CLEVELAND, OH – Cleveland Clinic’s ex-Chief Executive Officer, Delos Cosgrove, and the board used their combined muscle to immigrate Saudi Arabian citizen Suha Abushamma here in violation of President Donald Trump’s 2017 travel ban on seven Muslim-led nations. Cleveland Clinic was anxious to have the 26-year-old non-U.S. citizen return for the free scholarship she’d been given to attend their medical school to become a physician.
Over 1.1 million foreign students a year are being admitted to the classsrooms of colleges and universities in the United States of America where they’re taking away higher education opportunities natural-born American citizens should have access to first. 369,000 of the students are from Communist China. Another 200,000 are from India. These are the figures from Open Door’s annual report of foreign student enrollment.
In Ohio 14 percent of the state’s public school students are denied access to the college campuses paid for by their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents earnings, tax dollars, fees and fines for generations. Their personal dreams and opportunities to improve their cities, state and nation are being stripped from them by greedy “American” college and university administrators in cities like Cleveland.
When I served as East Cleveland’s mayor for 4 years between 2006 and 2009, I met with Case Western Reserve University’s interim President, John Wheeler, in 2008 to discuss among other issues why the last American Negro dental student was graduating from the school with none entering it as freshmen. Local municipal high schools were offering a dental technician’s training to area students. There was no need for them to be displaced by foreigners.

Right now Massachussetts Attorney General Maura Healey, a gay woman with no children, is suing President Donald Trump on behalf of Harvard and the Massachussetts Institute of Technology to let foreign students keep their student visas while they study from their home nations. Healey and 16 other un-American state attorney generals say their universities would rather educate foreigners who bring in $1.2 million in cash each instead of U.S. citizens whose parents tax dollars paid for the universities. Healey’s pleading should face a “Rule 11” sanction for that lie. Universities like Case Western Reserve in Cleveland are offering “international” students “financial aid.”
Only 341,751 students from the U.S. studied out of the nation in 2018. No one nation has ever allowed 341,751 Americans to enter it unless they were soldiers. Most “thinking” leaders would see the infiltration as an “occupation” unless they were conspirers.

According to Open Door’s examination of foreign enrollment on U.S. higher learning campuses since 1948, the nation’s past college and university administrators educated Americans … first. 25,464 foreign students were let into the nation’s universities that year.
Throughout the 1950’s the highest number of foreign students legallly allowed in the nation was no more than 48,000. The number of foreign students on American college campuses grew from 53,107 in 1959-60 to 134,959 by 1970 throughout the years of John. F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon serving as presidents. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s foreign student enrollment remained relatively flat between 33,000 and 43,000 during the majority of the anti-Communist 1950’s.

The foreign attack on Americans seeking higher educations in their own classrooms skyrocketed into the triple digits between the 1.1 percent alien student enrollment during President Harry Truman’s terms in office to the Presidents James E. Carter, Ronald R. Reagan and both George Bush’s through the 1970’s and 1990’s; and into the two terms of William J. Clinton. The “last” Bush brought a foreign student enrollment as high as 3.8 percent.
Foreign student enrollment grew to 5.2 percent under ex-President Barack Hussein Obama as he led more natural born Americans to be robbed of higher education dreams. It’s now 5.5 percent under Trump as 1,095,299 foreign students were enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities in 2018-19. Trump, however, is pushing back with Homeland Security’s instructions to the universities to educate foreign students in the U.S. or not at all.

The dark side of their presence here is that some are in the nation to steal its secrets and harm Americans; and they’re being helped from the inside by greedy college administrators whose only motivation is profit. Colleges like Case Western Reserve University would rather get “paid in foreign cash” tuitions than improve the lives of this city, state and nation’s natural born citizens.
During the coronavirus Americans were deprived of needed medical supplies when foreign students being trained in medicine in our universities combined their cash to buy up our surplus to send overseas to their families. They had absolutely no loyalty to saving the lives of this nation’s citizens.

Trump has directed U.S. Attorney General William Barr to investigate. Barr sent a letter to the nation’s 94 U.S. Attorneys ordering them to investigate participating foreign students, but there’s been no investigation of the Cleveland area’s foreign-controlled hospitals coming out of the office led by U.S. Attorney Justin Herdman in the Northern District of Ohio . Cleveland Clinic CEO Tomas Mihaljevic is a citizen of Croatia the board hired after he opened their hospital in Saudi Arabia.
It’s logical that citizens born of this nation, and whose ancestors built it, would have a national and loyal interest in protecting our highest national defense, scientific research and intellectual property secrets foreign students are stealing to send “back home.” That’s not the pro-American nationalistic thinking of U.S. college and university board members and administrators who’ve allowed over 1.1 million students instead of natural born Americans to have access to this nation’s highest learning opportunities.
The U.S. would not have a shortage of healthcare professionals or a Communist-infiltration and espionage problem with foreign students if former Cleveland Clinic officials like Cosgrove and others had made a commitment to send Clevelanders and Ohioans to medical school for free like they’ve done for aliens and foreign government officials they’ve conspired with to violate U.S. immigration and national defense laws.
[All photos fairly used for educational purposes].