CLEVELAND, OH – Cleveland Municipal Court bailiff Charles Morris experienced a stroke 5-days after he took the first of two Pfizer injections both the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have confirmed do not cure coronavirus or covid. Coronavirus is the seasonal common cold and covid is the medical term for the flu. Congress is investigating how the two viruses were “weaponized” during “gain of function” research Dr. Anthony Fauci approved American funds to be spent with scientists working for Communist China while he served as head of the National Institute of Health.
Judges leading Cuyahoga county [Brendan Sheehan] and Cleveland municipal courts [Michelle Early] have issued orders prescribing injections that are proving to be lethal for some Americans under the threat of their being forced out of a job. Morris cares more about his life than obeying Presiding Judge Early’s order; so he’s refusing the injection and saying “no” to the unclassified civil service job. He’s found another one.
Morris received his first shot on April 7, 2021. Five days later on April 12th the Cleveland court bailiff experienced a stroke he did not report to the Centers for Disease Control VAERS. Morris couldn’t because he was hospitalized and focused on trying to heal. His physicians didn’t report it either. They didn’t have the knowledge to know or not know at the time if the vaccine triggered the stroke like it’s triggered inflammation that has led to heart attacks and death in other injectees.
So like hundreds of thousands of other injected and undetected Americans who have become sick or died after the admittedly weak injections; the nation’s health authorities don’t have Morris “stroke” facts to add to the list of adverse events associated with the injections that don’t cure disease. There’s no warning coming to Americans that include Morris’ stroke after Pfizer’s first shot as yet another precaution.
Currently, CDC reports are claiming that injected Americans who believe they’ve been vaccinated can still contract and transmit new variants of the flu that have grown past the coronavirus or seasonal common cold which affected the world in 2019 or Covid 19. Right now we’re in CoVid 21 as it’s being called a “delta variant” while we enter the CoVid 22 season beginning in 2022 with yet another mutation of a never-ending animal to human connected flu virus.
CoVid 19 was originally identified as a camel to human transmitted virus before attention was directed to bats in China. An injection built on an already mutated zoonotically transmitted 2019 cold and flu virus is now a waste of time near the end of 2021 when reports are showing that people who’ve survived each new virus have natural immunity for at least 10 months.

When Morris asked for a “second shot” exemption from Early’s court ordered injection mandate she led her colleagues to vote no. All except Judges Marilyn Cassiday and Jazmine Torres-Lugo. Both are adamantly opposed to terminating any city worker who refuses the Pfizer and Moderna injections the “presiding judge” Early prescribed in the form of an “order.” Cassiday is a Republican and Torres-Lugo’s a Democrat. Judge Pinkie Carr, a Democrat, has remained completely out of the injection hysteria Early and her Democratic colleagues created. Inside court sources say Judge Sheila Turner-McCall is among the most adamant about terminating court workers.
The gain of function research Fauci sent American dollars to Communist China to study was designed to make the common cold and flu more lethal and incurable as a biological weapon. Coronavirus was identified as an incurable biological agent in 2012 during the administration of ex-President Barack Obama. Former President George W. Bush sent funds to the University of Texas’ medical school to develop a cure in 2004.
A curable biological weapon is not an effective biological weapon. It explains why the ongoing experimental MRNA injections being called vaccines are really ineffective, physically debilitating and life-threatening twice-yearly booster shots. I know of no Cleveland Municipal Court Judge with service to our nation’s armed forces in their resumes who are making personal and unconstitutional judgement calls about American freedoms. Our courts are under the control of frat brothers and sorority sisters instead of patriotic Americans.
The MRNA injections can’t be called “vaccines” because even the CDC admits they don’t cure either the cold or flu as the effectiveness wanes daily and they are completely ineffective after four months. The information supporting these conclusions is readily available for the injection-mandating judges to read; but none of it is cited in Early’s order.

Over 12,000 deaths have been “reported” to the Centers for Disease Control’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since the injections began in December 2020. It’s the unreported deaths connected to the injections that has thinking Americans skeptical about the forced injections officials like Early are ruthlessly pressuring them to take in exchange for work. Early’s young enough to face Cleveland voters who will “vote” to decide whether she leaves or remains on the court in two years.
Early is not a physician or licensed to prescribe medication to city workers an Ohio law describes as being classified and unclassified civil service workers. The judges she leads recently voted to place six employees on unpaid leave, including a single mother with six children, not only in violation of civil service laws found in Chapter 124 of the Ohio Revised Code; but without the support of any law, public comment or due process.
