CLEVELAND, OH – There’s little Americans like about United States Senator Bernard Gitman aka Sanders. They’ve told him “hell to the fuck no” twice in national elections as he’s sought to lead our nation as president. Sanders’ Russian family name is Gitman that came from his illegal alien father, Eliasz Gitman, lying his way into our nation. His first real paycheck and job came once he got elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont.
Voters in the 11th Congressional District just told the world they don’t even want the candidates he supports no matter how much money they have or celebrity backers. Sanders is too Communist Russian for Americans raised in a nation where the Communist Party is outlawed; and Russia has been an enemy and a wary ally depending on the war. The Sister City relationship with Yaroslavl he set up as Burlington’s mayor was not approved by the United States Department of State. That’s especially since Russian mayors in the Soviet Union were appointed by Boris Yeltsin and Mikhail Gorbachev when Sanders was delivering them our national defense secrets.

When United States Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia Louise Fudge announced her plans to join President Joseph Robinette Biden’s administration it was to no one’s surprise, locally, when Nina Turner decided to seek the seat. The 11th Congressional District was tailor-made for the local political base she’d carved out serving the city’s largest voting ward on council [Ward 1] and in the Ohio Senate.
We’d talked in 2010 about her challenging Fudge who’d replaced U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones in 2008 after she died at Huron Hospital in East Cleveland during my time as the city’s mayor. It was my vote for Turner to remain in the Ohio Senate and complete her term before moving to another office. She’d only been on Cleveland city council for two years when the Senate seat opened up with attorney Lance Mason’s appointment to a Cuyahoga County judgeship. Since she hadn’t completed a full 4-year term on council it didn’t make sense for her not to complete a 4-year as a state senator. She listened.
Turner’s 2014 campaign for Ohio Secretary of State gave her a city-wide, and an 11th Congressional District-wide, base as a state candidate. It came in between her “talking head on national television” roles promoting Barack Obama and Sanders for the presidency over the span of three national elections. I had suggested to Nina she should have challenged ex-Cuyahoga County Executive Ed Fitzgerald for governor if she was going to seek a statewide office.
With all she’d done politically, Turner brought more “juice” to an Ohio congressional campaign than any candidate in the state’s history when she announced, first, her intent to replace Fudge. Defeating Cuyahoga County Councilwoman Shontel Brown should have been easy.

At the beginning of her campaign from the outside looking in Turner correctly focused on building her war chest and not her message. A simple one page website simply asked for donations. The money she quickly raised wasn’t just impressive. It was astounding.
Boom. $1.5 million. Then $6.2 million. Those of us watching from the outside locally were saying “got damn!” With the right messaging Turner’s competitors shouldn’t have had a chance.
The biggest campaign mistake was in her team making public news out of an internal poll that claimed Nina’s support was at 50 percent; and that she had twice more support than Brown. That’s the news Brown’s panicked team was reacting to when she brought in the pro-Israel Russian Jewish dark money to darken the campaign.
There were numerous local issues where Congressional help was needed that Turner had at her disposal to connect with Clevelanders and Akron residents to discuss as a candidate; and to show her superiority over her opponents. Since she had branded herself as an anti-Democratic Party “establishment” Democrat, Turner would have justified her brand by identifying how establishment Democrats like Brown weren’t taking care of the people.
Both cities and others in the 11th Congressional District are wrestling with unconstitutional arrests, prosecutions and convictions coming from police, judges and prosecutors who need a federal prosecutor willing to enforce the 1994 Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Control Act against them. The unlawful warrantless pursuits and cops making arrests with expired Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy credentials would have been a tailor-made topic for Turner as chairwoman of former Governor John Kasich’s police reform commission.

Brown on council had voted to install automatic license plate readers that private data mining companies are using to acquire privacy protected information; and that actually violate federal laws that authorize cops to access the National Crime Information Center databases for very limited reasons.
Turner had pushed voters in 2009 and 2010 to change the form of government from one overseen by three commissioners to one overseen by a county executive. The deaths in the Cuyahoga County jail fell in Brown’s legislative lap with the other members of the council that still demand a federal, criminal investigation. The county’s bond rating had dropped, significantly, under Fitzgerald.
There wasn’t much Turner could say negative about Fitzgerald as the head of the Democratic Party ticket she had joined in 2014 as a candidate for Secretary of State. Cuyahoga County was not being reformed. It was being marauded; but Turner’s personal political interests had kept her silent about it. It’s why her attacks on the county council fell flat. No one but her was publicly calling Brown corrupt.
Had she not been so close to Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and an unlawful process she participated in on council, Turner had the city’s chronic misappropriation of federal “block grant” funds away from the poor for whom the dollars were intended to eradicate slum and blight. HUD cut the city’s block grant fundings from $30 million in 2000 to $21.5 million over the remaining years because it’s unlawful for council members to split it 17 ways.
Turner could have raised the issue about environmental terrorism with the construction and demolition debris dump state and local officials allowed to exist for nearly three years behind homes on Noble Road. She had the choice of ripping local officials for waiting too long to act; and for not knowing the federal environmental laws they violated by agreeing to and then doing nothing about its existence once the violations were discovered.

