wrote in 2019 that he was descended from one of Jamaica’s largest slave owners, a Scots-Irish man named Hamilton Brown. The White-looking British born Jamaican resented being labeled “a Negro from the islands” by the court official charged with dissolving his marriage to Kamala’s mother and determining custody of their daughters in 1972.
The strikes against Kamala Harris’ U.S. citizenship, with a mother from Chennai in the Communist part of India in the state of Tamil Nadu, were overwhelming in the face of U.S. laws in existence when she was born. The Communist Party of India in Chennai celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019.

Consider that when the Harris’ gave birth to Kamala’s sister Maya on January 30, 1966, Shyamala received a Deportation Docket Control Action Slip or Notice 11 months later on November 17, 1967. Her marriage saved her as she falsely identified herself as the spouse of a lawful permanent resident.
The marriage claim was true, but Harris’ father had not been granted lawful permanent resident status in 1967 while he remained in the U.S. on a three-year student visa that expired in 1962. Harris’ father appears to have applied for naturalization 14 years later in 1981, or when Kamala was 17 and living in Canada. There’s no published record or report that his U.S. citizenship request was granted as he continues today to identify as Jamaican. Immigration officials, nonetheless, gave Shyamala 30 days to seek a status adjustment.
Kamala’s mother obtained permission to enter the U.S. to begin her college studies at 16 on September 15, 1958, and should have left around September 14, 1961 when her student visa expired. She asked for extension after extension, and adjustment after adjustment of her visa and immigration status to stay, leave and re-enter and remain in the U.S.
Her father arrived from Jamaica on August 7, 1959 with his student visa expiring August 6, 1962. Foreign students studying in the U.S. sign documents affirming their intent to return to their home countries. From the 14th Amendment’s perspective, they are “temporary sojourners” who are not “under the jurisdiction thereof” of the U.S. Their “intent to return” signature operates as an oath which affirms that they know they’re supposed to leave when their visas expire and they’ve earned a degree.

It’s the same for both Harris’ parents to work in the U.S. It’s difficult to believe they brought “special skills” to a nation where they relocated to be educated. Shyamala was a 16-year-old Indian student who’d obtained a degree in home sciences from her home country. She’d learned to be a man’s wife and to take care of his home.
The conditions for temporary alien workers with special skills are found at Section 101(H) of Public Law 414, Chapter 447; as it was enacted as language in the Immigration & Nationality Act in 1952. The following definition was set forth for temporary alien workers whose visas expired in 3 years.
“An alien having a residence in a foreign country which he has no intention of abandoning (i) who is of distinguished merit and ability and who is coming temporarily to the United States to perform temporary services of an exceptional nature requiring such merit and ability; or (ii) who is coming temporarily to the United States to perform other temporary services or labor, if unemployed persons capable of performing such service or labor cannot be found in this country.”

Fourteen years after she requested a January 6, 1972 dissolution from her July 5, 1963 marriage to Jamaican alien Donald Jasper Harris, Indian alien Shyamala Gopolan lied on federal immigration forms she submitted through Immigration & Naturalization Services (INS) to the United States Department of Justice. She signed a document dated February 3, 1986 claiming they were still married.
Kamaladevi Harris had already relocated back to the United States of America in 1982 after living in Montreal since she was 11 and sister, Maya, was 9. She had enrolled at Howard University that year to study economics as she falsely claimed U.S. citizenship through naturalization.
Howard University officials ignored all duties to validate her citizenship with INS as the child of an Indian alien who was not an immigrant to the United States of America. By Shyamala Gopolan’s own published words she never intended to stay as confirmed by her “in and out” presence with extended periods outside United States borders. She wanted to die and be buried in India. Gopolan never made it back home.
The current Vice President of the United States of America should have applied for a student visa and then citizenship when she entered our nation’s borders from Canada as an alien Indian with a U.S. birth certificate that did not affirm her citizenship in 1982. A reading of the plain English language of U.S. immigration laws Congress has enacted creates a completely different perspective on who and who, specifically, is not a U.S. citizen under our constitution and laws.

The U.S. Congress has enacted laws since 1790 that define who, how many and for what purpose foreign citizens are allowed admission temporary or permanent admission. The authority to enact uniform naturalization rules is granted to Congress under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 of the Constitution of the U.S.
Despite the discomfort aliens from the Asia Pacific Triangle may experience in knowing Congress and U.S. citizens saw them as not admissible for citizenship, it is a fact that Asian Indians were among the categories of aliens Congress viewed as “unassimilable” and excluded. In later years the congressional exclusions were more defined to answer the questions Asians seeking admissibility or to stay longer argued in courts.
Having previously been restricted to a quota of 100 per year, with no chance for U.S. citizenship, there are not over 5 million Asians legally living in the U.S. today.