All are wildly unconstitutional and unlawful “color of law” acts which violate Rule 1.1 of the Code of Judicial Conduct that instructs judges to obey laws. Their conspiracy in support of Early’s “orders” further violates section 1901.32(B) of the Ohio Revised Code that created the Cleveland Municipal Court. Early’s gang of supportive judges, and forever rogue Municipal Clerk of Court Earle B. Turner, have made classified and unclassified civil service protected employees in the courts the only class of municipal workers who are mandated to be injected with experimental drugs or face termination. R.C. 1901.32 they’re violating reads as follows:
“In the Cleveland municipal court, the chief clerks and all deputy clerks are in the classified civil service of the city of Cleveland. The clerk, the chief deputy clerks, the probation officers, one private secretary, one personal stenographer to the clerk, and one personal bailiff to each judge are in the unclassified civil service of the city of Cleveland. Upon demand of the clerk, the civil service commission of the city of Cleveland shall certify a list of those eligible for the position of deputy clerk. From the list, the clerk shall designate chief clerks and the number of deputy clerks that the legislative authority determines are necessary.
Except as otherwise provided in this division, the bailiff, chief deputy bailiffs, and all deputy bailiffs of the Cleveland municipal court appointed after January 1, 1968, and the chief housing specialist, housing specialists, and housing division referees of the housing division of the Cleveland municipal court appointed under section 1901.331 of the Revised Code are in the unclassified civil service of the city of Cleveland. All deputy bailiffs of the housing division of the Cleveland municipal court appointed pursuant to that section are in the classified civil service of the city of Cleveland. Upon the demand of the judge of the housing division of the Cleveland municipal court, the civil service commission of the city of Cleveland shall certify a list of those eligible for the position of deputy bailiff of the housing division. From the list, the judge of the housing division shall designate the number of deputy bailiffs that the judge determines are necessary.
The chief deputy clerks, the chief clerks, and all other deputy clerks of the Cleveland municipal court shall receive the compensation that the clerk prescribes. Except as provided in division (A)(4)(a) of section 1901.331 of the Revised Code with respect to officers and employees of the housing division of the Cleveland municipal court, the bailiff, all deputy bailiffs, and assignment room personnel of the Cleveland municipal court shall receive the compensation that the court prescribes.
Any appointee under sections 1901.01 to 1901.37 of the Revised Code may be dismissed or discharged by the same power that appointed the appointee. In the case of the removal of any civil service appointee under those sections, an appeal may be taken from the decision of the civil service commission to the court of common pleas of Cuyahoga county to determine the sufficiency of the cause of removal. The appeal shall be taken within ten days of the finding of the commission.“
Not a single word of the unsuspended state general law above can be altered by an order of the “presiding judge” of the Cleveland Municipal Court. So both Early and [Earle] Turner are compelled to obey it when hiring, promoting, demoting, dismissing or discharging classified and unclassified civil service employees who they have designated to jobs. The words are in plain English and need no interpretation.

Judge Cassiday has taken the correct position that R.C. 1901.32 authorizes her to appoint her personal bailiff, Ebony Grantonz, and that Early’s order has no effect on her. Her opinion appears to be mirrored in a 2013 ruling of the Supreme Court of Ohio that affected a deputy bailiff in Warren, Ohio’s two-judge municipal court. Unlike the other Cleveland judges she’s not allowing a competent and loyal employee to be tossed into the streets over some made up shit.
Warren, Ohio municipal court Judge Thomas Gysegem’s deputy bailiff announced she wanted to retire and collect the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) pension she earned. Gysegem agreed to let her double dip but he had to terminate the deputy bailiff through a “journal entry.” The journal entry date of termination was needed by the city’s auditor or finance director to submit her paperwork to OPERS. When he refused she filed a civil claim to the Supreme Court of Ohio and the judges agreed with Warren’s fiscal officer.
The duties her lawyers had claimed were only “ministerial” were indeed mandates to be obeyed as written said the state’s Supreme Court. The words the justices offered are found in STATE OF OHIO, ex rel. LOUISE O’GRADY. Case No. 2013-1151.
“Judge Gysegem has the power to appoint his deputy bailiff, set her salary and terminate her pursuant to R.C. 1901.32. He must do so through his journal entries. State ex re1. Geauga Cty. Bd. of Commrs., 100 Ohio St.3d 366, 2003-Ohio-6608, 800 N.E.2d 361, 120.”
The words appoint, appointee and appointing authority are all well-defined within the 1901 section of the Ohio Revised Code as well as the 667 pages of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts in our state. The well-detailed index of state court rules consists of 6 pages.
Court Rule 8(2) defines an “appointee” as “any person, other than a court employee, receiving an appointment by a court or judicial officer. “Appointee” does not include a person or entity who is selected by someone other than the court.”
The general law’s words are further defined, along with “employee,” in Section 124.01 of the Ohio Revised Code under the state’s unsuspended Civil Service laws.