It was the 2016 Republican National Committee’s convention in Cleveland that brought the nation’s attention to the Foreign Agents Registration Act, the Logan Act and Espionage Act. Greater Cleveland and Ohio are overrun with violators. Had Turner’s messaging included the real federal topics on everyone’s minds she’d have told Sanders to stay in the background. Cleveland is the birthplace of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
Despite President Harry Truman’s administration in 1948 instructing a Russian Canadian alien living in Cleveland by the name of Isaiah Kenen to register the agent of the Israeli government with the United States Department of Justice, the immigration law violator ignored the instructions. AIPAC still isn’t registered. A college history professor armed with the history of the community she represented, and Turner’s global profile, could have done a lot of teaching. U.S. Rep. Louis Stokes told the audience the day I gave him a key to the city that he and his brother, Carl, felt it was a duty to teach their 21st Congressional District constituents.
From the outside Turner’s campaign war chest appears to have “really” filled once she went live with her messaging and she started sounding like Sanders. $15 minimum wage. Medicare for all. Cancel all college debt even if it’s for the online degrees illegal aliens are obtaining from places like Phoenix University. Americans get federal PELL grants for college and some states give “citizens” free educations. Aliens in the nation illegally need the online universities and now that they’re educated they want the rest of us to cover the cost of their debt.
And then there’s all that persons of color, marginalized communities stuff Progressives have become adept at spewing like “them two Marxist broads” from Black Lives Matter. It’s the “new” Democratic Party whose candidates speak Spanish during debates, don’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance and have nothing to do with God.

The problem with Turner sounding like Sanders is that his political messaging hadn’t worked for him. Biden and Hillary Clinton, not Sanders, won Northeast Ohio; and the current president and vice president’s Northeast Ohio victory had nothing to do with their messaging. Biden and Kamala Harris won because they were not Donald Trump in an “anybody but Trump” political climate during last year’s national elections.
In her campaign for president of the United States of America Asian Indian alien Harris received 1.9 percent of the vote. Fudge should have been Biden’s running mate. Americans didn’t want Harris and we still don’t.
Turner had also disconnected from many local political friends in her role as chairman of Sander’s Our Revolution in Washington, D.C. She simply hadn’t stayed in touch and political loyalties had changed. More than one local elected official – including some who’d serve on city council with her – had shared with EJBNEWS during the campaign how they weren’t falling for the “I lost your number” call for support from Nina or Jeff.
As someone who’s personally known every 21st or 11th Congressional District Congress member since Louis Stokes, Nina literally became the first 11th Congressional candidate whose campaign staff and volunteers appear to have been out-of-towners no one in Cleveland knew. Calls from them became insulting as her team tried to sell the national image they’d packaged around Turner to people who knew her.
The endorsements of celebrities associated with the fringes of Democratic Party politics were also insulting. No one in the 11th Congressional District gave two shits about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s plea for “Squad” help.
Danny Glover? Cornell West? Bakari Sellars? A “Black Zionist?” Not the right fit for Cleveland or Akron. Most of Cleveland missed Nina Turner playing Nina Turner on “Black Lightning.” Not all areas are wired for internet services poor Clevelanders can’t afford to even buy a Netflix subscription.

South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn may think his endorsement helped Brown. Clevelanders not accustomed to a bunch of no-name out-of-towners and open foreign interests being involved in our campaigns were just pissed off. Brown selling out to the area’s Soviet origined Jews and Israel has left a real sour taste in the mouths of people who’ll be voting in larger numbers during next year’s elections when she seeks to be re-elected. Not all money is good money.
A lot of American Negroes living in Cleveland didn’t like Brown being used by Russian, Polish and Ukrainian Jews to attack Turner. Think of the house fight scene in Django starring Jamie Foxx, Leonado DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson and Kerry Washington. Two enslaved Negro men are fighting for DiCaprio’s entertainment. One vanquishes the other. DiCaprio tosses him a hammer to kill the Brother. The image of two “Sisters” trying to kill each other for the “Django-style” entertainment of Cleveland’s Jewish community for Israel was offensive.
The Russian, Polish and Ukrainian Jewish community got out their people and gave Brown a 4000 absentee vote lead from the beginning of the race in cities like Cleveland Heights, University Heights, Beachwood, Orange, Woodmere and Solon. According to Jeff Turner, Nina’s husband, their voting percentages were as high as 32 percent compared to 16 percent in more American Negro populated areas.
Nina Turner forgot – from being so consumed with national politics – that all politics is local. She also forgot the lesson from Carl Stokes that there are no permanent friends nor permanent enemies only permanent interests in politics. Nina didn’t realize Clevelanders she’d disassociated with had been working on the “permanent interests” of the city while she was away working on the “permanent interests” of Sanders and his Progressive Party. Old wounds had healed. Past relationships reformed. New relationships were formed. The politics of Cleveland she’d left for the politics of Washington had changed.
If Turner adopts the perspective that her campaign loss against Brown was Round #1 the 11th Congressional District seat is well within her reach. Brown’s victory was thin and she sustained some fairly long lasting damage with her vote on contracts for a loved one and the ethics investigation. The “supporters” who see Brown as usably weak don’t see her as being able to maintain the seat in the short or long term as she faces the “Independent” voters in November’s general election.
Brown’s got to compete with Republican Laverne Jones-Gore who beat her opponent in that party’s primary two-to-one. American Negro Republicans have been winning nationally. Pro-Israel and labor union-loving Democrats like Brown look more like the “Uncle Tom’s” they’ve been portraying American Negro Republicans as to voters.