Chapter 1901.32 as EJBNEWS readers have learned defines the groups of municipal workers “designated” to the courts as classifed employees and unclassified employees. It identifies the Civil Service Commission as the appointing authority of the classified court employees for the purposes of required competitive examinations.

Definitions for all Ohio laws are found in those numbered “01” behind the number that identifies the chapter. Chapter 124 deals with classified and unclassified employees and “employees.” Subsections 124.01(C)(D)(F) of the chapter provides the definition for three key words:
“(C) “Classified service” means the competitive classified civil service of the state, the several counties, cities, city health districts, general health districts, and city school districts of the state, and civil service townships. (D) “Appointing authority” means the officer, commission, board, or body having the power of appointment to, or removal from, positions in any office, department, commission, board, or institution. (F) “Employee” means any person holding a position subject to appointment, removal, promotion, or reduction by an appointing officer. “Employee” does not include an officer, employee, or governor-appointed director of the nonprofit corporation formed under section 187.01 of the Revised Code.”
Court employees don’t have a union but they have something better in the form of Civil Service rules and the Civil Service Commission. Whether “classified” or “unclassified” the civil service laws serve both employee groups. Section 124.11(10) exists under the heading “unclassified service” and defines the group of employees its laws protect.
“Bailiffs, constables, official stenographers, and commissioners of courts of record, deputies of clerks of the courts of common pleas who supervise or who handle public moneys or secured documents, and such officers and employees of courts of record and such deputies of clerks of the courts of common pleas as the appointing authority finds it impracticable to determine their fitness by competitive examination …”
If the state’s intent was to leave government workers unprotected from malicious terminations like those coming from the Early-led Cleveland municipal court, and those affected by Sheehan at Cuyahoga county’s courts, the laws would have been written that way. But Section 124.01 of the Ohio Revised Code appears to bring all government workers under the “classified” and “unclassified” protections found in Chapter 124 with inclusionary language in the heading and first subsection.
“Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, as used in this chapter: (A) “Civil service” includes all offices and positions of trust or employment in the service of the state and in the service of the counties, cities, city health districts, general health districts, and city school districts of the state.”
Pursuant to Subsection 124.64, anyone who violates a Civil Service law or rule is to be “criminally” prosecuted by the “civil service commission” through either Cleveland’s legal department under Karrie Howard; or by the commission itself with a special counsel.
“Prosecutions for the violation of sections 124.01 to 124.64 of the Revised Code, or the rules and regulations of the director of administrative services established in conformity thereto, shall be instituted by the attorney general or by the director acting through special counsel, or by the county prosecutor for the county in which the offense is alleged to have been committed. Prosecutions for violations of such sections and the rules and regulations of any municipal civil service commission by any officer or employee of such city, city school district, or city health district, shall be instituted by such municipal civil service commission through the legal department of the city or by such municipal civil service commission acting through special counsel.”
The process for getting Early’s order adjudicated is in the filing of a complaint pursuant to Section 124.341 of the Ohio Revised Code. The heading is “violation or misuse – whistleblower protection.”
(A) If an employee in the classified or unclassified civil service becomes aware in the course of employment of a violation of state or federal statutes, rules, or regulations or the misuse of public resources, and the employee’s supervisor or appointing authority has authority to correct the violation or misuse, the employee may file a written report identifying the violation or misuse with the supervisor or appointing authority. In addition to or instead of filing a written report with the supervisor or appointing authority, the employee may file a written report with the office of internal audit created under section 126.45 of the Revised Code or file a complaint with the auditor of state’s fraud-reporting system under section 117.103 of the Revised Code.If the employee reasonably believes that a violation or misuse of public resources is a criminal offense, the employee, in addition to or instead of filing a written report or complaint with the supervisor, appointing authority, the office of internal audit, or the auditor of state’s fraud-reporting system, may report it to a prosecuting attorney, director of law, village solicitor, or similar chief legal officer of a municipal corporation, to a peace officer, as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code, or, if the violation or misuse of public resources is within the jurisdiction of the inspector general, to the inspector general in accordance with section 121.46 of the Revised Code. In addition to that report, if the employee reasonably believes the violation or misuse is also a violation of Chapter 102., section 2921.42, or section 2921.43 of the Revised Code, the employee may report it to the appropriate ethics commission.(B) Except as otherwise provided in division (C) of this section, no officer or employee in the classified or unclassified civil service shall take any disciplinary action against an employee in the classified or unclassified civil service for making any report or filing a complaint as authorized by division (A) of this section, including, without limitation, doing any of the following:(1) Removing or suspending the employee from employment;(2) Withholding from the employee salary increases or employee benefits to which the employee is otherwise entitled;(3) Transferring or reassigning the employee;(4) Denying the employee promotion that otherwise would have been received; (5) Reducing the employee in pay or position.