Brown’s pandering to the Israeli lobby leaves 11th District Congressional District voters who didn’t vote for her feeling sold out. If Republicans get serious about Laverne, and she adopts a Trumpish-type stance on bringing US jobs from overseas back to northeast Ohio, immigration and not sending another supporter to back Dementia Joe’s economy-killing agenda, she’d do better at Turner than challenging Brown. The Democratic Party’s nominee is just not sustainably appealing to 11th Congressional District voters who will learn more about Brown through her politics over the next year if she prevails in November against Jones-Gore. There’s no telling how she’ll fare in the ethics investigation. There’s no telling how her payback of the debt she owes Israel’s unregistered agents is going to go down in the 11th Congressional District once she delivers.
Turner’s best bet for a future in politics is to stay Cleveland and leave Sanders and his “Progressive” bullshit alone. Unless her parents are immigrants Turner’s roots as an American Negro are to the blood, sweat, tears, sacrifice and achievements our enslaved ancestors contributed to building “our” nation over 400 years.
Progressive politics built on loving labor unions Eastern European and Russian aliens like Samuel Gompers organized after the Civil War to steal jobs from the existing Americans who’d fought to eliminate forced labor doesn’t sound right coming out of the mouths of “loyal” American Negro politicians. They’re giving legislative aid to the enemy of American Negro and American worker rights by trying to force discriminatory organized labor down our throats.
The right way to challenge the Democratic Party’s “establishment” is to support legislation like the repeal of the Davis Bacon Act enacted in 1930. It’s especially important that it be repealed now that there’s some momentum on Biden’s trillion dollar infrastructure spending request before Congress.
The Davis Bacon Act is a federal law enacted with the specific intent of stopping southern American Negro men who controlled 85 percent of jobs in the construction trades from relocating up north to compete with Eastern European aliens who’d organized themselves into “always striking for more money” unions. $1 trillion in federal construction funds should not be a set-aside for Caucasian male and immigrant-dominated and discriminatory labor unions because of the Davis Bacon Act. All immigrant labor unions exist in New York with no natural born Americans as members or in leadership.

Turner started work on police reform in Ohio. She can return to finish the job. Progress has been made in her absence based on new research coming from local activists like Mariah Crenshaw. East Cleveland Council Vice President Juanita Gowdy convinced a majority of her colleagues to vote for the Tamia Chapman Act. The new local ordinance compiles federal and state police accountability laws in one location; and gives residents a tool that requires the city’s judge and prosecutors to file criminal charges against them for violations. Abdul Kareem Nafi’s four years of prodding Cleveland city council members to open meetings to the public has paid off. It’s meetings will be open for public comment during the next four years.
Turner’s amplified voice armed with the right facts could result in serious structural changes in the way government, locally and nationally, responds to the constitutionally guaranteed needs of “the people.” There are “permanent interest” truths being learned in Cleveland that can benefit the nation.
There are other topical issues that would resonate with 11th Congressional District and northeast Ohio voters, but Turner’s not going to know them if her perspective is limited to that of her Bolshevik mentor. She can’t represent Cleveland from Washington. She’s got to come back home, reconnect, re-sensitize and stick with her next assignment. If she’s going to represent the voters of the 11th Congressional District she’s got to spend the next year getting to know what we want.

No other candidate in the campaign to replace Fudge would have made the 11th Congressional District globally important. The world watched Nina. Every body else in the campaign was a bit player. She was the star who elevated Cleveland; and who made stars of our vote whether it favored her or not. The world knows Cleveland better through Nina. They’ll be watching Nina, Cleveland and the 11th Congressional District, again, next year.
Instead of “Run Nina Run.” My advice is for her to “Stay Nina Stay.” Stay and work. Stay and inspire. Stay and learn. Stay and share. Ain’t nobody in Cleveland mad at Nina Turner. Most of us despite our votes are quietly proud. She didn’t lose to Brown. She was simply taught a lesson about taking relationships for granted.
Leave the Bolshevik. Stay at home. Bring all you’ve learned and acquired … home.