(C) An employee in the classified or unclassified civil service shall make a reasonable effort to determine the accuracy of any information reported under division (A) of this section. The employee is subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or removal, as determined by the employee’s appointing authority, for purposely, knowingly, or recklessly reporting false information under division (A) of this section.
(D) If an appointing authority takes any disciplinary or retaliatory action against a classified or unclassified employee as a result of the employee’s having filed a report or complaint under division (A) of this section, the employee’s sole and exclusive remedy, notwithstanding any other provision of law, is to file an appeal with the state personnel board of review within thirty days after receiving actual notice of the appointing authority’s action. If the employee files such an appeal, the board shall immediately notify the employee’s appointing authority and shall hear the appeal. The board may affirm or disaffirm the action of the appointing authority or may issue any other order as is appropriate. The order of the board is appealable in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(E) As used in this section: (1) “Purposely,” “knowingly,” and “recklessly” have the same meanings as in section 2901.22 of the Revised Code. (2) “Appropriate ethics commission” has the same meaning as in section 102.01 of the Revised Code. (3) “Inspector general” means the inspector general appointed under section 121.48 of the Revised Code.
Cleveland court employees are interacting with a majority of 13 judges who have decided to operate outside the law to protect their health and the health of their loved ones instead of resigning to allow judges without their health issues discharge duties found in laws not in hysterical minds. The very limited powers of the “presiding judge” are found in Section 1901.15 of the Ohio Revised Code.
“In addition to the exercise of all the powers of a municipal judge, the presiding municipal judge has the general supervision of the business of the court and may classify and distribute among the judges the business pending in the court. He shall determine the amount and approve the surety and the terms of all official bonds.The presiding municipal judge may appoint a qualified substitute to serve during the disability of an incumbent of any appointive office created by sections1901.31 to 1901.33 of the Revised Code, who is temporarily absent or incapacitated from acting as such. Any temporary appointee may be dismissed or discharged by the presiding municipal judge.“
So if she appoints a temporary “judge” to handle an absent judge’s duties, Early has the authority as the presiding judge to dismiss or discharge them. Outside this law there appears to be none giving her or Sheehan order authority to mass dismiss or discharge classified and unclassified civil service workers whose doctors have not prescribed them to take the injections they’ve ordered.

I’m a former mayor. I was appointed to work as Mayor Emmanuel Onunwor’s chief of staff during Una Keenon’s term as judge in East Cleveland. The late Judge Larry Jones led the Cleveland Municipal Court when I was appointed by Mayor Michael White to join his administration as a special assistant. At the time I was the highest paid part-time employee. I remember Larry threatening finance director Ron Brooks with jail over the court’s budget. I appointed Brooks to serve as my finance director as East Cleveland’s mayor. I also have never failed to perform above expectations in every job I’ve held.
Attorney Sandra Walker and I operated within federal, state and local laws when she served as East Cleveland’s municipal court judge. We adopted a “partnership consciousness” so we met, often, to discuss the business of East Cleveland that affected both our “offices.” As she had worked as a registered nurse, and I had worked in hospital administration for University Hospitals and two commanders in the United States Air Force, we dealt with the “swine flu” covid in 2009 by ordering sick employees to stay home and restricting spreaders from entering public buildings. No one was mandated to take a fucking flu shot under the threat of termination. We didn’t even think about shutting down the city. This is the most FOREIGN INSPIRED, hysteria-driven, lunatic fucking shit I’ve learned of … ever!
According to sources, the judges are worried about their sick parents. Early’s mother is in a nursing home when she visits. Americans caring for their parents are doing so in their homes.

Whatever rights are available to court workers they should use them. The judges who are voting to kill their jobs if they don’t obey Jim Jones “drink the koolaid” orders to be injected should be shown no loyalty nor political consideration now and in the future. Baby killing Democrats say “women have a right to choose the death date of their unborn children” but adults can’t say no to a forced injection. Early and her cohorts aren’t thinking like Americans right now. The pandemic is over. Joseph Robinette Biden has dementia.
Classified and unclassified government workers have stronger rights in the civil service laws than they could ever be given in the unions. It was shared with me that the judges and Turner have placed workers in “classified” jobs without competitive examinations and a civil service list. That’s a serious criminal offense. The individuals holding them still have the rights of a classified worker … regardless. The appointing judges and Turner, not the employees, hired outside the civil service requirements of law. They are the moving or appointing parties whether their “color of law” acts are lawful or not.
The state Civil Service Commission has been warning Cleveland officials to obey the civil service laws for years. With their reckless disregard for state laws these judicial scoundrels act like they’re trying to high pressure workers out of a job before they learn their rights to save their own asses from criminal prosecution.